Pronunciation Guide

The following are the most commonly heard sounds of Umonhon and their orthographic (written) representation.

LetterUmonhon exampleEnglish example
ask (white)father
bbiamá (they say)boy
chchéshka (short)church
chʰíⁿchʰoⁿ (right now)church
ddúba (four)dog
esh (apple)weight, Las Vegas
ɛhɛ (louse)bet
ɛⁿhithɛⁿkithe (hurry)hen
ggoⁿ (like that)girl
hhuhú (fish)high
in (water)radio
inwíⁿ (one)mean (with a soft n)
jjúba (a little bit)judge
kké (turtle)skate
aí (I return home)key
mmí (sun)man
nnú (man)no
onóⁿba (day)yawn (with a soft n)
ppá (nose)spit
óⁿ oⁿ (elk)pot
ssábe (black)sun
shshé (apple)ship
tté (bison)stop
a í (I'm here)top
ththáwa (to count)that
ut (blue)blue
wwaʔú (woman)wing
xxubé (holy)Bach (voiceless, raspy)
gh, ğğáge (cry, weep)Bach (voiced, soft)
zzí (yellow)zoo
zhzhíⁿga (small)beige
ʔtʔé (dead)uh-oh (glottal stop)

Marking stress on the correct syllable is very important in Umónhon. Moving the accent mark can change the meaning of the word. For example: bthítube — "I pinch," becomes bthitúbe — "I chop," while wáthathe — "table," becomes watháthe — "food."