How the rabbit killed a giant

Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ ama´ athe´ ama´ma e´githe. E´githe toñ´woñgthoñ wiñ e´di
Rabbit / the (mv. sub.) / was going, they say / at length. / At length / nation / one / there /

ahi´-biama´. "Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ i´kimoñ´thiñ ati´ huñ+!" e-noñ´-biama´ ni´ashiñga
arrived, they say. / Rabbit / as a visitor / has come / halloo! / said often, they say / people /

ama´. "Ebe´di ne´ a," a´-biama´ ni´ashiñga ama´, a´kipa´-bi egoñ´. "Na! goñ´
the (pl. sub.). / To whom / you go / ? / said, they say / people / the (pl. sub.) / having met him, they say. / Why! / just /

ebe´di shte´shte pi´ ta´ miñke," a´-biama´ (Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´). "Na! ti´ ama´
to whom / soever / I reach / will / I who / said, they say / Rabbit / the (sub.). / Why! / lodge / the (pl. sub.) /

watha´ta-ba´zhii ha´. Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´-noñ watha´te t'oñ´i ha. E´di ne´
do not eat / . / He for whom they shoot at the deer / the (sub.) only / food / he has / . / There / you go /

ete´ ki" (a´-biama´ ni´ashiñga ama´). Shoñ´ ti´ uhoñ´ge nazhiñ´ te´degoñ, e´di
ought / said, they say / people / the (pl. sub.). / Yet / lodge / end / stood / the, but (in the past), / there /

ahi´-biama´. "Kage´ha, watha´te shtewoñ´ wathiñ´gai ha," a´-biama´ ti´ upai´
arrived, they say. / Friend, / food / soever / we have none / . / said, they say / lodge / entered /

aka´. "Na! kage´ha, eda´doñ shte´shte shate´ ama´-noñ, thiñge´ ki," a´-biama´
the (sub.). / Why! / friend, / what / soever / they / are eating usually / there is none / when / said, they say /

Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´. E´githe Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ gi´ku-biama´ Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´.
Rabbit / the (sub.). / At length / Rabbit (ob.) / invited him to a feast, they say / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.). /

"Wuhu+! kage´ha, thi´kui ha. Wanoñ´xthiñ-ga ha´," a´-biama´ the´ ti´ upai´
Oho! / friend, / you are invited to a feast / . / Hasten / ! / said, they say / this / lodge / entered /

aka´. Ki toñ´woñgthoñ´ ama´ noñ´pe-xti-noñ ama´ma. Eda´doñ wani´ta t'e´thai
the (sub.). / And / nation / the (pl. sub.) / usually were fearing him greatly, they say. / What / quadruped / they killed /

shte´shtewoñ e´ bthu´ga athiñ´-noñ aka´ma. Ki e´di ahi´-biama Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´
soever / that / whole / he was usually keeping it, they say. / And / there / arrived, they say / Rabbit /

ama´ gi´kui te´di. E´thoñbe hi´ ki´zhi, "Ahau´! ge´thishoñ titha´-ga ha´," a´-biama´.
the (mv. sub.) / he was invited to a feast / at the. / In sight / arrived / when, / Oho! / on that side / pass along / ! / said, they say /

Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ ama´ u'oñ´si-xchi a´tia´tha-biama´. Gthiñ´-biama´. E´githe
Rabbit / the (mv. sub.) / leaping high / passed along, they say. / Sat they say. / At length /

u´'i-biama´. Watha´ta-bi egoñ´, kigtha´kegoñ gthiñ´-biama´. He´be utha´shta-bi egoñ´,
they gave food to him, they say. / Having eaten different things, they say, / ate very rapidly / sat, they say. / Part having reserved it instead of eating it, they say, /

uxpe´ te basnu´ the´tha-biama´. "Kage´ha, uxpe´ te du´ate," a´-biama´
bowl / the / pushed off / suddenly, they say. / Friend, / bowl / the / the one on this side / said, they say /

(Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´). Goñ´, "Kage´ha, shoñ´ pa´xe te," a´-biama´ (Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´
Rabbit / the (sub.). / And, / Friend, / enough / I do / will / said, they say / Rabbit /

aka´). Goñ´, "Oñhoñ´," a´-biama´ (Ta´xtigikida´bi aka´). Agtha´-bi egoñ´,
the (sub.). / And, / Yes, / said, they say / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.). / Having gone back, they say /

une´the koñ´ha ke wiña´xchioñ u'oñ´si-bi egoñ´, we´noñboñ´ tedi´hi waga´xthoñ
fire-place / border / the (lg. ob.) / once / having leaped, they say, / the second time / the, arrived there / servant /

Ta´xtigi´kida´bi eta´ thiñke´ moñ´ge a´thita´xti a´toñ-bi egoñ´, u'oñ´sixti a´kia´gtha-biama´.
Taqtigikidabi / his / the (st. ob.) / chest / straight across / having stepped on, they say, / with a great leap / had gone homeward they say. /

Utha´shta-bi thoñ´ ika´ge thiñke´ agtha´thiñ aki´-biama´. Ika´ge iga´xthoñ
What was not eaten / the part / his friend / the (st. ob.) / having his own / he reached there again, they say. / His friend / his wife /

e´thoñba gi´thexti thata´-biama´, watha´tazhi ame´goñ. E´githe hoñ´egoñ´che ki,
she too / very glad / ate it, they say, / as they had not been eating, they say. / At length / morning / when /

i´ekitha´-bi egoñ´, shkoñ´the wa´gazhi´-biama´. Shi goñ´ "Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´
crier proclaimed, they say, / having / dislodge the game / commanded them, they say. / Again / so / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.) /

t'e´kithe tai´ aka´," e-noñ´-biama´ ni´ashiñga ama´. A´bae ama´ atha´-biama´.
he is the one for whom they are about to kill (the game), / were saying often, they say / people / the (pl. sub.). / Hunter / the (pl. sub.) / went, they say. /

Xthabe´ shu´gaxti e´iñte shkoñ´tha-bi oñ´ gate´goñxti waki´da biama´. Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´
Tree / very thick / perhaps / dislodged the game, they say / having / just in that manner / they shot at them, they say. / Rabbit /

ama´ e´di ahi´ the´tha-biama´ gishkoñ´xti. E´githe Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´ ka´shixti e´di
the (mv. sub.) / there / started off in order to reach there soon, they say / very hastily. / Behold / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.) / very long ago / there /

ahi´-bi egoñ´, athe´ ama´ma. Shi we´dazhi waki´da-bi egoñ´, e´di e´goñxti
having arrived there, they say, / was going (elsewhere), they say, / immediately /

shi hi´ thethe´ goñ ki e´githe ka´shixti e´di ahi´-bi egoñ´, athe´ ama´ma shi,
again / started off in order to reach / and (?) / when / behold / very long ago / there / having arrived, they say, / was going (elsewhere) they say / again /

Ta´xtigi´kida´bi ama´. "A´maka´zhiwa´the a´hoñ," ethe´goñ-biama´ Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´.
Taqtigikidabi / the (mv. sub.). / Enough to make one lose patience / ! (in soliloquy), / thought, they say / Rabbit / the (sub.). /

Shi we´dazhi waki´da-bi egoñ´, shi e´di e´goñxti ahi´ the´tha-biama´. E´toñthiñ
Again / elsewhere / having shot at something, they say, / again / immediately / started off in order to reach there soon, they say. / He first /

ahi´-biama´ Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´. "Kage´ha, oñpa´de tai´ ha," a´-biama´
arrived there, they say / Rabbit / the (sub.). / Friend, / let us cut it up / . / said, they say /

Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´. Ki ni´kashiñ´ga the´aka´ ta´xti t'e´the aka´ uthi´'aga´-biama´.
Rabbit / the (sub.). / And / person / this one (sub.) / deer / he who killed it (sub.) / was unwilling, they say. /

"Na! kage´ha, Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´ ati´ te eteoñ´i ha," a´-biama´. "Na!
Why! / friend, / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.) / come / will / by and by / . / said, they say. / Why! /

kage´ha, wani´ta t'e´wathai´ ki, wapa´dai-de e´nahathoñ´thoñ wa'i´-noñi," a´-biama´
friend, / quadruped / they kill them / when / they cut them up when / in equal piles or shares / they usually give to them, / said, they say /

(Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´). Shoñ´-noñ uthi´'aga´-biama´ ni´ashiñ´ga aka´, Ta´xtigi´kida´bi
Rabbit / the (sub.). / Still (despite what was said) / he was unwilling, they say / person / the (sub.), / Taqtigikidabi /

noñ´pa-bi egoñ´. Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ ama´ ku'e´ atha´-bi egoñ´, sihi´ te uthoñ´ ithoñ´-biama´.
he feared to see him, they say / as. / Rabbit / the (mv. sub.) / with a rush / having gone, they say, / feet of the animal / the (ob.) / he seized suddenly, as he stood, they say /

Uma´sna-biama´. E´githe e´thoñbe ati´-biama´ Ta´xtigi´kida´bi ama´.
He slit the skin with a knife, they say. / At length / in sight / came, they say, Ta´qtigi´kida´bi / the (mv. sub.)

"Pi´azhi shka´xe! Shoñke´tha-ga," a´-biama´ (Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´). "Eda´doñ
Bad / you do / Let the (recl. ob.) alone, / said, they say / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.). / What /

pi´azhi pa´xe a," a´-biama´ (Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´). "Wani´ta t'e´wathai´-de
bad / I do / ? / said, they say / Rabbit / the (sub.). / Quadruped / when they kill them /

wapa´dai-de e´nahathoñ´thoñ ni´kashiñ´ga-ma wa'i´-noñi" (a´-biama´ Mashchiñ´gi-iñ´
when they cut them up / in equal piles or shares / the people (pl. ob.) / they usually give to them / said, they say / Rabbit /

aka´). "Shoñke´tha-ga, ehe´," a´-biama´ Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´. Shoñ´-noñ
the (sub.). / Let the (recl. ob.) alone, / I say, / said, they say / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.). / Still (despite what was said) /

Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´ uba´snoñ-biama "Da´doñ thiñ pi´xoñ thiñ a´hoñ," a´-biama´
Rabbit / the (sub.). / pushed (the knife) into the meat, they say / What / the (mv. ob.) / I blow it (a light ob.) / the (mv. ob.) / ? / said, they say /

(ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka). "Oñ´bixoñ´-ga! oñ´bixoñ´-ga!" a´-bi
Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.) / Blow me (as a light ob.) / blow me (as a light ob.) / having said, they say, / thither by degrees /

atha´-biama´. Bixoñ´-bi egoñ´, Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ the´ ama´ gaxa´doñxchi. Goñ´ki
went, they say. / Having blown him, they say, / Rabbit / was going, they say / with his fur standing out all over from his being blown at. / And then /

the´ ama´ Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´ ta´xti ke thiza´-bi egoñ´, iti´'oñhe the´tha-bi egoñ´,
was going, they say / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.) / deer / the (recl. ob.) / having taken it, they say, / put the lg. ob. in his belt, / suddenly, they say, / having /

atha´-biama´. Ta´xti a´na t'e´wathai´-ma bthu´ga iti´wazhi- noñ´ aki´-noñ-biama´.
went, they say. / Deer / how many / those which were killed (pl. ob.) / all / putting them the lg. objects in his belt / usually / he usually reached home, they say. /

Ni´kashiñ´ga sne´dea´xti-biama´. Shoñ´ ga´xe aki´-bi egoñ´, ta´xti a´na t'e´wathai´-ma
Person / very tall, they say. / Having quit / having reached, again, they say, / deer / how many / those which were killed (pl. ob.) /

bthu´gaxti Ta´xtigi´kida´bi aka´ iti´wazhi aki´-biama´. Hoñ´ ki, Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´
all / Taqtigikidabi / the (sub.) / putting them, the lg. objects in his belt / reached home, they say. / Night / when / Rabbit /

ama´ uga´shoñ ama´ shoñ pta´xtigi´kida´bi ti´ te uthi´shoñ goñ´ hoñ´ te nazhiñ´
the (mv. sub.) / was traveling, they say / until / Taqtigikidabi / lodge / the (std. ob.) / going around it / awhile / night / when / he was /

a´thoñka´. Wagthi´shka wiñ thiza´-bi egoñ´, e´githoñ´-biama´: "Wagthi´shka, ne´ te
std. / Insect / one / having taken it, they say, / said to it, they say: / O insect, / you go / will /

thoñ´zha, tashta´dexti te´di na´xta te ha" a´-biama´. E´githe hoñ´egoñ´che ki
though / the flank itself (+just on the flank) / in the / you bite him / will / . / said, they say. / At length / morning / when /

Ta´xtigi´kida´bi wake´ga, a´-biama´. Tashta´de thoñ´di tha'i´i'tha´ ama´. Ki thi'u´
Taqtigikidabi / sick, / said, they say. / Flank / in the / itched him, they say. / And / scratched with his fingers /

te shoñ´ thishtoñ´azhi´xti shoñ´shoñ goñ´ zhu´ thoñ uthi´'ude ama´ goñ´ t'e´ ama´. Ki
when / still / not ceasing at all / continually / at last (?) / flesh / the / scratched a hole in, they say / and / died / they say. / And /

ni´kashiñ´ga ama´ e´githoñ´-biama´: "Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ toñ´woñ gi´gthoñi-ga,"
people / the (pl. sub.) / said to (each other), they say: / Rabbit / village / make ye for him "erect a village for him. /

a´-biama´. Ki Mashchiñ´ge-iñ´ aka´ e´githoñ´-biama´: "Wi´ toñ´woñ gi´gthoñi
said, they say. / And / Rabbit / the (sub.) / said to (one?), they say: / I / village they place for one /

moñbthiñ´-ma´zhi," a´-biama´. "Wa'u´zhiñga waxpa´thiñxti agi´oñbtha utoñ´nadi, a´doñ
I walk I not / said, they say. / Old woman / very poor / I left her, my own / in a lonely place / therefore /

agthe´ ta´ miñke," a´-bi egoñ´, agtha´-biama´. Shetoñ´.
I start back / will / I who / having said, they say. / So far. /