Two Crows' war party in 1854

Umoñ´hoñ toñ´woñgthoñ gua´thishoñ´ta Nibtha´ska keta´thishoñ oñgthiñ´i. Shaoñ´
Omaha / nation / in the region beyond / Platte River / towards the / we sat. / Dakotas /

ama´ wea´naxi´tha ahi´i; shoñ´ge wa´gthiñ-ba´zhi, zhu´ga-hnoñ, we´nudoñ ahi´i. Goñ´
the (sub.) / to attack us / arrived; / horse / they did not sit on them, / body only, / to war against us / they arrived. / And /

Bachi´ toñwoñ´ e´ uga´xthi ke´di oñgthiñ´i, Umoñ´hoñ ama´ bthu´gaxti oñgthiñ´i.
Sarpy / village / that / point of timber / by the / we sat, / Omahas / the ones who / all / we sat. /

Wa'u´ ju´ba watoñ´zi toñ´de moñ´te xai´, toñ´woñ thoñ´di. Noñpe´hiñ e´goñ, gtha´te
Woman / some / corn / ground / in / buried, / village / at the. / Hungry / as, / to eat their own /

te´goñ gthi´ze agthai´. Ki Shaoñ´ ama´ e´githe nudoñ´ ama´ ati´i te ha, edi´. E´de
in order that / to take their own / they went back. / And / Dakotas / the (sub.) / at length / those on the war-path / came / , / there. / But /

wa'u´ ama´ aki´i ki, we´naxi´thai te, noñba´ t'e´wathai wa'u´ thoñka´. Wa'u´ thiñ wiñ´
woman / the (sub.) / reached there again / when, / they were attacked / when, / two / were killed / woman / the ones who. / Woman / the (mv. ob.) / one /

thiñ wahu´toñthiñ i´tiñ-biama´, gabtha´bthaze, ni´ta gthi´, t'e´tha-ba´zhi. Nazhi´ha ma´wasi´hixti
the (mv. ob.) / gun / they hit her with, they say, / gashing her repeatedly, / alive / she came back, / they did not kill her. / Hair / they cut entirely off /

e´goñ ma´waxoñ´i, wa´thiñ a´kia´gthai. Oñwoñ´thixai e´goñ, oñ´guxtha-ba´zhi.
as / they cut up, / having it / they had gone again. / We pursued them / as, / we did not overtake them. /

Uga´hanapa´ze sigthe´ we´oñtha-ba´zhi. Aki´ ki, e´githe hoñ´ ki, e´githe ni´kashiñga
Darkness / trail / we did not find it. / I reached home / when, / at length / night / when, / behold, / man /

oñ´giati´. E´di pi´ ha. Ki e´githe ni´ashiñga du´ba uthe´wiñkithe ha, ki wi´ we´satoñ
came for me. / There / I arrived / . / And / behold, / man / four / assembled themselves / , / and / I / the fifth /

bthiñ´. E´di pi´. E´githe ga´i ha: Hau! ni´kashiñga ju´ba uthe´wiñwatha´-ba,
I was. / There / I arrived. / At length / they said as follows: / Ho! / man / some / assemble them, /

ai. The´ ni´kashiñga aka´ Shaoñ´ ama´ wa´thizhuba´zhi te, e´giñwiñ´'oñ tai´ ha, ai
they said. / This / people / the (sub.) / Dakotas / the (sub.) / have injured us / as, / let us do so to them / . / said /

ni´kashiñga du´ba ama´. Ni´kashiñga du´ba ama´, Nu´zhiñga-ma uthe´wiñwatha´-ga, ai.
man / four / the (sub.). / Man / four / the (sub.), / The boys / collect thou them, / said they. /

E´ shti ni´kashiñga uthe´wiñwathai´ woñ´githe. Wi´ shti nu´zhiñga uthe´wiñawa´the.
They / too / man / assembled them / all. / I / too / boy / I assembled them. /

Ni´kashiñga gthe´ba-sa´toñ te uthe´wiñoñwoñ´thai. Ge´pe: Hau! ni´kashiñga oñ´gathiñ´
Man / fifty / the / we assembled them. / I said as follows: / Ho! / man / we who are /

oñgu´ awa´kigoñxtioñ´i, ni´kashiñga i´xta wa´thiñ-ma´ eoñ´woñkigoñ´i; iñda´doñ
us / they are just like us, / man / wantonly / those who treat them / we are like them; / what /

wape´ athiñ´i, wahu´toñthiñ athiñ´i, e´goñ oñga´thiñi. E´giñwiñ´'oñ tai´ ha. Ke´! edi
weapons / they have, / gun / they have, / like it / we have. / Let us do so to them / . / Come! / there /

oñga´the tai´ ha, ehe´. Goñ´ bthu´gaxti i´nahiñi. Oñga´tha-ba´zhi shoñ´oñgatoñ´, e´githe
let us go / . / I said. / And / all / were willing. / We did not go / when we stood a while, / behold, /

ni´kaga´hi ama´ ua´wagithi´'agai. Wat'oñ´ uthe´wiñthai ni´kaga´hi ama´. The´ ni´ashiñga
chief / the (sub.) / they were unwilling for us. / Goods / they collected / chiefs / the (sub.). / This / man /

sa´toñ pahoñ´ga uthe´wiñoñwoñ´th oñ´gatoñ´ wa´giati´i. E´di oñga´hii ki, e´githe
five / before / we collected them / we who stood / they came for us. / There / we arrived / when, / behold, /

wat'oñ´ uthe´wiñthai ge e´githe wea´giku´ aka´ ni´kaga´hi aka´. E´githe tha´zhi wa´gazhi
goods / they collected / the (ob.) / behold, / had invited us on account of them / chiefs / the (sub.). / Behold, / not to go / they commanded us /

nudoñ´ te. Hna´-ba´zhi tai´ nudoñ´ te. The´ athiñ´i-ga, ai´. The´ Iti´goñthai thiñke´ta
on the war-path. / You will not go / on the war-path. / This / have ye it, / said they. / This / Grandfather / to him /

athai´, mazhoñ´ we´thiñwiñ athai´; agthi´i tedi´hi ki, nudoñ´ hne´ shkoñ´hnai ki, i´thiginahiñ´i
they went, / land / to sell / they went; / they come home / at the time / when, / to war / you go / you wish / if, / they are willing for you /

ki, hne´ tai´, ai´ ni´kaga´hi tha´zhi ama´. Ubthi´'age ha. Iñ´tha-ma´zhi ha
if, / you go / will, / said / chiefs / those who did not go. / I was unwilling / . / I was displeased / . /

Wat'oñ´ bthi´za-ma´zhi agthe´. Goñ´ oñga´tha-ba´zhi: Iti´goñthai the-ma´ weoñ´gapai
Goods / I took I not / I went homeward. / And / we did not go: / Grandfather / those who went (to) / we waited for them /

e´goñ, oñga´tha-ba´zhi. Agthi´i ha. Iti´goñthai thoñ-ta´toñ-ma´. Agthi´i ki, Dzho´
as, / we did not go. / They came home / . / Grandfather / those from (his city). / They came home / when, / Joe /

thiñke´ta pi´. Nudoñ´ bthe´ koñbthe´de ni´kaga´hi ama´ oñthoñ´nite´ goñ, btha´-ma´zhi ha.
to him / I arrived. / To war / I go / I wished, but / chiefs / the (sub.) / they prohibited me / so, / I did not go / . /

Iñthiñ´woñdoñ´ba-ga ha, ehe´. Ahau´! ai. Goñ´ hne´ shkoñ´hna ki, goñ´ tha´-ga,
Consider it for me / . / I said. / Oho! / said he. / Of course / you go / you wish / if, / by all means / go, /

ai´. Hau. Aki´ ki ni´kashiñga uthe´wiñawa´the. Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi agi´hiawa´kithe,
said he. / (Paragraph.) / I reached home / when / man / I collected them. / Pathiñ-nañpaji / I sent them for him, /

Wana´she-zhiñ´ga shi agi´hiawa´kithe, shi ati´i. Siñ´de-xoñ´xoñ agi´hiwa´kithe.
Wanace-jiñga / again / I sent them for him, / and / they came. / Sinde-xañxañ / I sent them for him. /

Nu´zhiñga a´higi uthe´wiñoñwoñ´thai. Ke´! nudoñ´ oñga´thai koñ´btha, ehe´. Shaoñ´
Boy / many / we collected them. / Come! / to war / we go / I wish, / I said. / Dakotas /

ama´ wiñ´ oñga´xthi koñ´btha, ehe´. Goñ´ hoñ´ ki uthe´wiñoñkithai´. Hoñ´ wiñde´toñxti
the ones who / one / we slay him / I wish, / I said. / And / night / when / we assembled ourselves. / Night / just half the length /

oñga´-i. Umoñ´hoñ toñ´woñ thoñ´ oñga´tii ki, oñ´ba. Goñ´ki a´kihoñ
when / we were approaching. / Omaha / city / the / we came to / when, / day. / And / beyond /

oñga´hii, du´da. E´di wa´xe shtewoñ´ thiñgai´. E´githe te´ska noñ´ba ededi´-ama´
we arrived, / this way. / There / white man / at all / there were none. / At length / ox / two / were moving there /

utoñ´nadi. Ki nu´zhiñga ama´ waga´xthoñ ama´ watha´te goñ´thai, t'e´wathe 'i´thai.
in a place between. / And / boy / the (sub.) / servant / the (pl. sub.) / to eat / wished, / killing them / spoke of. /

Nu´doñhoñga´, oñwoñ´thate toñ´gatoñ, ai´. Hau! waga´xthoñ, a´ma thiñ´ t'e´thaba´doñ
O war-chief, / we eat them / we who will, / said they. / Ho! / servant, / the one / the (mv. ob.) / kill and (pl.) /

thata´i-ga. A´ma thiñ´ shoñ´thiñe´thai-ga, ehe´. Edi´toñ goñ´ oñga´hii goñ´
eat it. / The other / the (mv. ob.) / let it alone, / I said. / Thence / so / we reached / so /

oñzhoñ´i ha. Shi edi´toñ oñga´hii e´goñ, Hoñthi´ ti´ uspe´ ke edi a-i´ oñzhoñ´i. Edi´t
we slept / . / Again / thence / we reached / as, / Henry / house / hollow / the / there / we approached and slept. / Thence /

oñga´thai ki, Hu´toñga mazhoñ´ uhoñ´ge ke shi e´di a-i´ oñzhoñ´i. Shi oñga´thai
we went / when, / Winnebago / land / end / the / again / there / we approached and slept. / Again / we went /

e´goñ, Ni-ba´se thoñ´, Ma´xude-wa'ai´ dua´thishoñ, e´di a-i´ oñzhoñ´i. Hoñ´egoñ´che
as, / &Ni-base / the, / Iowas farmed / this side of, / there / we approached and slept. / Morning /

oñgi´pahoñ´i ki, e´kitoñ ni´kashiñga we´oñthai. Hau! weoñ´gapai ta´-bi, oñthoñ´i
we arose / when, / just then / person / we detected them. / Well! / let us wait for them to appear, / we said /

ki, Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi a´gia´gthai ki uthi´'agai. Ge´thishoñ oñwoñ´gana´se ta´-bi, ehe´
when, / Pathiñ-nañpaji / they pass by / when / he was unwilling. / On that side / let us head them off, / I said /

(toñ´deata´thishoñ itha´he, ehe´) ki, Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi Nishu´deata´thishoñ i´he 'i´thai. Ki
(on the side of the ground / I pass along, / I said) / when, / Pathiñ-nañpaji / towards the Missouri / passing along / spoke of. / And /

goñ´ki uhe´ pi´azhi oñgu´kioñ´thai. Uwa´zhethai e´goñ ni´ashiñga oñ´guxtha-ba´zhii.
then / path / bad / we got ourselves into. / We were tired / as / man / we did not overtake them. /

Niñ´dugtha´de oñga´kii e´goñ oñ´gugi´xtha-ba´zhi. Shoñ´xti oñ´guxtha-ba´zhi. Hoñ´ ha.
Creeping backward / we reached again / as / we did not overtake our own. / In spite of / we did not overtake them. / Night /

Noñpe´awahiñ´i e´goñ uwa´zhethai, oñ´guxtha-ba´zhi. Hoñ´egoñ´che oñthoñ´kithai ki,
We were hungry / as / we were tired, / we did not overtake them. / Morning / we awoke / when, /

watha´te wathiñ´ge, waga´xthoñ-ma noñpe´hiñ. Hau! Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi-ha´, 'a´bae
food / we had none, / the servants / were hungry. / Ho! / Pathiñ-nañpaji, O! / hunting /

moñthiñ´-ga. Waga´xthoñ noñpe´hiñ, ehe´. Athai´ 'a´bae Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi. E´githe
walk thou. / Servant / hungry, / I said. / Went / to hunt / Pathiñ-nañpaji. / At length /

ta´xti wiñ´ 'iñ´ agthi´. E´goñ oñtha´tai.
deer / one / carrying / he came back. / So / we ate. /

Oñ´ba te goñ´ Nishu´de gthadiñ´ oñga´thai. Nishu´de koñ´ha ke´ta a´-i-oñ´zhoñi.
Day / the / so / Missouri River / across to / we went. / Missouri / bank / at the / we arrived and slept. /

Hoñ´egoñ´che ki, ni´ aka´ zhiñ´ga-ba´zhi, nidoñ´. Ta´xti-ha t'e´wathai´-ma moñde´-ha
Morning / when, / river / the (sub.) / was not small, / a flood. / Deer-skin / those which had been killed / skin-boat /

oñga´xai. Moñde´-zhiñ´ga goñ´, moñ´de ge, waiiñ´ ge, wahu´toñthiñ eda´be,
we made. / Boat small / so, / bow / the (pl. ob.), / blanket / the (pl. ob.), / gun / also, /

oñgu´zhii Ni´ aka´ she´hiaka´ ti´ paha´de e´naska´thehai´, ni´ aka´ zhiñ´ga-ba´zhi. Moñde´
we put them in. / River / the (sub.) / yonder one / house / on the hill / extended that far, / river / the (sub.) / not small. / Boat /

ke oñgu´zhii ki, ni´oñwoñ oñga´thiñi. Noñ´zhiñske´xchi ni´ ke masa´ni oñga´hii;
the (ob.) / we filled / when, / we swam / we had them. / Hardly / river / the / the other side / we reached; /

uwa´zhethaxtioñ´i masa´ni oñga´hii. Masa´ni a´ioñ´gthiñi ki, hiñbe´ oñgu´gitoñ
we were very tired / the other side / we reached. / The other side / we sat down there / when, / moccasin / we put on our moccasins /

oñthi´shtoñi ki, noñba´ha usai´. Shaoñ´ ama´ uga´shoñ shtewoñ´ sigthe´ doñ´be oñgthiñ´i.
we finished / when, / in two places / they set the grass afire. / Dakotas / the (sub.) / traveled / notwithstanding / trail / seeing it / we sat. /

Oñthoñ´kina´xthe oñgthiñ´i. Hau. Ke´! wa´gaxthoñ´, uthu´doñba´i-ga. Shu´de the´
We hid ourselves / we sat. / (Paragraph.) / Come! / O servant, / consider ye it. / Smoke / this /

noñba´ha te; wiñoñ´wa e´di oñga´the tai´ a, ehe´, Hau. Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi aka´,
in two places / the; / which one / there / we go / will / ? / I said, (Paragraph.) / Pathiñ-nañpaji / the, /

Nu´doñhoñga´, the´ta teta´thishoñ oñga´the tai´, ai Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi aka´. Hau, goñ´
O war-chief, / this one behind / towards the / let us go, / said / Pathiñ-nañpaji / the (sub.). / Well, / so /

oñga´thai; Nishu´de oñoñ´thai, goñ´ oñga´thai, a´thita. Ita´xata usai´, oñwoñ´tape
we went; / Missouri River / we left it, / so / we went, / across, by a near way. / Up-stream / it was set afire, / we, being near it /

oñga´thai. Oñzhoñ´i ha hoñ´ te. Hoñ´ itha´ugthe oñmoñthiñ´i; ki tha´thuha´xchi oñ´ba
we went. / We lay down / , / night / when. / Night / throughout / we walked; / and / almost / day /

ki, oñzhoñ´i. Ni´kashiñga, hoñ´egoñ´che te oñ´guthixi´dai ki, we´oñtha-ba´zhi. Ki
when, / we slept. / Pan, / morning / when / we looked around for them / when, / we did not find them. / And /

Shaoñ´ toñ´woñgthoñ eta´thishoñ oñga´gii, oñ´bitha´ugthe. Oñ´guthixi´dexti oñmoñ´thiñi,
Sioux / city / towards / we were returning, / throughout the day. / We looked around very carefully for them / we walked, /

we´oñtha-ba´zhi. Pa´zexchi miñ´ thoñ pahe´ ke koñ´gexchi hi´. Ke´! oñga´the tai´,
we did not find them. / Late in the afternoon / sun / the / hill / the / very near to / arrived. / Come! / let us go, /

wa´gaxthoñ´. Goñ´ oñga´thai. Moña´ si´oñthe´, xthabe´ thiñge´ ha. Uxthe´ i´kisoñ´thiñ
O servants. / So / we went. / Cliff / alone, / tree / there was none / . / Quickly / out of sight /

oñga´ia´the tai´. Sagi´gi e´goñi-ga, ehe´. Ki oñga´hi-ba´zhi te´di, Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi aka´,
let us go. / Do walk faster, / I said. / And / we did not reach it / when, / Pathiñ-nañpaji / the (sub.), /

Waki´de-zhiñ´ga ethoñ´ba bispe´ i´hai, e´toñthiñ we´thai ni´kashiñga-ma´. Ki oñgu´ shti
Wakide-jiñga / he too / crouched / suddenly, / they first found them / the people (ob.). / And / we / too /

bi´sp oñzhoñ´i. Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi ama´ utha´ agthi´. Nu´doñhoñga´, xthabe´ the´xchi thoñ´di
crouching / we lay. / Pathiñ-nañpaji / the (sub.) / to tell it / came back. / O war-chief, / tree / this very / at the /

zhoñ´ ga´sai, gata´xi, ai´. Hau! wa´gaxthoñ, ni´kashiñ´gai te eda´doñ-ba´zhi. Oñga´tha-ba´zhi
wood / they cut, / they make it sound, / said he. / Ho! / O warriors, / they are people / the / it is nothing. / We did not go /

shoñ´-oñgatoñ´ ni´ashiñga a´ma aka´ agthi´. Hau! nu´doñhoñga´, ni´kashiñga ama´
after we stood awhile / man / the other / the (sub.) / came back. / Ho! / O war-chief, / they are persons who are moving /

ha, ai. Wa'u´i e´de Mawa´doñthiñ wa'oñ´i ha, ai. Hau! ni´kawasoñ, shoñ´ ha,
. / said he. / They are women / but / Mandan / they sing / . / said he. / Ho! / O warrior, / enough / . /

ehe´. Hau. Goñ´ oñga´thai. Zhiñga´-xchi moñ´ shna´de oñgthiñ´i, xa´de bu´ta una´shte
I said. / (Paragraph.) / So / we went. / Very small / ground / bare of vegetation / we sat, / grass / round / left after a fire /

oñgu´gthiñi. Miñ´ aka´ tha´thuha´xchi a´ia´thai. Hau! wa´gaxthoñ´, hoñ´ ta aka´. Miñ´
we sat in. / Sun / the (sub.) / almost / had gone. / Ho! / O servants, / night / will be. / Sun /

aka´ a´ia´thai ha. Hau! Ke´, wa´gaxthoñ´ Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi-ha´! wadoñ´be moñthiñ´-ga.
the / has set / . / Ho! / Come, / O servant / Pathiñ-nañpaji O! / as a scout / walk thou. /

Ni´ashiñga thoñka´ ti´ thoñka´ a´nai e´doñ watha´wa-ga, ehe´. E´githe Pa´thiñ-noñpa´zhi
Person / the ones / camped / the ones who / how many are they / ? / count them, / I said. / At length / Pathiñ-nañpaji /

ama´ agthi´. Nu´doñhoñga´, ti´ aka´ noñba´ aka´ ha. Shoñ´ge wiña´xchi athiñ´ aka´ ha,
the (sub.) / came back. / O war-chief, / tent / the (sub.) / two / are the ones / . / Horse / just one / they have / , /

nu´doñhoñga´, e´ iñwiñ´tha agthi´. Hau! shoñ´ ha, ehe´. Hau! wa´gaxthoñ´, woñ´gaki´tha tai´
O war-chief, / that / he told me / he came back. / Ho! / enough / , / I said. / Ho! / O servant, / let us contend with them /

ha. Watha´shkoñ tai´ ha, ehe´. Hau! pi´gi'oñ shi the-hnoñ´, Siñ´de-xoñ´xoñ,
. / You will do your best / . / I said. / Ho! / to do it again to him / again / only this time, / Sinde-xañxañ, /

we´gaskoñ´the moñshiñ´-ga, ti´ thoñka´ zhoñt'ai´ ki, ehe´. Uhna´ thagthi´ te,
to try them / walk thou, / tent / the ones who / they are sound asleep / if, / I said. / You tell it / you come back / will, /

ehe´. E´githe Siñ´de-xoñ´xoñ ama´ agthi´. Nu´doñhoñga´, zhoñt'ai´ ha, ai´ Siñ´de-xoñ´xoñ.
I said. / At length / Sinde-xañxañ / the (sub.) / came back. / O war-chief, / they are sound asleep / , / said / Sinde-xañxañ. /

Hau! Ke´, weoñ´naxi´tha tai´ ha, wa´gaxthoñ´. Wape´ ge pa-i´ gaxa´i-ga,
Ho! / Come, / let us attack them / , / O servants. / Weapon / the (pl. ob.) / sharp / make ye, /

ehe´. Ma´hiñ ge´ shti pa-i´ kika´xai; ma´hiñsi´ shti pa-i´ kika´xai; wahu´toñthiñ pi´
I said. / Knife / the (pl. ob.) / also / sharp / they made for themselves; / gun / anew /

ugi´zhii, moñ´zemoñ du´ba-thoñ´thoñ, tha´bthiñ-thoñ´thoñ shti uzhi´i. Hau! nu´doñha´ñga´,
they loaded theirs, / ball / four apiece, / three apiece / too / they put in. / Ho! / O war-chief, /

shoñ´ ha, ai. Hau! wa´gaxthoñ´, shoñ´ gthiñ´i-ga. Siñ´de-xoñ´xoñ e´di zhua´gthe
enough / . / said they. / Ho! / servants, / still / sit ye. / Sinde-xañxañ / there / I with him /

bthe´ ta´ miñke. We´gaskoñoñwoñ´the oñga´the toñ´gatoñ, ehe´. Waxiñ´ha ti´ te
I go / will / I who. / We look upon things / we go / we who will, / I said. / Canvas / tent / the /

ugthiñ´. Noñ´de ke edi´xchi zhoñxthu´de oñwoñ´gana´'oñ. Ti´ te ua´kihoñ zhoñxthu´de
they sat in. / Side of the tent / the / just there / snoring / we heard them. / Tent / the / next to it / snoring /

oñwoñ´gana´'oñ oñna´zhiñ, na´zata oñna´zhiñi. Siñ´de-xoñ´xoñ e´boñ. Ga´aka wiñ´
we heard them / we stood, / at the rear / we stood. / Sinde-xañxañ / I called to him. / That one out of sight / one /

zhoñxthu´dai, ehe´. A´thutoñ t'e´thathe te ha, ehe´. Goñ´ki oñga´gthai. Waga´xthoñ
snores, / I said. / Directly towards / you kill him / will / , / I said. / And / we went back. / Servant /

thoñka´ta oñgu´tha oñga´gthe te, ehe´. E´githe waga´xthoñ´ thoñka´ta a-i´i ki, oñga´kii.
to them / we tell it / we go back / will, / I said. / At length / servant / to them / they approaching / when, / we reached again. /

Nu´doñhoñga´, e'oñ´ ha, ai. Zhoñt'e´xtioñ´i ha, ehe´. Hau. Goñ´ e´di oñga´thai.
O war-chief, / how is it / ? / said they. / They are sound asleep / , / I said. / (Paragraph.) / So / there / we went. /

Na´zata oñga´hii. Ti´ e´gaxe nazhiñ´i. Ahau´! goñ´ waki´dai. Ti´ te we´naxi´thai
At the rear / we arrived. / Tent / all around / they stood. / Oho! / so / they shot at them. / Tent / the / they attacked them /

goñ´, e´gaxe waki´dai e´goñ, ti´ te mu´thiñge´xtioñ´i; pe´thoñba t'eoñ´woñthai´. Hoñ´
as, / all around / they shot at them / as, / tent / the / they exterminated them by shooting; / seven / we killed them. / Night /

wiñde´toñxti te´di woñ´gaki´thai, hoñ´kaska ki woñ´gaki´thai. T'e´oñwoñ´the oñthi´shtoñi
just half gone / when / we contended with them, / midnight / when / we contended with them. / We killed them / we finished /

ki, oñga´gii. Hau! ni´kawasoñ´, shoñ´oñga´xe tai´. Ke´, shoñ´ ha, ehe´.
when, / we were coming this way. / Ho! / warriors, / let us cease. / Come, / enough / , / I said. /

Goñ´ oñga´gii. Hoñ´ itha´ugthe shoñ´ oñmoñ´thiñi. Oñ´ba e´kitoñha´xti Nishu´de ke
So / we were returning. / Night / throughout / still / we walked. / Day / just that far / Missouri River / the /

oñga´gthii. Miñ´ thoñ´ e´thoñba´zhi Nishu´de ke oñthi´te oñga´gii. Oñga´gii te, shi oñ´b
we came back to. / Sun / the / had not arisen / Missouri / the / we crossed / we were returning. / We were returning / when, / again / day /

itha´ugthe oñmoñ´thiñi. Ki miñ´thumoñ´shi hi´ te, noñpe´awahiñ´i e´goñ, ta´xti noñ´ba
throughout / we walked. / And / sun on high / arrived / when, / we were hungry / as, / deer / two /

t'e´wathai. Oñwoñ´thate oñgthiñ´i. Goñ´ oñga´gii e´goñ, goñ´ oñzhoñ´i. Shi e´gasa´ni
they killed. / We ate them / we sat. / So / we were returning / as, / so / we slept. / Again / the next day /

oñga´gii e´goñ, shoñ´ oñ´b itha´ugthe oñmoñ´thiñi. Hoñ´ te, shi ta´xti wiñ´ shi t'e´thai;
we were coming / as, / still / day / throughout / we walked. / Night / when, / again / deer / one / again / they killed it; /

oñtha´tai. Shi e´gasa´ni te, oñ´b itha´ugthe shoñ´xti goñ´ oñnoñ´hoñi. Shi hoñ´ te, goñ´
we ate it. / Again / the next day / when, / day / throughout / still, indeed / so / we walked till night. / Again / night / when, / so /

oñmoñ´thiñi; oñzhoñ´-ba´zhi oñmoñ´thiñi. Hoñ´ te, miñ´doñbe pe´thabthiñ-xti-e´goñ, wa´xe
we walked; / we slept not / we walked. / Night / when, / clock / about eight, / white man /

ti´ wiñ´ edi´te i´he oñga´gthii. Wa´xe aka´ e´githe noñ´awape ta´ aka´. Watha´te
house / one / which was there / passing it / we came back. / White man / the (sub.) / behold / he will fear us. / Food /

iñ´na tai´ ha. Pahoñ´ga tizhe´be bthi´shibe ta´ miñke. Oñthoñ´woñhe i´i-ga, ku'e,
let us ask of him / . / Before / door / I pull it open / will / I who. / Following me / be ye coming, / with a rush, /

ehe´. Wi´ugoñ´ba ua´gas'iñ´ ki, kigthi´sioñthe´xti nazhiñ´ aka´ wa´xe aka´. We´shnoña´wathe
I said. / Window / I peeped in / when, / he stripped himself entirely bare / was standing / white man / the (sub.). / Caused us to be thankful /

wa´xe aka´, watha´te wa'i´i te hoñ´ te, ni´awathe´xti e´goñ. Hoñ´ te, shoñ´
white man / the (sub.), / food / he gave to us / night / at, / he really saved our lives / like. / Night / at, / yet /

oñ´bazhi, shoñ´ miñ´ e´thoñba´zhi, ti´i thoñta´ anga´kii. Goñ´ ni´kashiñga bthu´ga shkoñ´i.
not day, / yet / sun / had not arisen, / village / to the / we got home. / And / people / all / were stirring. /

Ni´kashiñga Shaoñ´ wa´xthi ama´ agthi´i ha, ai. Ni´kashiñga pe´thoñba t'eoñ´woñthai´
Man / Dakotas / those who killed them / have come home / . / said they. / Person / seven / we had killed them /

oñthoñ´i goñ´, gi´thextioñ´i ni´kashiñga bthu´ga.
we said / as, / were very glad / people / all. /