The coyote and the snake

E´githe We´s'a wiñ´ e´di zhoñ´ aka´ma. Gthadiñ´ uskoñ´skoñxti uhe´ the ke´.
At length / Snake / one / there / was recl., they say. / Across / in a very straight line / path / was going. /

"Wa´! moñshia´taha zhoñ´-ga, We´s'a! A´wigazha´de ki, that'e´ tate´," a´-biama´
Why! / further off / lie, / O Snake! / I step over you / if, / you die / shall, / said, they say /

Mi´kasi aka´. "Uhe´ the´thoñska´xti ke´degoñ thi´-edoñ oñthoñ´shpetoñ´ ete´ ki,"
Coyote / the (sub.). / Path / just this size / lies, but / you rather (than I) / you go to one side of me / ought, /

a´-biama´ We´s'a aka´. "Xa-i´! moñshia´taha zhoñ´-ga, ehe´," a´-biama´. "Thi´-edoñ
said, they say / Snake / the (sub.). / Whew! / further off / lie, / I say, / said, they say. / You rather (than I) /

moñshia´taha i´ha-ga," a´-biama´ We´s'a aka´. "Ahau´! a´wigazha´de ta´ miñke
further off / pass (&or go) that way, / said, they say / Snake / the (sub.). / Oho! / I will step over you /

thoñ´zha, that'e´ tate´ ha," a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. "Na! wi´ ni´kashiñ´ga-ma wiñ´
though, / you die / shall / . / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Why! / I / the people (pl. ob.) / one /

oñ´gazha´de te´di t'e´-noñ ha´," a´-biama´ We´s'a aka´. "Oñ´hoñ," a´-biama´ Mi´kasi
steps over me / when / usually dies / . / said, they say / Snake / the (sub.). / Yes, / said, they say / Coyote /

aka´. Goñ´, "At'e´ ta´ miñke," a´-biama´. "Hiñda´! wiñ´oñwa wiñ´oñke te´skoñ,"
the (sub.). / And, / I will die, / said, they say. / Let us see! / which one of the two / we two tell the truth / may, in future, /

a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Goñ´ atha´-biama´ Mi´kasi ama´. Wa´gazha´de the´thexti ki,
said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / And / went, they say / Coyote / the (mv. sub.). / Stepped over very suddenly / when, /

zhi´be sihi´ gedi´ doñ´shte thaxtai´ te. "Hau´, that'e´ tate´ ha, a´wigazha´dzhe e´degoñ."
lower leg / foot / on the (pl.) / one or the other / he was bitten. / Ho, / you die / shall / . / I stepped over you / but. /

"Thi´ that'e´ tate´ ha," a´-biama´ We´s'a aka´. Goñ´ atha´-biama´ Mi´kasi ama´.
You / you die / shall / . / said, they say / Snake / the (sub.). / And / went, they say / Coyote / the (mv. sub.). /

Goñ´ moñthiñ´ thiñ´ te, "Xa-i´! zhu´ga ga´moñ-ma´zhi-noñ-moñ´ thoñ´shti. Oñshiñ´
And / he was walking / when, / Whew! / body / I never acted in that manner formerly. / Me-fat /

itha´nahiñ´-a," a´-bi oñ´, kigtha´zi-bi oñ´, noñ´ka ke´ shti kitoñ´ba-bi oñ´, uthu´kitoñ´be-noñ´-biama´.
I truly ! / having said, they say, / having stretched himself by an effort, they say, / back / the (lg. ob.) / too / having looked at himself, they say, / he was examining himself often, they say. /

Shoñ´xti shti´ ugtha´'a tithe´the-noñ´ ama´. Ia´tha-xti´-shteoñ´-noñ
In spite (&or notwithstanding) / too / hitting the mouth and giving the scalp-yell / he took up the cry often, they say. / Gaped very hard even (?) often /

e´goñ, "Xa+! We´s'a i´e te wiñ´ke te e´goñ a," e´-noñ ama´. E´githe zhu´ga thiñ
having, / Whew! / Snake / spoke / the / told the truth / the / so / ! / was saying often, they say. / At length / body / the /

bthu´gaxti i´ba ama´, badiñ´diñ, pashi´zhe ge´ shtewoñ´ bapu´shiñ-xtioñ´ ama´. "We´s'a
entire / was swollen, they say, / distended, / tip of the nose / the (pl. ob.) / even / was exceedingly puffed up, they say. / Snake /

i´e te wiñ´ke te e´goñ a," shi e´ ama´. Itha´naxi´dadzhi gthiñ´ thiñke´, gagi´gixe´xchi
spoke / the / told the truth / the / so / ! / again / was saying, they say. / At a sheltered place, warmed by the sun / he was st., / coiled many times /

zhoñ´t'e goñ´ shoñ´shoñ e´di t'e´ ama´. E´ ama´, a´doñ We´s'a ama´ eda´doñ wani´ta
slept soundly / as / continually / there / dead / they say. / That was it, they say, / therefore / Snake / the (pl. sub.) / what / quadruped /

wa´thaxtai´ te bthu´ga i´ba t'e´-noñi te´.
they bit them / when / all / swelling / died usually. /