How the rabbit was deprived of his fat

Wani´ta ama´ shiñ´ wa´xa-biama´ pahoñ´gadi. Wiñoñ´wa shiñ´ uthukoñpe
Quadruped / the (pl. sub.) / fat / were made, they say / at the first. / Which / fat / made him handsome /

i´bahoñ goñ´tha-biama´. Ki wani´ta-ma bthu´gaxti we´boñ-biama´. Ki uthe´wiñ
to know / he wished, they say. / And / the quadrupeds / all / he called to them, they say. / And / assembling /

e´di ahi´-biama´. Ki shiñ´ uthu´koñshniñ´de-ma pa´ thoñ u´thoñ-bi-de´ pa´hi kedi´toñ
there / they arrived there, they say. / And / fat / those who did not look handsome with it / head / the part / he held them, they say while / neck / from the (lg. ob.) /

wa´thiskeba´-bi-de´ washiñ´ ge we´nashai´-de, wa´thishtoñ the´the-noñ´-biama´. E´githe
he scraped them with his hand, they say while / fat / the scattered (in. ob.) / he took from them when, / letting them go / he was sending them regularly, they say. / At length /

Mashchiñ´ge e´di athiñ´ ahi´-biama´. "Wi´ebthiñ ta´ miñke ha. Wi´ shiñ´ oñthoñ´woñkoñ´pi
Rabbit / there / having him / he reached there, they say. / I am the one / I who will / . / I fat / it makes me handsome /

ta´ miñke ha," a´-biama´ Mashchiñ´ge aka´. "Hiñdake´! gi´-ga ha," a´-biama´.
I who will / . / said, they say / Rabbit / the (sub.). / Let us see! / come / ! / said, they say. /

Goñ shiñ´ ga´xa-biama´. "Thi´ doñ´xti uthu´thikoñshniñ´de shiñ´ te," (a´-biama´). Goñ
And / fat / he made him, they say. / You / beyond measure / it makes you ugly / fat / the, / (said, they say). / And /

pa´ thoñ uthoñ´-bi egoñ´, pahi´ hide´ thoñdi´toñ thiske´ba-biama´ ki, a´baku´ thoñ
head / the part / he seized, they say / as (+having), / neck / base / from the part / scraped off with the hands, they say / when, / space between the shoulders / the part /

uthi´sp ithe´tha-biama´ ni´ashiñga aka´. A´doñ shiñ´-noñ thoñ´di a´baku´ unu´shka thoñ
he pulled it suddenly, they say / person / the (sub.). / Therefore / fat only / on the part / space between the shoulders / depression / the part /

ena´xchi wa´shiñ he´be a´thaha-noñ´ ama´, edi´toñ. E´githe Mika´ aka´ ena´xchi
that only / fat meat / part / adheres to, usually / they say / since then. / At length / Raccoon / the (sub.) / he only /

shiñ´ uthu´koñpi´-biama´, a´doñ zhu´ga bthu´ga wa´shiñ a´thaha gia´xa-biama´.
fat / made him handsome, they say, / therefore / body / whole / fat meat / adhering to / made for him, they say. /