How Pawadañthiñ went alone on the war-path

Mawa´doñthiñ nudoñ´ atha´-be ki, ena´xchi atha´-biama´. Ti´i thoñ´di ahi´-bi
Mandan / to war / went, they say / when, / he alone / went he said. / Village / at the / he arrived, he said /

ki, ti´i thoñ bazoñ´ atha´-bi ki, shoñ´ge-una´zhiñ wiñ´ thishi´bai te. Ki wa'u´ wiñ´ a´shi
when, / village / the / among / he went, he said / when, / horse stands in / one / he pulled open. / And / woman / one / out /

ati´-bi ki, doñ´bai te ha. Ie´-xti ti´ata agtha´-biama´. Ki Mawa´doñthiñ aka´
came, he said / when, / she saw him / . / Speaking very (much) / to the lodge / she went back, he said. / And / Mandan / the (sub.) /

shoñ´ge thoñka´ wa´thi'a oñ´he agthai´ te, she´nuzhiñ´ga he´gazhi thixa´-biama´. Uxtha´-bazhi
horse / the ones that / failed with them / fleeing / went homeward / when, / young men / a great many / chased him, he said. / Not overtaking him /

a´kia´gthai te. Oñ´ba ki´zhi zhoñ´i te, we´ahide aki´-bi ki. Hoñ´ ki, shi e´di
he had gone again. / Day / when / he slept, / far off / he reached again, he said / when. / Night / when, / again / there /

atha´-biama´. Ki ti´i thoñ uthi´shoñ-hnoñ moñthiñ´i te, zhoñ´ wagi´the. Bthu´gaxti
he went, he said. / And / village / the / going around it, regularly / he walked, / to wait for them to go to sleep. / All /

zhoñ´-bi ki, she´numiñ´ga noñ´ba zhoñ´-bazhi, wa'oñ´ ku´wiñxe moñthiñ´i te. Hoñ´skoñskoñ´
slept, he said / when, / young man / two / not sleeping, / singing / wandering around / they walked. / Midnight /

ke´ta hi´i ki, she´nuzhiñ´ga noñ´ba ama´ agthai´ te ha, zhoñ´. Moñthiñ´-ti ti´zhebe
to the / it arrived / when, / young man / two / the (sub.) / went homeward / , / to sleep. / Earth-lodge / door /

i´ba-t'oñ gaha´ aki´zhoñi te. Ki aki´tha zhoñ´t'ai ki, a´ma gaxthi´ goñ´thai te (Mawa´doñthiñ
handle it had / upon / they lay together. / And / both / sound asleep / when, / the one / to kill him / wished / (Mandan /

aka´). I´thapithiñ´xchi e´ta athai´ te. E´di ahi´-bi ki, a´ma aka´ pa´gahoñ´i
the). / Very carefully / thither / he went. / There / he arrived, he said / when, / the other / the (sub.) / raised his head /

te, nashki´ thoñ sa´bazhixti moñ´zepe-zhiñ´ga i´tiñ-biama´. A´ma aka´ pa´hoñ
when, / head / the / very suddenly / ax little / he hit with it, he said. / The one / the (sub.) / to arise /

a´tia´thai te ha. Ki thixai´ te ha. Oñ´ha-biama´ Mawa´doñthiñ aka´. Thixe´
started / . / And / they chased him / . / Fled he said / Mandan / the (sub.). / Chasing him /

moñthiñ´-bi ki, boñ´ moñthiñ´-biama´ Pa´thiñ-zhiñ´ga ama´. Ti´ ama´ bthu´gaxti
walked, he said / when, / hallooing / walked he said / Pawnee young / the (sub.). / Lodge / the (sub.) / all /

thixa´-biama´, wa'u´ ama´ shte, shi´nudoñ ama´ shte. Shi thi'a´-biama´. Shi oñ´ba ki,
chased him, he said / woman / the / even, / dog / the / even. / Again / he failed, he said. / Again / day / when, /

zhoñ´-biama´, uchi´zhe moñ´te. Shi hoñ´ ki, e´di atha´-biama´. Oñ´ba koñ´gexchi
he slept, he said, / thicket / within. / Again / night / when, / there / he went, / he said. / Day / very near /

ki, shoñ´ge ti´ wiñ´ thishi´bai te ha. Shoñ´ge wiñ´ koñ´toñ-biama´. Ki a´shi agtha´-bi
when, / horse / lodge / one / he pulled open / . / Horse / one / he tied he said. / And / out / he went homeward, he said /

egoñ´, ti´zhebe e´thoñbe aki´-xti-bi ki, Pa´thiñ wiñ´ a´kipa´-biama´ uhi´ashka. Ki
having, / door / emerging from / he had just reached again, he said / when, / Pawnee / one / he met him, he said / close by. / And /

Pa´thiñ aka´ noñ´pai te Mawa´doñthiñ. Ki Mawa´doñthiñ aka´ shoñ´ge toñ´ thishtoñ´-ba´zhi
Pawnee / the / feared to see him / Mandan. / And / Mandan / the (sub.) / horse / the (ob.) / not letting him go /

thisnu´ agtha´-biama´, toñ´thiñ. Ki Pa´thiñ aka´ e´di e´goñxti boñ´ thahe´gabazhihnoñ´-biama´.
pulling him along / went homeward, he said, / running. / And / Pawnee / the (sub.) / just then / hallooing / was making a great noise by calling, he said. /

Ki Mawa´doñthiñ aka´ shoñ´ge toñ´ a´gthiñ ithoñ´i te, kigthi´t'ut'u´s'a
And / Mandan / the (sub.) / horse / the (ob.) / sat on him suddenly / when, / bucking repeatedly /

gi´'iñ-biama´, ki oñ´th ithe´tha-biama´. Tha´bthiñoñ´ oñ´th ithe´thai ki´zhi, za'ai´ ama´;
it carried him, / and / threw him off, he said. / Three times / it threw him off / when, / they made an uproar, he said; /

na´thuha´xchi ati´-biama´. Shi´nudoñ ama´ shti, wa'u´ ama´ shti, nu´ ama´ shti, bthu´ga
very nearly / they came to him, he said. / Dog / the (sub.) / too, / woman / the (sub.) / too, / man / the (sub.) / too, / all /

thixai´ te. Shoñ´ge thiñ shoñ´shoñ a´gthiñ a´kia´gtha-biama´.
chased him. / Horse / the (mv.) / without stopping / sitting on / he had gone again, he said. /