Ishti´nike ama´ atha´-bi ki, a-i´zhoñ-biama´, mika´ha
waiñ´ giiñ´ zhoñ´bi egoñ´.
Ictinike / the (mv. sub.) / went, they say / when / came
and slept, they say, / raccoon skin / robe / wearing his /
he reclined, they say / having. /
Hoñ´egoñ´che i´kitha-ba´zhi tedi, zhediñ´i te ha. Ki
zhe´ aka´ diñ´diñ athai´ te´di
Morning / he woke not / when, / &membrum &virile &riguit
/ . / And &membrum &virile / the (sub.) / rigid / was
going / when /
waiñ´ thoñ utha´ha athai´ te ha moñ´shi. Ki
moñ´shiata´xti gahi´hitha gthiñ´ te ha.
robe / the (garment) / with it / went / . / high in the
air. / And / far up on high / waving to and fro / sat / .
Goñ´ki Ishti´nike aka´ i´kitha´-biama´. Ki waiñ´ thoñ
doñ´ba-bi ki, u´shikitha´-biama´.
And then / Ictinike / the (sub.) / awoke, they say. /
And / robe / the / saw, they say / when / it gave him
needless trouble, they say. /
Ki, "Shi+shte! He´ga the´toñ. A´xtoñ e´goñ iñthe´'oñ
ta´doñ? Itha´kithe
And / Fie! / buzzard / this (std. ob.) / How possible. /
you do so to me / should? / I awoke /
azhoñ´ ha," e´ ama´ ki, waiñ´ aka´ i´thapithiñ´xchi
kiha´ agi´-biama´. Ki i´gipahoñ´-biama´.
I recline / . / he was saying, / when, / robe / the
(sub.) / very slowly / downward / was returning, they say.
/ And / he knew his, they say. /
"Xe!" a´-biama´. "Waiñ´ wita´ e´ thoñ e´doñ u´shia´kithe
a´hoñ." Goñ zhe´
Bother! / said he, they say. / Robe / my / that
(aforesaid) / the (cv. ob.) / (expresses surprise?) / I
deceived myself / ! / And / &membrum &virile /
ke gipe´toñ-bi egoñ´, atha´-biama´. Atha´-biama´ ki,
Tashniñ´ge wiñ uhe´ e´tha-biama´.
the (lg. ob.) / wrapped up his, they say / having /
went, they say. / Went, they say / when / Streaked
chipmunk / one / traveling the path he came to him
suddenly, they say. /
Tashniñ´ge aka´, "Tsi´-tsi-tsi´!" a´-biama´. "Xa-i´!
the´-noñ e´githoñ´-ga." Shi e´githoñ´-biama´
Streaked chipmunk / the (sub.) / Tsi-tsi-tsi! / said,
they say. / Whew! / only this / say it! / Again / said it
(to him), they say /
Tashniñ´ge aka´. "Xa! oñ´thazhiñ´ga i´nahiñ a´hoñ,"
a´-bi egoñ´, e´di
Striped chipmunk / the (sub.). / Whew! / he underrates
me / truly / ! / said, they say / having / there /
atha´-biama´. Tashniñ´ge aka´ moñta´ha a´ia´tha-biama´,
moñshoñ´de ugi´pe. Ki
went, they say. / Striped chipmunk / the (sub.) / within
/ had gone, they say, / den / entered his. / And /
Ishti´nike aka´ zhe´ ke gthi´gtha-biama´. Ki moñshoñ´de
te uthu´bahiñ´-biama´. Ki
Ictinike / the (sub.) / &membrum &virile / the (lg. ob.)
/ unwrapped his, they say. / And / den / the (ob.) /
thrust it into, they say. / And /
Tashniñ´ge i´t'a-biama´. Ki Tashniñ´ge aka´ zhe´ ke
he´be thasa´-biama´. "Oñtha´xthaxtha´pzha-ga!
Striped chipmunk / touched, they say. / And / Striped
chipmunk / the (sub.) / &membrum &virile / the (lg. ob.) /
part / bit off, they say. / Pierce my flesh often with
your teeth! /
Iñthe´ni tate´. Thiu´doñ tate´ ha," a´-biama´ Ishti´nike
aka´. Shi
You escape from me / shall. / It shall be good for you /
. / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Again /
eta´ha the´tha-biama´ zhe´ ke. Shi he´be thasa´-biama´.
Shoñ´ e´goñ-hnoñ thase´ athiñ´
further / sent, they say / &membrum &virile / the (lg.
ob.). / Again / part / bit off, they say. / Still / so
only / biting off / having it /
atha´-biama´. Ki, "Tsi´-tsi-tsi´!" a´-biama´ Tashniñ´ge
aka´. "Oñ´hoñ, Chi´-chi-chi,
he went, they say. / And / Tsi-tsi-tsi! / said, they say
/ Streaked chipmunk. / the (sub.). / Yes, / Tci-tci-tci, /
a´-ga ha. Thiu´doñ tate´ ha´," a´-biama´ Ishti´nike
aka´. "Ea´toñ e´doñ" ethe´goñ-bi
say / ! / It shall be good for you / . / said, they say
/ Ictinike / the (sub.). / What can be the matter / ? / he
thought, they say /
egoñ´, Ishti´nike aka´ zhe´ ke gthi´za-biama´. Ki
e´githe che´shkaxchi utha´shtavike´ama´.
having / Ictinike / the (sub.) / &membrum &virile / the
(lg. ob.) / took his back, they say. / And / behold / very
short / it remained of a (lg. ob.) after biting, they say.
"He+-i-shi! oñ´thizhua´zhi i´nahiñ a´hoñ," a´-bi egoñ´,
Alas! / he has made me suffer / truly / ! / said, they
say / having / took his out of the hole, they say. /
Shoñ´ he´be gthi´za-bi te ua´toñ oñ´tha the´tha-bi-de´,
"Ga´niñke ha´zi thi´thade tai´,"
Then / part / took his, they say / when / next / threw
it away, they say, when (as) / You who are that (unseen) /
grapes / they call you / shall /
a´-biama´. Ki edi´toñ mazhoñ´ thoñ ha´zihi
e´thoñba´-biama´. Ki´ shi he´be gthi´za-bi
said, they say. / And / from that / land / the /
grape-vines / came out of, they say. / And / again / part
/ took his, they say /
egoñ´, shi oñ´tha the´tha-biama´. "Ga´niñke koñ´de
thi´thade tai´," a´-biama´. Ki
having, / again / threw it away, they say. / You who are
that (unseen) / plums / they call you / shall, / said,
they say. / And /
edi´toñ koñ´dehi e´thoñba´-biama´. Shoñ´ e´goñ waxta´ ke
bthu´ga uga´shiba´-biama´.
from that / plum-trees / came in sight, they say. / Then
/ so / fruit / the / all / he accomplished (the making of)
all, they say. /