The buffalo and the grizzly bear -- an Omaha myth

E´githe Moñchu´ ama´ athe´ ama´ma, wati´shka e´iñte uha´-bi oñ´. Patha´ge wiñ
At length / Grizzly bear / the (mv. sub.) / was going, they say, / stream / perhaps / having followed its course, they say. / Headland / one /

nazhiñ´ te´ ama´ ki, uskoñ´skoñxti atha´-biama´. Patha´ge te e´thoñbe ahi´-bi ki,
it was standing, they say / when, / in a straight line (directly towards it) / went, they say. / Headland / the (std. ob.) / in sight / arrived, they say / when, /

e´githe Tenu´ga wiñ ki´gthe te nazhiñ´ aka´ma. Moñchu´ aka´ hi´de ni´stustu
behold / Buffalo bull / one / underneath / the (std. ob.) / was std., they say. / Grizzly bear / the (sub.) / base / backing step by step /

agi´-bi egoñ´, ni´ ke´ta atha´-bi oñ´, ni´ ke uha´ atha´-bi oñ´, uga´s'iñ ahi´-bi
having come, they say, / stream / to the (lg. ob.) / having gone, they say, / stream / the (lg. ob.) / following / having gone, they say, / peeping / arrived, they say /

ki, te-di´xe toñ´ ama´ xtha´xtioñ pamoñ´gthexti nazhiñ´ ama´ Tenu´ga toñ´ uki´gthi'age
when, / scabby buffalo / std. / they say / very lean / with bowed head / was std., they say / Buffalo bull / the (std.) / indisposed to move /

goñ´. Moñchu´ ama´ gtha´da-bi oñ´, ku'e´ atha´-bi oñ´, Tenu´ga nazhi´ha thoñ uthoñ´
as. / Grizzly bear / the (mv. sub.) / crept up on him, they say / having, / with a rush / went, they say / having, / Buffalo bull / hair of the head / the part / grasped /

ithoñ´-bi oñ´, thipa´za-biama´. Thiku´wiñxe athiñ´-bi oñ´, thizhoñ´zhoñ, "I´a-ga ha´!
suddenly, they say / having, / pulled him by the hair, they say. / Pulling him around / had him, they say / having, / shook him often, / Speak / ! /

I´a-ga ha´! Ga´thuxti moñbthiñ´ a´thiñhe´ ki oñthoñ´thakizha´zhe ama´. Ke´, na, i´a-ga!"
Speak / ! / That unseen place / I walk / I who move / when / you threatened to attack me / they say. / Come, / now, / speak! /

(a´-biama´). Noñbe´ btha´ska shti i´tiñ-noñ´-bi oñ´, pashi´zhe te. "Tena´! ea´toñ
(said, they say). / Paw / flat / too / hit him with it often / having, / tip of nose / the (ob.) / Fie! / why /

i´wikizha´zhe ta, goñ´xti moñniñ´ tha´thiñshe´," a´-biama´ Tenu´ga aka´. "Oñ´kazhi ha!
I threaten to attack you / should, / just in the manner (you mention?) / you walk / you who move, / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the (sub.). / Not so / . /

oñthoñ´thakizha´zhe ama´," a´-biama´ Moñchu´ aka´. Nazhiñ´ha thoñ´ thishtoñ´-bi oñ´, uthi´shoñ
you threatened to attack me / they say, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). / Hair of the head / the part / let it go, they say, / having, / around him /

atha´-bi oñ´, siñ´de ke´ uthoñ´-bi oñ´, shi thiu´ubthiñ athiñ´-bi oñ´, thishtoñ´ ta´-bi ki´,
having gone, they say, / tail / the (lg. ob.) / having grasped, they say, / again / pulled him round and round / having had him, they say, / about to let him go, they say / when, /

shoñde´ thoñ noñbe´ btha´ska i´tiñ-biama´. Tenu´ga thiñ gabtha´bthazhe moñthiñ´ ama´.
&scrotum / the part / paw / flat / hit him there with it, they say. / Buffalo bull / the (mv. ob.) / legs wide apart / was walking / they say. /

"Uñ*huñhuñ*huñhuñ+! nia´zhixchioñ´ shka´xe a´hoñ," a´-biama´ Tenu´ga aka´. Moñchu´
Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! / not paining at all / you make / ! (in soliloquy), / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the (sub.). / Grizzly bear /

ama´ atha´-biama´, niñ´de ku´shti e´goñ. Tenu´ga aka´ gethe´goñ-biama´, "A´kitha´-ba
the (mv. sub.) / went, they say, / hams / (see note) / somewhat. / Buffalo bull / the (sub.) / thought as follows, they say, / Return the blows /

hau´! Thi´ shti e´goñxti e´goñ-noñ niñ thoñ´shti wazhiñ´ te," ethe´goñ ama´ ki, Moñchu´
! / You / too / just so / often like / you were / in the past / disposition / the / was thinking / they say / when, / Grizzly bear /

aka´ i´bahoñ´-biama´. "Wa! ede´shegoñ´ a," a´-biama´ Moñchu´ aka´. "Ede´ha-ma´zhi
the (sub.) / knew it, they say. / Why! / what do you say / ? / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). / I said nothing /

ha," e´ ama´ Tenu´ga. Shi xa´tha agi´-bi oñ´, shi Tenu´ga thiku´wiñxe´xti athiñ´-biama´.
. / was saying, they say / Buffalo bull. / Again / back to starting-point / having come, they say, / again / Buffalo bull / turned him around very fast / had him, they say. /

Shi he´ te uthoñ´-bi oñ´, pa´ thoñ shti thiu´ubthiñ´-noñ athiñ´-biama´ shi.
Again / horn / the (ob.) / having grasped, they say, / head / the part / too / pulled it round and round often / had him, they say / again. /

"Na! ga´zhoñ ehe´ ki´shti we´thazha thoñ´shti," a´-biama´ Moñchu´ aka´. Shi siñ´de ke
Fie! / you do that / I said / when / you denied it / formerly, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). / Again / tail / the (lg. ob.) /

uthoñ´-bi oñ´, shi pahoñ´ga gi´'oñi te´ e´goñ gi´'oñ-biama´. Noñbe´ btha´ska
having grasped it, they say, / again / before / did to him / the / so / did to him, they say. / Paw / flat /

i´tiñ-biama´. Shi gabtha´bthazhe moñthiñ´ ama´ Tenu´ga. "Uñ*huñhuñ*huñhuñ+
hit him with, they say. / Again / legs wide apart / was walking, they say / Buffalo bull. / Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! /

nia´zhixchioñ´ shka´xe a´hoñ," a´-biama´ Tenu´ga aka´. Shi atha´-biama´ Moñchu´ ama´.
not paining at all / you make / ! (in soliloquy), / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the (sub.). / Again / went, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). /

Shi Tenu´ga aka´ e´githe e´goñ gethe´goñ-biama´ shi: "Wa´hua´! A´kitha´-ga hau´!
Again / Buffalo bull / the (sub.) / at length / so / thought as follows, they say / again: / Really! Return the blows / ! /

Thi´ shti wazhiñ´ te e´goñ-xti e´goñ-noñ´ niñ thoñ´shti," ethe´goñ ama´. Shi Moñchu´ ama´
You / too / disposition / the (ob.) / just so / often like / you were / formerly, / was thinking, they say. / Again / Grizzly bear / the (mv. sub.) /

shi i´bahoñ´-biama´. "Wa! ede´shegoñ´ a," a´-biama´. "Ede´ha-ma´zhi ha," e´ ama´
again / knew it, they say. / Why! / what do you say / ? / said, they say. / I said nothing / . / was saying, they say /

Tenu´ga. "Ga´zhoñ ehe´ ki´shti we´thazha thoñ´shti," a´-biama´, xa´tha agi´-bi egoñ´.
Buffalo bull. / You do that / I said / when / you doubted it / formerly, / said, they say, / back to the starting-point / having come, they say. /

Thipa´ze uthoñ´ ithoñ´-bi oñ´, shi thiku´wiñxe´xti athiñ´-bi oñ´ shi noñbe´ btha´ska shti
Pulled his hair (on the head) / seized him / suddenly, they say / having, / again / turned him around very fast / having had him, they say / again / paw / flat / too /

i´tiñ-noñ´-biama´. Shi siñ´de ke uthoñ´-bi oñ´, shi noñbe´ btha´ska shti i´tiñ-biama´,
hit him with it often, they say. / Again / tail / the (lg. ob.) / having grasped it, they say, / again / paw / flat / too / hit him with it, they say, /

pahoñ´ga gi´'oñi te´ e´goñ gi´'oñ-biama´. "Uñ*huñhuñ*huñhuñp! nia´zhixchioñ´
before / did to him / the / so / did to him, they say. / Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! / not paining at all /

shka´xe a´hoñ," a´-biama´ Tenu´ga aka´. Shi atha´-biama´ Moñchu´ ama´. Shi ptenu´ga
you make / ! (in soliloquy), / said, they say / Buffalo bull / the (sub.). / Again / went, they say / Grizzly bear / the (mv. sub.). / Again / Buffalo bull /

ethe´goñ ama´, "Wa´hua´! A´kitha´-ga hau´! Thi´ shti wazhi´ñ* te e´goñxti e´goñ-noñ´ niñ
was thinking, they say, / Really! / Return the blows / ! / You / too / disposition / the / just so / often like / you were /

thoñ´shti," ethe´goñ ama´. Shi Moñchu´ ama´ shi i´bahoñ-biama´. "Wa! ede´shegoñ
formerly, / was thinking, they say. / Again / Grizzly bear / the (mv. sub.) / again / knew it, they say. / Why! / what do you say /

a," a´-biama´ (Moñchu´ aka´). "Ede´ha-ma´zhi ha," e´ ama´ Tenu´ga. "A´kitha´-ga
? / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). / I said nothing / . / was saying, they say / Buffalo bull. / Return the blows /

hau´! Thi´ shti wazhiñ´ te e´goñxti e´goñ-noñ´ niñ thoñ´shti, ehe´ ha," a´-biama´. "Oñhoñ´,"
! / You / too / disposition / the / just so / often like / you were / formerly, / I said / . / said, they say. / Yes, /

a´-biama´ Moñchu´ aka´. Tenu´ga ama´ ni´stustu´ atha´-biama´. Siñ´de ke thi´hoñ
said, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). / Buffalo bull / the (mv. sub.) / backing step by step / went, they say. / Tail / the (lg. ob.) / raised /

the´tha-biama´. "Na! oñ´hazhi-ga ha´, a´-biama´ Moñchu´ aka´. Tenu´ga ama´
suddenly in the air, they say. / Why! / do not flee / ! / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). / Buffalo bull / the (mv. sub.) /

kioñ´tha gthihe´tha-bi oñ´, uki´patoñtoñ´-biama´. Tenu´ga ama´ ni´stustu´ moñthiñ´-biama´,
having thrown himself down suddenly, they say, / turned himself back and forth, they say (&not rolling over and over in one direction). / Buffalo bull / the (mv. sub.) / backing step by step / walked, they say, /

moñ-noñ´'u. "Na! oñ´hazhi-ga, ehe´," a´-biama´ Moñchu´ aka´. Ki
pawing the ground. / Fie! / do not flee, / I say, / said, they say / Grizzly bear / the (sub.). / And /

Tenu´ga aka´ ie´naxi´tha tai e´goñ ni´stustu´ moñthiñ´i te. Ki Moñchu´ aka´
Buffalo bull the (sub.) / to attack him / in order to / backed step by step / walked / the (completed act). / And / Grizzly bear / the (sub.) /

ba´aza´-bi ethe´goñi te. Tenu´ga aka´ Moñchu´ eshoñ´xchi hi´ ki, zhude´ thahe´ga-bazhi´-bi oñ´,
that he was scared / he thought / the (completed act). / Buffalo bull / the (sub.) / Grizzly bear / near to him / arrived / when, / having puffed exceedingly (in breathing), they say, /

ku'e´ atha´-biama´. Moñchu´ moñshia´haxti oñth* ithe´tha-biama´. Gi´
with a rush / went, they say. / Grizzly bear / very high in the air / threw him / suddenly, they say. / Returning /

ki, shi itha´oñthe zha´ha-bi oñ´, shi moñshia´ha oñth* ithe´tha-biama´. Ki´hadi kihe´ ki,
when, / again / "on the fly" / having gored him, they say, / again / high in the air / threw him / suddenly, they say. / Downward / laid again / when, /

toñ´de a´basoñ´da-bi ki´, bashnoñ´-bi oñ´, Moñchu´ ama´ atha´-biama´ miñda´da,
ground / pushing against the animal on the ground, they say / when, / having failed to gore him, they say, / Grizzly bear / the (mv. sub.) / went, they say / crawling by degrees, /

bashnoñ´shnoñ athiñ´-biama´. Moña´ ke uchi´zhe ke e´giha a´ia´tha-bi oñ´, Moñchu´ ama´
thrusting at him often and missing him each time / had him, they say. / Cliff / the (lg. ob.) / thicket / the (lg. ob.) / into it / having gone, they say, / Grizzly bear / the (mv. sub.) /

iñte´de Tenu´ga ama´ uki´gthispe thi'a´-bi oñ´, a´kusoñ´de moña´ koñ´ha ke a´ia´tha-biama´.
but now / Buffalo bull / the (mv. sub.) / to hold himself back / having failed, they say, / beyond / cliff / bank / the (lg. ob.) / had gone, they say. /

Ga´thuxti ahi´-bi oñ´, siñ´de ke thixoñ´ te´goñ nazhiñ´-biama´ Tenu´ga aka´.
At that very unseen place / having reached, there, they say, / tail / the (lg. ob.) / raised and bent / stood, they say / Buffalo bull / the (sub.) /

Moñchu´ aka´ moña´ ke uga´s'iñ agthi´-bi oñ´, "Tenu´ga hau´! ika´geoñkithe´ tate´
Grizzly bear / the (sub.) / cliff / the (lg. ob.) / peeping / having come back, they say, / Buffalo bull / ho! / we shall be friends /

hau+! wazhiñ´ te ea´wakigoñ e´goñ," a´-biama´.
. (called to one at a distance) / disposition / the / we are alike / somewhat, / said, they say. /