E´githe Ishti´nike ama´ athe´ ama´ma. E´githe ti´ wiñ
goñ´ te ama´. Ni-koñ´ha
At length / Ictinike / the (mv. sub.) / was going, they
say. / At length / lodge / one / of some sort was std.,
they say. / Bank of stream /
ke´ta atha´-bi oñ´, ni´ ke uha´-biama´. Ni´ ke moñ´tata
koñ´de ededi´ ke ama´,
to the (lg. ob.) / having gone, they say, / stream / the
(lg. ob.) / followed, they say. / Stream / the (lg. ob.) /
beneath / plum / were there in abundance, they say /
zhi´de ke´ ama´. "Wuhu+!" ethe´goñ-biama´.
Kigthi´shnuda´-bi egoñ´, mika´ha
red / lay (&or in abundance?) / they say. / Oh! / he
thought, they say. / Having stripped off his clothing,
they say, / raccoon skin /
pe´zhi ge ite´tha-bi oñ´, koñ´de te a´gthoñge
a´ia´tha-biama´. Moñthiñ´ka ke thixthoñ´xti
bad / the many (in. ob.) / having put them down, they
say, / plum / the (col. ob.) / diving on account of / had
gone, they say. / Soil / the (lg. ob.) / seizing a large
handful /
thiza´-biama´. Agthi´-bi ki, doñ´ba-bi ki, moñthiñ´ka
te´ ama´. "Wuhu+!" they say / when, / soil / a mass / they
say. / Oh! /
took it, they say. / Had come back (to land), they say /
when, / looked at it, they say / when, / soil / a mass /
they say. / Oh! /
a´-biama´. Shi ni´ ke´ta doñ´ba-bi ki shi koñ´de te
e´goñxti doñ´ba-biama´. Shi
said, they say. / Again / stream / at the (lg. ob.) /
looked at it, they say / when / again / plum / the (col.
ob.) / just so / saw, they say. / Again /
e´goñxti a´ia´tha-biama´. Shi e´goñ-biama´,
moñthiñ´ka-noñ athiñ´ agthi´-biama´. Shi
just so / had gone, they say. / Again / was so, they
say, / soil only / having it / he returned (to land), they
say. / Again /
doñ´ba-bi ki, ni´ ke´ta, "Wa´hua+!" a´-biama´. Shi
koñ´de ke zhi´de ke´ ama´,
looked at it, they say / when, / stream / at the (lg.
ob.), / Really! / said he, they say. / Again / plum / the
(lg.) line / red / in abundance / they say /
ni´ ke´ta. Shi e´goñxti a´ia´tha-biama´. Shi e´goñxti
moñthiñ´ka thiza´-biama´.
stream / at the. / Again / just so / had gone, they say.
/ Again / just so / soil / took, they say. /
"Xa-i´!" a´-biama´. Shi e´goñxti a´ia´tha-bi oñ´,
agthi´-bi ki, moña´ ke´ta u´thixida´-bi
Whew! / said, they say. / Again / just so / having gone
thither, they say / had come back (to land), they say /
when, / cliff / to the / gazed, they say /
ki, e´githe koñ´dehi aka´ moña´ ke´ta a´gapa´muxti
i´thista´xti nazhiñ´ aka´ma.
when, / behold / plum trees / the (sub.) / cliff / at
the / having very heavy weight (of fruit) that bore down
their branches / adhering to in bunches or clusters / were
std., they say. /
Ki e´ ni´ ke´ta ni´uwathi´kihoñ´ ke-noñ´
a´gthoñga´-biama´. Wa´thaha pe´zhi te
And / that / stream / at the / reflection in the water /
the (lg. ob.) only / dived on account of that, they say. /
Clothing / bad / the (col. ob.) /
a´gthaha´-bi oñ´, e´di atha´-bi oñ´, koñ´de ge thise´
ama´, a´thishiñ´-bi oñ´. Athe´ ama´
having put on his own, they say / there / having gone,
they say / plum / the (pl. ob.) / was pulling off, they
say, / having put them into a blanket "pocket" made by
curving the left arm, they say. / Was going, / they say /
ti´ te´di. Koñ´de te zhexthiñ´ i´bika´-bi oñ´, ti´hukoñ
te e´giha-noñ oñth* ithe´tha-biama´.
tent / to the (std. ob.). / Plum / the (col. ob.) /
&semen / having rubbed on them, they say, / smoke-hole /
the (std. ob.) / through in each case / threw it forcibly
thither, they say. /
Ki wa'u´ noñba´ aka´ma. "Hiñ´, shikoñ´, koñ´de wiñ
itha´kithe doñ+," a´-biama´.
And / woman / two / sat, they say. / Oh! /
sister-in-law, / plum / one / I have found for myself /
(fem.) / said, they say. /
I´kine-noñ´ ama´. E´di ahi´-bi oñ´, "Xa-i´! ishi´koñ
me´goñ the´thuxti iñ´gthi thoñka´-na,"
They were scrambling now and then for (the plums), they
say. / There / having arrived, they say, / Whew! / her
sister-in-law / likewise / just here / my relations have
come here and sit! /
a´-biama´. "Tena´! ga´ke koñ´de ke oñ´ta shtewoñ´zhi ki,
ni´sa-bazhi´xtioñ, thishi´koñ
said he, they say. / Why! / that line / plum / the (lg.)
line / very abundant / when, / you have not picked them at
all, / your sister-in-law /
me´goñ," a´-biama´ (Ishti´nike aka´). "Hiñ´, ti´goñha´,
oñgu´gashoñ-bazhi´xtioñ´ edoñ+!
likewise, / said, they say / (Ictinike) / the (sub.). /
Oh! / grandfather (f. sp.), / we have not traveled at all
/ alas (fem. intj.)! /
Uhi´ashk e´goñ ete´, ti´goñha´, oñki´gthise tai´
eiñte´." "Hau, thise´ moñthiñ´i-ga,"
Near / somewhat / if, / grandfather (fem. sp.), / we may
pick them for ourselves. / Ho, / to pick them / walk ye, /
a´-biama´. Shiñ´gazhiñ´ga a´ma aka´ u'oñ´he athiñ´
aka´ma, ki uthu´he utha´ha a´koñ
said he, they say. / Child / other one / the (sub.) /
put into the cradle and wrapped the coverings around it /
was keeping it, they say, / and / Indian cradle-board /
with it / leaning /
ite´tha-bi toñ´ ama´. Ki zhoñ´t'e toñ´ ama´
shiñ´gazhiñ´ga. Ki ga´-biama´ Ishti´nike
was set up std., they say. / And / sound asleep / was
std., they say / child. / And / said as follows, they say
/ Ictinike /
aka´, "She´toñ iñthiñ´oñtha moñthiñ´i-ga u'oñ´he toñ.
E´githe koñ´dehi doñ´shte
the (sub.), / That (std. an. ob.) / leave for me, its
relation / walk ye / the std. one put into the cradle /
Beware / plum tree / perhaps /
iñthiñ´nie´the te!." "Hiñ´, ti´goñha´, e´goñ te doñ+,"
a´-biama´. Goñ´ "A´agiki´da
hurt it, my relation / lest! / Oh! / grandfather (f.
sp.), / so / will / . (fem.) / said, they say. / And / I
attend to my own /
agthiñ´ ta´ miñke," a´-biama´. Goñ´ki tha´-biama´
wa'u´-ma. Goñ´ki Ishti´nike
I sit / will / I who, / said he, they say. / And then /
went, they say / the women / And then / Ictinike /
aka´ hiñ´thie´kithe´xti nazhiñ´-bi oñ´, ne´xe ni´ uzhi´
ite´tha-bi te´ ame´de thiza´-bi oñ´,
the (sub.) / bestirring himself at once / having arisen
to his feet, they say, / kettle / water / filled / the
std. in. ob. had been put down, they say / having taken
it, they say, /
uga´shka-biama´. Shiñ´gazhiñ´ga ke t'e´tha-bi oñ´, u´su
ga´xa-biama´. Uhoñ´-biama´
hung it over the fire, they say. / Child / the (recl.
ob.) / having killed it, they say, / strips of meat / made
it, they say. / Boiled it, they say /
shiñ´gazhiñ´ga ke. Pa´ thoñ thiza´-bi egoñ´, u'oñ´he
ke´di paxthu´xaha thoñ´di
child / the (recl. ob.). / Head / the (cv. ob.) / taken,
they say / having, / entire Indian cradle / in the (lg.
ob.) / head covering / in the part /
ugi´gthoñ-biama´, ni´ta nazhiñ´ te´di e´goñxti
ga´xa-biama´. Hiñ´thie´kithe´xti pe´de
put his own relation, they say, / alive / stood / when /
just so / did, they say. / Bestirring himself at once /
fire /
a´hiñthiñtha´-bi oñ´, a´shi shti wadoñ´be
ahi´-noñ-biama´. E´githe niñ´detha´-biama´.
having put wood on it, they say, / out of doors / too /
to look / went often, they say. / At length / was cooked,
they say. /
Thiza´-bi egoñ´, thate´ athoñka´-ma. Gthi´-bazhi
thasniñ´-bi egoñ´, atha´-biama´.
Having taken it, they say, / he sat eating it, they say.
/ Not having returned / he having swallowed it, they say,
/ went, they say. /
Wa'u´-ma ki´-bi ki, thiñga´-bi te´ ama´ Ishti´nike ama´.
"Shikoñ´, iñsh'a´ge
The women / reached home, they say / when, / he was
missing, they say / Ictinike / the (mv. sub.). /
Sister-in-law, / old man /
ama´ thiñgai´ te he´," a´-biama´. "Na! iñ´zhoñ te
shoñshoñ´xchi zhoñ´ ehoñ+!"
the (mv. sub.) / is missing / (?) / . (fem.), / said. /
Why! / he lay for me / the past act / without intermission
/ lies / ! (fem. in soliloquy) /
a´-bi egoñ´, gthi´ze agi´-bi ki, pa´ thoñ uxpa´the ama´.
"Hiñ´, si´zhiñxchithoñ+!"
having said, they say, / seized her own / was returning,
they say / when, / head / the part / was falling from a
height, they say. / Oh! / dear little child! /
e´ ama´. Xaga´-biama´ wa'u´ aki´tha. Goñ´ xage´ gthiñ´
thoñ´ka te, Ishti´nike ama´
was saying, they say. / Cried, they say / woman / both.
/ And / crying / were st. / when, / Ictinike / the (mv.
sub.) /
ki'oñ´-bi oñ´, moñthiñ´ka i´ki'oñ´-bi oñ´, a´zhixti
kika´xa-bi oñ´, e´di ahi´-biama´.
having painted his face, they say, / earth / having
painted his face with it, they say, / very different /
having made himself, they say, / there / arrived, they
say. /
"Tena´! ea´toñxti thaxa´gai a, thishi´koñ me´goñ,"
a´-biama´. "Hiñ´, ti´goñha´,
Why! / for what possible reason / you (pl.) cry / ? /
your sister-in-law / likewise, / said he, they say. / Oh,
/ grandfather (f. sp.) /
Ishti´nike ama´ the´thu ati´i e´degoñ, koñ´de utha´
egoñ´ oñthi´se oñga´hi. The´ke u'oñ´he
Ictinike / the (mv. sub.) / here / came / having (past),
/ plum / having told about / we pick (them) / we two
reached there. / This (lg. ob.) / (entire) Indian cradle /
ke oñoñ´tha oñga´hi e´de, thasniñ´ a´ia´thai te. Pa´
thoñ u'oñ´he ke paxthu´xaha
the (lg. ob.) / we left it / we two reached there / but,
/ swallowing (the child) / he had gone. / Head / the part
/ entire Indian cradle / the (lg. ob.) / head covering /
thoñ´di ugi´gthoñ a´ia´thai tedoñ+." "Wa´hua´!"
a´-biama´. "Hiñda´, moñ´zepe
in the part / put his own relation / had gone / . (fem.)
/ Really! / said he, they say. / Let me see, / ax /
i´thai-ga. Bthi´xe ta´she," a´-biama´. Moñ´zepe´-de
'i´i-bi egoñ´, atha´-biama´ toñ´thiñxti
send ye hither. / I chase him / must, / said he, they
say. / Ax when (?) / they having given it to him, they
say, / he went, they say / running fast /
moñthiñ´ ama´. Toñ´thiñxti atha´-bi egoñ´, xthabe´
shuga´xti e´degoñ ahi´-bi egoñ´,
he was walking, they say. / Running fast / having gone,
they say, / tree / very thick / being, in the past /
having reached there, they say, /
iñchoñ´ga-noñ´ u´ne moñthiñ´ ama´. Zhoñ´ ti´'a ke´ uha´,
moñ´zepe pahi´de thoñ
mice (or some other rodents) only / seeking them / was
walking, they say. / Wood / decayed / the (lg. ob.) /
passed along, / ax / butt-end of the ax-head / the part /
iñchoñ´ga-noñ we´gaxthixthi´-bi egoñ´ wami´
a´thahaha´xti ga´xa-bi oñ´, agthe´ ama´.
mice only / having killed them one by one with it, they
say / blood / streaming from various parts of it / having
made it, they say, / was returning, they say. /
Hau. Aki´-bi oñ´, ti´ te´di, "A´xthi agthi´ ha,
thishi´koñ me´goñ," a´-biama´.
(Paragraph.) / Having reached there again, they say, /
lodge / at the (std. ob.), / I killed him / I have come
back / . / your sister-in-law / likewise, / said he, they
say. /
"Hiñ+! ti´goñha´, uhi´ ashke´goñ e´iñte."
"Oñ´kazhixtioñ´ ha, wathu´de shtewoñ´zhi.
Oh! / grandfather (f. sp.), / place of reaching /
somewhat near / perhaps (indirect question). / Not at all
/ . / by no means near. /
Hiñthie´-de ua´xthe ha," a´-bi oñ´, moñ´zepe wami´
a´thahaha´xti athiñ´ aki´-biama´.
Hurrying, when / I overtook him / . / having said, /
they say / ax / blood / streaming from various parts of it
/ having it / he reached there, again, they say. /
Ki e´ ama´ ha, koñ´de niñ´de ki a´gaha xu´de a´thaha
thiñ e´woñ ama´ Ishti´nike
And / that was it, they say / . / plum / ripe / when /
on it / gray / adheres / the (class) / he caused it, they
say / Ictinike /
ama´ ga´xa-biama´.
the (mv. sub.) / did it, they say. /