How the Omahas fought the Dakotas after the latter had killed Añpañ-Tañga's brother

Umoñ´hoñ ama´ wana´se gthiñ´i te. Wizhiñ´the ama´ te-zhiñ´ga ki´de athai´ te, hoñ´egoñ´che.
Omahas / the (sub.) / surrounding the herds / sat. / My elder brother / the (sub.) / buffalo-calf / to shoot at / went, / morning. /

Wiñ´ zhu´gthai te. Uhnu´shkadi te-zhiñ´ga wiñ´ t'e´thai te; pa´de nazhiñ´i te.
One / went with him. / In a valley / buffalo-calf / one / they killed; / cutting it up / they stood. /

Shaoñ´ ama´ wagtha´de a-i´i te, shoñ´ge a´gthiñ sha´pexti-e´goñ. Wahu´toñthiñ uzhi´azhi
Dakotas / the (sub.) / creeping up on them / were approaching, / horse / sitting on / about six. / Gun / not loaded /

nazhiñ´ te wizhiñ´the toñ, a´ma aka´ moñ´de athiñ´i. We´naxi´thai-de, ku'e´ a-i´-biama´
stood / my elder brother / the (std. one), / the other / the (sub.) / bow / had it. / They attacked them when, / rushing forward / were coming they say /

Shaoñ´ ama´. Ku'e´ a-i´-bi egoñ´, t'e´watha´-biama´, wape´ thiñge´goñ.
Dakotas / the (sub.). / Rushing / were coming, they say / having, / they killed them they say, / weapon / they had none, as. /

E´githe utha´ agthi´. Umoñ´hoñ noñ´ba t'e´wathai´, e´ utha´ agthi´. Shaoñ´ ama´
At length / to tell it / they came back. / Omaha / two / they killed them, / that / to tell / they came back. / Dakotas / the (sub.) /

oñ´he agthai´ te wat'e´the ama´. E´di ahi´ e´goñ, wa'iñ´ agthi´. Shaoñ´ ama´
fleeing / went homeward / murderers / the (sub.). / There / they arrived / as, / carrying them / they came home. / Dakotas / the (sub.) /

aki´-biama´. Ti´i thoñta´ aki´-biama´. I´gadiza´-biama´; ti´ uthi´shoñ-hnoñ´-biama´.
reached home, they say. / Village / to the / reached home, they say. / They rode round and round, they say; / lodge / they went around regularly, they say. /

He´ga-bazhi´-biama´; Poñ´ka eda´ba-biama´; a´kiki´zhi gthiñ´i te eda´be. Ihoñ´
They were a great many, they say; / Ponkas / were also, they say; / the tribes coming together / they sat / also. / His mother /

ugi´ne ju´ba ededi´-thoñ ama´. Wana´xthiñi-ga ha, a´-biama´. E´ wat'e´the u´zhu
he seeks his / some / the company is there, they say. / Hasten ye / . / said he, they say. / That / murderers / principal /

aka´ itha´di aka´ wana´xthiñwa´the ti´i ke uha´-biama´. Giba´zu izha´zhe athiñ´-biama´
the (one who) / his father / the (sub.) / causing them to hasten / lodges / the (line of) / went along, they say. / Kipazo / his name / he had, they say /

itha´di aka´, ni´kagahi u´zhu aka´. Poñ´ka ti´i ke shi uha´-biama´. E´wathathai´
his father / the (sub.), / chief / principal / the (sub.). / Ponka / lodge / the (line of) / again / he went along, they say. / You have them for relations /

watha´gthize tai´, na´gthe wa´thizai ki, we´thagi´shpahoñ´i ki, a´-biama´. Poñ´ka-ma
you take them / will, / captive / they take them / when, / you recognize yours / if, / said he, they say. / The Ponkas /

she´tha-bazhi´-biama´. Shi e´di e´githoñ atha´-biama´. Uthe´ha-ba´zhi ki´shte, thie´shniñ
did not heed, they say. / Again / there / to say it to / he went, they say. / You do not join / even if, / you are the ones /

taite´ ha, a´-biama´. Thi´ oñ´gathiki´tha toñ´gatoñ, a´-biama´. Athe´ nazhiñ´-biama´
shall (be) / . / said he, they say. / You / we contend with you / we will, / said he, they say. / Going / stood they say /

Shaoñ´ ama´. Shoñ´ wa´baha ke´d ugthiñ´i-de wa'u´ ama´ goñ´ athe´ nazhiñ´-biama´.
Dakotas / the (sub.). / In fact / Indian carriage / in the / sat in while / woman / the (sub.) / so / going / stood they say. /

Ki Poñ´ka u´zhu aka´, We´gasa´pi aka´, Poñ´ka ti´i thoñ uha´-biama´. E'oñ´xti
And / Ponka / principal / the (sub.), / Whip / the (sub.), / Ponka / village / the (circle) / went along, they say. / Just how /

ga´xe tai´ e´doñ wa´banoñ hne´ shkoñ´hna tha´thiñshe´ e´di shne´ ete´de, a´-biama´
they will do / "&? (&in &thought) / to witness / you go / you wish / you who

We´gasa´pi aka´. E´di athai´ te hoñ´i te, We´gasa´pi Moñ´chu-wa´thihi zhu´gigthe,
Whip / the (sub.). / There / they went / it was night / when, / Whip / Mañtcu-wathihi / he with his, /

goñ´ki Poñ´ka ama´ shti. E´githe a-i´-nazhiñ´ ama´ma. Thi´skie´ uthe´wiñkithai´ te,
and / Ponkas / the (sub.) / too. / At length / they were approaching and standing, they say. / All together / they assembled / when, /

wana´she uthe´wiñkithai´, ju´ba a´kikihi´de atha´-biama´. Wana´she ama´ e´gaxe
police / they assembled, / some / watching over one another / went, they say. / Police / the (pl. sub.) / all around /

moñthiñ´-biama´; uthu´shiata´ shti ju´ba, uba´hiata´ shti, ha´shiata´ shti. Wana´she
walked they say; / at the front / too / some, / at the sides / too, / behind / too. / Police /

we´naxi´tha-hnoñ´-biama´; wasniñ´de moñthiñ´i-ma u´tiñ-hnoñ´-biama´. We´gasa´pi
they attacked them regularly, they say; / delaying / those who walked / they hit them regularly, they say. / Whip /

aka´ we´husa´-biama´. Uki´t'e i´wipahoñ´-hnoñ-moñ´i. Thizhu´-bazhi-hnoñ´i thoñ´shti.
the (sub.) / scolded them, they say. / Nation / I have always known you in particular. / You were always unfortunate / heretofore. /

Ea´toñ u´noñpe iñthe´shnoñi a. Wa'u´ e´gizhoñ´xti zhoñ´ hniñ thoñ´shti, a´-biama´
Why / punishment / do ye threaten to me / ? / Woman / you did just so / you did / you were / heretofore, / said, they say /

We´gasa´pi aka´. Ki uki´t'e aka´ nu´i ha, a´-biama´. I´wipahoñ tai´ miñke,
Whip / the (sub.). / And / nation / the / are men / . / said he, they say. / I know you / will / I who, /

a´-biama´. E´di athai´ te, hoñ´ imoñ´thiñ a-i´-biama´.
said he, they say. / There / they went / when, / night / walking by / they approached, they say. /

Umoñ´hoñ aka-ta´thishoñ bthe´. Umoñ´hoñ ama´ pa´ze te noñ´za ga´xai.
Omahas / towards those who are / I go. / Omahas / the (sub.) / evening / when / embankment / made. /

Hu´thuga gthiñ´i thoñ shoñ´shoñ noñ´za ga´xai. Shiñ´gazhiñ´ga noñ´za wethe´shkaxe te,
Tribal circle / they sat / the / always / embankment / they made. / Children / embankment / you are to make for them, /

ai´ atha+. Ati´ ta´-bite´, ai´ atha+, a´-biama´. Ki noñ´za ga´xai te Umoñ´hoñ ama´.
he says / indeed. / It is said that they will surely come, / he says / indeed, / said (one), they say. / And / embankment / made / Omahas / the (sub.). /

Goñ´ki ti´ha ke uthu´kihehe´be ga´xai itha´ugthe; ti´shi ge a´kithis'iñ´s'iñ ga´xai
And / tent-skins / the (line of) / one after another, as far as they would go / they made / throughout; / tentpoles / the (ob.) / interwoven / they made /

itha´ugthe. Oñ´ba koñ´ge; watha´shkoñ te, ai´ a´tha. Ati´-bi, ai´ atha+, ai´. E´ta
throughout. / Day / near at hand; / you will do your best, / he says / indeed. / It is said they have come, / he says / indeed, / said he. / Thither /

hoñ´ wadoñ´be ahi´-hnoñ ama´; wana´'oñ agthi´, noñti´de wana´'oñ agthi´. Watha´shkoñ te,
night / scouts / were arriving; / hearing them / they came back, / making a drumming with the feet / hearing them / they came home. / You will do your best, /

ai´ a´tha. E´be uthi´koñ te thiñge´ a´tha, ai´. Wape´ ke bthu´gaxti ha´ha
he says / indeed. / Who / he help you / will / there is none / indeed, / he said. / Weapon / the / all / ready /

atha´gthahniñ´ thazhoñ´ te, ai´ a´tha; maxu´de wahu´toñthiñ utha´gizhi te, ai´ a´tha; ati´-bi,
you have yours / you lie / will, / he says / indeed; / powder / gun / you put in yours / will, / he says / indeed; / it is said they have come, /

ai´ a´tha, ai´.
he says / indeed, / he said. /

Oñ´ba aka´ e´thoñbe. Wea´naxitha shu-i´thai; e´gaxe toñ´de noñti´dai. Shoñ´ge
Day / the (sub.) / came forth. / They charged on us in coming this way; / all around / ground / they made a drumming noise (on) by running. / Horse /

the´thutoñ ju´ba we´koñtoñ gthi´se e´goñ noñ´gai; uwa´thishoñ noñ´gai. Shaoñ´ ama´
hence / some / lariat / broke theirs / as / they ran; / around us / they ran. / Dakotas / the (sub.) /

shoñ´ge-ma wa´thiñ agthai´, gashi´be noñ´ge ahi´-ma. Wa´xe wiñ´ gazoñ´adi
the horses / having them / went homeward, / outside / running / those who arrived. / White man / one / among /

gaxthoñ´-madi edui´he; shoñ´ge toñ´ shti e´thiñ agthai´. Ma´shtu Thi´doñ izha´zhe athiñ´.
to those who were hunting / he joined; / horse / the (std. ob.) / too / having for him / they went homeward. / Mr. / Reed / his name / he had. /

Shaoñ´ ama´ shoñ´ge iñ´'i ta´ ama´, e´-hnoñ ama´. Gi´'i ete´goñ-ba´zhi, shoñ´ i´e e´githoñ-hnoñ´
Dakotas / the (sub.) / horse / give back to me / will, / he said regularly / they say. / To give back to him / they were not apt, / yet / words / he said to (some one) regularly /

ama´. We´goñze wiñde´toñ-xchi-e´goñ ti´i e´gaxe wa´kithai. Shoñ´-ama ti´i
they say. / Measure / about one-half / lodges / all around / they contended against us. / By and by / lodges /

ke Umoñ´hoñ ama´ u´gipa´-xtioñ´i; noñ´zata e´giha agi´i. Ti´i ke´ta ki´dai Shaoñ´
the (line of) / Omahas / the (sub.) / entered their own; / to the rear / headlong / they were coming back. / Lodges / at the / shot at / Dakotas /

ama´, shoñ´ nia´tha waki´dai. Shoñ´ge-ma t'e´wathai´ a´higi. Shaoñ´ moñ´ etai´ ke
the, / het / at random / they shot at them. / The horses / they killed them / many. / Dakotas / arrow / theirs / the /

ati´-hnoñi ti´i ke. Umoñ´hoñ ama´ ti´ha uma´gude-hnoñ´i; ki Shaoñ´-ma e´thoñbe
they came regularly / lodges / the (ob.). / Omahas / the (sub.) / tent-skins / cut holes in regularly; / and / the Dakotas / in sight /

i´ ki, waki´de the´the-hnoñ´i Umoñ´hoñ ama´. Umoñ´hoñ wiñ´, Ka´xe-thoñ´ba iniñ´the,
came / when, / shot away at them regularly / Omahas / the (sub.). / Omaha / one, / Crow two / his elder brother, /

e´goñ t'e´tha-biama´ Shaoñ´ ama´. Ti´ha toñga´ uma´'ude ki, uga´s'iñ ama´. E´githe
so / they killed him, they say / Dakotas / the (sub.). / Tent-skin / large / cut a hole in / when, / he peeped / they say. / At length /

pe´xti 'e´thoñthai. Uthu´shi-na´zhiñ izha´zhe athiñ´. Gashi´bata moñthiñ´i te, Umoñ´hoñ
right on the forehead / they put it. / At the front he stands / his name / he had. / At the outside / they walked / when, / Omaha /

wiñ´ t'e´thai, shoñ´ha iñ´i. He´ga t'e´thai ha, ai´. Shi gashi´bata moñthiñ´i te, shi
one / was killed, / wolf-skin / he word. / Buzzard / is killed / . / they said. / Again / at the outside / they walked / when, / again /

wiñ´ t'e´thai. U´hoñ-toñ´ga t'e´thai ha, ai´. Shi gashi´bata moñthiñ´i te, Pa´thiñnoñpa´zhi
one / was killed. / Kettle large / is killed / , / they said. / Again / at the outside / they walked / when, / Pathiñnañpaji /

u´i ha. E´ t'e´thai e´goñ, Mawa´doñthiñ e´di athai´; u´i zhi´be kethoñ´.
was wounded / . / That / was killed / as, / Mandan / there / went; / he was wounded / lower leg / the. /

Mawa´doñthiñ t'e´thai, ai´. Mawa´doñthiñ mu´bthizh ithe´thai. Shaoñ´-ma shti, t'e´wathai´-ma
Mandan / is killed, / they said. / Mandan / they made him fall suddenly by shouting him. / The Dakotas / too, / those who were killed, /

wa´gthisnu agthe´-hnoñi; pa´ ge wakoñ´toñ shoñ´ge-ma thisnu´wakithai´.
they dragged them along / they went homeward regularly; / head / the (pl. ob.) / they tied them / the horses / they made them drag them. /

E´githe inte´de e´di a-i´-bazhi. Shoñ´gaxai. Uthu´shiata Shaoñ´ noñ´ba t'e´wathai´.
At length / now, but / there / they were not approaching. / They ceased. / At the front / Dakotas / two / were killed. /

E´di we´naxi´thai ahi´i egoñ´, wapa´dai Umoñ´hoñ ama´; wa´shnushnu´de, goñ´
There / rushing on them / arrived / having, / cut them up / Omahas / the (sub.); / cut them in many pieces, / so /

we´gitiñ the´thai. Xage´ agtha´-biama´. Goñ´ aki´-biama´ Shaoñ´ ama´, wagi´'iñ.
they threw back and hit them with. / Crying / they went homeward, they say. / And / reached there again, they say / Dakotas / the (sub.), / carrying their own. /

Ti´ toñga´xti te´di Mawa´doñthiñ wachi´gaxa´-biama´. Uthi´zoñ te woñ´githe gthiñ´wakitha´-biama´
Tent / very large / at the / Mandan / they danced they say. / Middle / the / all / caused them to sit, they say /

Shaoñ´ t'e-ma´. Tasha´ge a´ te uthoñ´wakitha´-bi egoñ´, wa'oñ´
Dakotas / the dead ones. / Deer-claws / arm / the / made them hold, they say / having, / singing /

gthiñ´wakitha´-biama´. Wa'oñ´ zhu´wagthe gthiñ´-biama´. Ti´ te woñ´githe shoñ´
they made them sit, they say. / Singing / with them / they sat, they say. / Tent / the / all / in fact /

gthiñ´wakitha´-biama´ t'e´ thoñ´ka. Ti´ te a´thia´za te shoñ´shoñ noñ´de ke moñthiñ´k
made them sit they say / dead / the ones who. / Tent / the / they opened and put it on the poles / when / without stopping / sides / the / earth (sods) /

a´gaspa´-biama´. Ti´ te thishtoñ´-bi ki, oñ´he agtha´-biama´. Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ ati´ te,
they weighted, they say. / Tent / the / they finished, they say / when, / fleeing / they went homeward, they say. / The Omahas / come / will, /

ai´, a´doñ oñ´he agtha´-biama´ Shaoñ´ ama´. Ki Umoñ´hoñ-ma´di t'e´wathai´-ma
they said, / therefore / fleeing / went homeward, they say / Dakotas / the (sub.). / And / among / the Omahas / the dead ones (ob.) /

wagi´xai. He´-zhoñka-toñ´ga pa´hi-xti 'e´thoñthai, t'e´thai. Wanu´kige si´ te 'e´thoñthai.
they buried their own. / Horn forked (of a fawn) large / right in the neck / they put it on, / they killed him. / Wanukige / foot / the / they put it on. /

A´gaha-washu´she 'e´thoñthai, e´ t'e´thextioñ´i. Iñsh'a´ge-wahi´the u´i zhi´be
Agaha-wacuce / they put it on, / that / they killed outright. / Iñc'age-wahithe / they wounded / lower leg /

kethoñ´. Pa´thiñ-gahi´ge pa´ thoñ 'e´thoñthai.
the. / Pathiñ-gahige / head / the / they put it on. /

No Thegiha
(The following is an incomplete account of the same occurrence, which Two Crows gave:)

Nuge´ ga´xthoñ oñga´thai Umoñ´hoñ-ma´. Si´oñthai´: Pa´thiñ-ma zhu´wagtha-ba´zhi;
Summer / on the hunt / we went / the Omahas. / They were alone: / the Pawnees / were not with them; /

Umoñ´hoñ-ma-hnoñ´ gaxthoñ´i. Goñ´ Wate´ ke ga´ke oñgu´ha oñga´thai. Dzho´
The Omahas only / were on the hunt. / And / Elkhorn / the / that / we followed / we went. / Joe /

aka´ e´di ni´kagahi i´thigthoñ-ma edui´he moñthiñ´i. Oñga´thai e´goñ te´ we´oñthai.
the / there / chief / those who ruled / joining / walked. / We went / as / buffalo / we found them. /

Te´-ma he´gazhi t'e´oñwoñthai´, e´gaxe goñ´ t'e´oñwoñ´th oñgthiñ´i; shoñ´ a´higioñ´xti
The buffaloes / not a few / we killed them, / all around / so / we killed them / we sat; / in fact / very many times /

oñwoñ´nas oñgthiñ´i. Shoñ´ ni´ashiñga wiña´xchi te´-ma gthe´ba shti, agthiñ´satoñthoñthoñ,
we surrounded them / we sat. / In fact / man / only one / the buffaloes / ten / too, / by fifteens, /

gthe´ba-noñ´ba-thoñthoñ´ shti, t'e´wathe´-hnoñ´i. Goñ´ wana´se te oñgu´thi'age
by twenties / too, / killed them regularly. / And / to surround them / we were unwilling /

e´goñ oñgthiñ´i, wea´bthoñi. Te´-ma weoñ´'iñ goñ´ e´goñ oñgthiñ´i. E´githe hoñ´egoñche´xchi
somewhat / we sat, / we had our fill. / The buffaloes / we carried them / and / so / we sat. / At length / early in the morning /

miñ´ e´thoñbazhi´xchi, zhoñ´ agi´pahoñ ki, e´githe te´ ama´ a´shkaxchi a´ia´ma.
sun / had not risen at all / sleep / I rose from / when, / behold, / buffalo / the (sub.) / very close / were coming. /

Wiña´xchi Dzho´ aka´ t'e´tha-ba´zhi shoñ´ baku´wiñxe athiñ´i, shoñ´ we´ahide athiñ´ athai´;
Only one / Joe / the (sub.) / did not kill it / yet / turning around / he had it, / yet / far off / he took it; /

u´kiza ke´ta athiñ´ athai´. Ki shoñ´ge toñ oñwoñ´'i Dzho´ aka´. Goñ´ te´ thiñ t'e´the
no one there / to the / he took it. / And / horse / the / loaned to me / Joe / the (sub.). / And / buffalo / the (mv. ob.) / to kill it /

oñshi´, a´doñ t'e´athe-goñ´ oñpa´dai. Zhu´ ke wi´ a'iñ´, goñ´ taha´nuka si´oñthe´ 'iñ´i
asked me, / therefore / I killed it and / we cut it up. / Body / the / I / I carried, / and / green hide / alone / carried it /

Dzho´ aka´. Oñga´gthai e´goñ ti´ ke oñgi´tape oñga´gthai. Ti´i thoñ e´thoñbe oñga´ki
Joe / the (sub.). / We went homeward / as / tent / the / we were near to / we went homeward. / Tents / the / in sight of / we got back /

ki, e´githe te´ ju´ba wa´thixai. Oñga´gthai ke´ta ukoñ´ska wa´thiñ a-i´i du´da.
when, / at length / buffalo / some / they chased them. / We went homeward / to the / right in a line with / having them / they were coming / this way. /

Koñ´ge oñga)ki ki, te´-ma waba´kuwiñxe athai´. E´githe ni´ashiñga ama´ taha´wagthe
Near / we got home / when, / the buffaloes / wheeling around / went. / Behold, / men / the (sub.) / shield /

athiñ´i te ni´kathi´xe athai´.
had / when / chasing the foe / went. /

No Thegiha
(When Two Crows had dictated this, several Omahas entered the room, and he would not tell the rest.)