Legend of Ukiabi

Goñ´ ni´kashiñ´ga aka´ xubai´ te, wathi´pi-noñ a´tai te, Uki´abi aka´. Goñ´ki
And / person / the (sub.) / was mysterious, / doing things skillfully / exceeded / the (past act), / Ukiabi / the (sub.). / And then /

izhiñ´ge aka´ du´bai te, wiñ´ aka´ noñ´i te, tha´bthiñ zhiñgai´ te. Hau. Goñ´ki noñ´
his son / the (sub.) / were four, / one / the (sub.) / was grown, / three / were small. / (Paragraph.) / And then / grown /

aka´ xube´ e´gigoñ´xtioñ´i te. Hau. Goñ´ki shoñ´xti itha´di thiñke´ t'e´githe goñ´thai te.
the (sub.) / mysterious / was just like his (father). / (Paragraph.) / And then / strange to say, / his father / the one who / to kill him, his own, / wished.

Hau. Goñ´ moñ´shiata iñ´be-zi´ga-ma wiñ´ moñ´xe ibi´soñde´xti gawiñ´xe
(Paragraph.) / And / up in the air / yellow-tailed hawks / one / upper world / pressing close against / flying in a circle /

moñthiñ´ ga´xai te ha, izhiñ´ge aka´. Wazhiñ´ga zhu´kithe ama´. Goñ´ki itha´di aka´
walking / made / . / his son / the (sub.). / Bird / he changed himself into, they say. / And then / his father / the (sub.) /

oñb i´zhoñi te ha. Itha´di aka´ zhoñ´-bi ki, e´githe uthi´xide the´thai te. E´githe i´githai te,
day / lay down by / . / His father / the (sub.) / lay down, they say, / when, / at length / he looked all around suddenly. / At length / he found him, his own, /

i´gipahoñ´xti the´thai te, t'e´wathe goñ´thai te i´kipahoñ´ zhoñ´i te itha´di aka´. Wa'u´zhiñga
he recognized his own (son) suddenly, / to kill / wished / the / knowing it about himself / reclined / his father / the (sub.). / Old woman /

thiñke´ ugi´kiai te. "Wa´'uzhiñ´ga, Ti´-githashi´zhe aka´ pi´azhi cha´be ga´xai,"
the st. one / he spoke to her, his own. / Old woman, / Lodge shivers for another by biting / the (sub.) / bad / very / did, /

e´githoñ´-biama´. Hau. "Athu´ha he," a´-biama´. "Eda´doñ pi´azhi ga´xe te´iñte,"
said to her, they say. / (Paragraph.) / Again / . (fem.) / said, they say. / What / bad / he do / should? /

a´-biama´ ihoñ´ aka´. "Oñ´kazhi, wa´'uzhiñ´ga, t'eoñ´the goñ´thai," a´-biama´.
said, they say / his mother / the (sub.). / Not so, / old woman, / to kill me / wishes, / said, they say. /

Hau. Goñ´ ti´hukoñ i´he athai´ te, gthedoñ´ ga´xe, itha´di aka´. Ie´naxi´thai
(Paragraph.) / And / smoke-hole / passing that way / he went, / hawk / made, / his father / the (sub.). / He dashed on him /

izhiñ´ge thiñ. Mazhoñ´ oñ´ba ku´wiñxe thixe´ athiñ´ te. Ti´ thoñ´di thixe´ agi´i te. Ti´
his son / the (mv. ob.). / Land / day / turning in his course / pursuing / had him. / Tent / to the place / pursuing / was returning. / Tent /

thoñ´di e´giha kigthe´ ama´. Hiñxpe´ ga´xe zhoñ´ ke´ ama´. Shi i´gipahoñ´xti itha´di
to the / down from above / had gone thither, they say. / Plume / made / was lying, they say. / Again / he fully recognized his own / his father /

ama´. Athiñ´ atha´-bi egoñ´, athiñ´ atha´-bi egoñ´, ni moñ´te ithe´ ama´. Shi
the (mv. sub.). / Having taken him along, they say, / having taken him along, they say, / water / beneath / was going thither, they say. / Again /

huhu´ ga´xe ama´. Shi i´bahoñ´-biama´ itha´di aka´.
fish / made / they say. / Again / recognized him, they say / his father / the (sub.). /

Hau. Shi athiñ´ atha´-bi egoñ´, athiñ´ atha´-bi egoñ´, athiñ´ atha´-bi egoñ´,
(Paragraph.) / Again / having taken him along, they say, / having taken him along, they say, / having taken him along, they say, /

wakoñ´dagi wiñ´ ni u´zhoñ ke´ ama´. Wakoñ´dagi ke upe´ the´-goñ thie´xthu'a
water monster / one / water / was lying in it, they say. / Water monster / the (lg. ob.) / entering / went, and / inside the animal /

ke´moñ´te zhoñ´ ama´. Shi itha´di aka´ shi e´goñ moñta´ta a´ia´thai te. Shi a´kusoñ´de
the (lg. ob.) / within / was lying, they say. / Again / his father / the (sub.) / again / so / within / had gone. / Again / out at the other end /

e´thoñbe ahi´-biama´.
emerging / had reached there, they say. /

Hau. Shi athiñ´ agtha´-bi egoñ´, shi ti´ te e´giha kigthe´ ama´. He´ ga´xe
(Paragraph.) / Again / having taken him along on the way back, they say, / again / tent / the (std. ob.) / down from above / had gone, they say. / Louse / made /

ama´ ki, shi itha´di ama´ i´gipahoñ´-biama´. Shoñ eda´doñ wani´ta shu´ ga´xe
they say / when, / again / his father / the (mv. sub.) / recognized him, their own, they say. / In fact / what / quadruped / prairie chicken / made /

shtewoñ´, itha´di aka´ e´goñ ga´xe ama´. Hau. Moñchu´ ga´xe ki, shi itha´di aka´ e´goñ
even, / his father / the (sub.) / so / made / they say. / (Paragraph.) / Grizzly bear / made / when, / again / his father / the (sub.) / so /

ga´xe ama´. Iñgthoñ´ga ga´xe ki, shi itha´di aka´ e´goñ ga´xe ama´. Miñ´xa soñ´
made / they say. / Wild cat / made / when, / again / his father / the (sub.) / so / made / they say. / Swan /

toñ´ga ska´-xti-ma wiñ´ e´goñ ga´xe ki, shi itha´di aka´ e´goñ ga´xe ama´. Shi
those very white ones / one / so / made / when, / again / his father / the (sub.) / so / made / they say. / Again /

gthedoñ´ ga´xe ki´shte, e´githe i´washkoñ´ te zani´ she´nathe te, uzhe´tha te Uki´abi izhiñ´ge.
hawk / made / when, / at length / strength (&or power) / the / all / he had expended, / he became weary / Ukiabi / his son. /

Hau. Moñ´xe the´ke baxa´pi ithe´ goñ´tha te, thetoñ´ ai´zhoñ te (moñ´xe ke
(Paragraph.) / Upper world / this (lg. ob.) / to force his way through by pushing / wished / when, / this far / he came and reclined / when / upper world / the (lg. ob.) /

baxa´pi ai´zhoñ te, niñ´de gatoñ´ tha´zhi ama´), siñde´hi thoñ a´toñi te itha´di aka´.
he pierced it / came and reclined / when, / hams / that far / did not go / they say, / &os &sacrum / the part / trod on it / his father / the (sub.). /

Goñ e´ t'e´thai te. Hoñ´ i´thua´gthe athiñ´ e´goñ oñ´ba ke e´kitoñha´xti t'e´thai te.
And / that / killed him. / Night / throughout / having had him / day / the / just half in sight / killed him. /

Hoñ´egoñche´xchi xagai´ te ti´i te´di. "Uki´abi izhiñ´ge shoñ´xti goñ t'e´ ama´,"
Early in the morning / they cried / tents / at the. / Ukiabi / his son / strange to say / is dead, they say, /

ai´ te. Goñ´ki doñ´be e´di ahi´-biama´. E´githe t'e ke´ ama´. E´githe moñ´atha´xti
they said. / And then / to see him / there / arrived, they say. / Behold / dead / lay / they say. / Behold / very flat on his back /

zhoñ ke´ ama´, Uki´abi iniñ´ge ke, t'e ke´ ama´. Wase´zhide ni´ka itha´di aka´
was lying, they say, / Ukiabi / his son / the (lg. ob.), / dead / lay / they say. / Indian red paint / his father / the (sub.) /

thiza´-bi egoñ´, zhu´ga zhi´zhidekitha´-biama´, xaga´-bazhi´xti gthiñ´ aka´ma. Pe´xe wiñ
having taken, they say, / body / he reddened for him in spots, they say, / not crying at all / was st., they say. / Gourd / one /

gasa´thu goñ´ waoñ´ gthiñ´ aka´ma. E´githe waoñ´ te thashtoñ´-bi egoñ´, xaga´-biama´.
rattled by shaking / so / singing / was st., they say. / At length / song / the / having stopped singing, they say, / he cried, they say. /

Ni´kashiñ´ga xage´ tithe´the ama´ ki, bthu´ga xaga´-biama´ toñ´woñ thoñ´di, xage´
People / were taking up the crying in succession, they say / when, / all / cried, they say / village / at the, / crying /

ui´koñ-biama´. Ni´kashiñ´ga ama´ Poñ´ka ama´ Uki´abi iñsh'a´ge izhiñ´ge t'e´githai
they helped him, they say. / People / the (pl. sub.) / Ponka / the (pl. sub.) / Ukiabi / old man / hks son / killed his own /

ui´koñ-biama´. Ni´kashiñ´ga ama´ Poñ´ka ama´ Uki´abi iñsh'a´ge izhiñ´ge t'e´githai
they helped him, they say. / People / the (pl. sub.) / Ponka / the (pl. sub.) / Ukiabi / old man / his son / killed his own /

te noñ´de pi´azhi e-noñ´ a´ta e´skoñi.
the (act) / heart / bad / only that / extreme / they assumed it. /