Ma´the ki t'oñga´xthoñ a-i´i te. Umoñ´hoñ ama´ Bachi´
toñ´woñ te´di gthiñ´i.
Winter / when / the fall hunt / they came. / Omahas /
the (sub.) / Sarpy / town / at the / sat. /
Wi´ te´ ua´ne bthe´, ga´ta. Itha´pahoñ-ma´zhi
we´naxi´thai te, shoñ´ uthai´ te ua´na'oñ´.
I / buffalo / I hunted / I went, / to that / place. / I
knew it I not / that they were attacked, / yet / they told
it / the (ob.) / I heard of it. /
Thiki´ma a´thutoñxtioñ´, Nishu´de bashoñ´ edi,
ati´-biama´ gaxthoñ´. Goñ´ki Dzho´ aka´
Tekamah / in that very direction, / Missouri River /
bend / at, / they came, they say / hunting party. / And /
Joe / the (sub.) /
e´di a-i´i te ha. Bachi´ ama´ u´thiñwiñ ti´
athiñ´kithai´ Dzho´. Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ gazoñ´adi
there / he came / . / Sarpy / the (sub.) / trading /
house / caused to have it / Joe. / Omahas the / among /
ta´xti-ha thiñwiñ´ moñthiñ´kithai´ te Bachi´ aka´.
E´githe Thiki´ma dua´thishoñ uga´xthi
deer-skin / to buy / caused him to walk / Sarpy / the
(sub.). / At length / Tekamah / this side of / point of
timber /
ke´ta e´di ti´i te ha Umoñ´hoñ ama´. E´githe nu´ ama´
'a´bae athai´ te ha. Ju´ba
at the / there / camped / , / Omahas / the (sub.). / At
length / man / the (sub.) / hunting / went / . / Some /
shti nudoñ´ athai´ te; wa'u´, iñsh'a´ge, shiñ´gazhiñ´ga
eda´be, waoñ´tha athai´ te ha. Dzho´
too / to war / they went; / woman, / old man, / child /
also, / leaving them / they went / . / Joe /
aka´, Gthedoñ´-na´zhiñ, Toñ´woñ-ga´xe, she´na ushtai´
te. E´githe Umoñ´hoñ nudoñ´
the, / Hawk-standing, / Village-maker, / those only /
remained. / At length / Omahas / to war /
athe´ ama´ Shaoñ´ sigthe´ te we´thai te ha. Wa'u´,
shiñ´gazhiñ´ga eda´be, wagi´tape
those who went / Dakotas / trail / the / they found them
/ . / Woman, / child / also, / near to them (their own) /
gthai´ ki, ki´-ba´zhi; she´nawathai´ te Shaoñ´ ama´. Shi
'a´bae-ma´ tanu´ka 'iñ´ gthai´
they went back / when, / they did not reach again; /
exterminated them / Dakotas / the (sub.). / Again / those
who hunted / fresh meat / carrying / they went back /
te, shi she´nawathe-ma´ ki´i te ha. Dzho´ wat'oñ´ ke
bthu´gaxti Shaoñ´ ama´ ginashai´
when, / again / those who were exterminated / they
reached home / . / Joe / goods / the (ob.) / all / Dakotas
/ the (sub.) / took from him /
te ha. Shoñ´ge-ma´ shti bfthu´ga gi´nashai´ te ha. Goñ´
shoñ´ge-ma´ shti bthu´ga
. / The horses / too / all / they took from him / . /
And / the horses / too / all /
we´naxai´ te ti´i thoñ bthu´ga. Gthedoñ´-na´zhiñ itha´di
ena´xchi niñ´ta zhu´gigthe.
they took from them / village / the / all. /
Hawk-standing / his father / he only / alive / he with
his. /
Wa'u´-ma, iñsh'a´ge eda´be, wiñde´naxti t'e´wathai´ te,
gthe´ba du´ba-xti-e´goñ Umoñ´hoñ-ma´.
The women, / old man / also, / just one half / they were
killed, / forty / about / the Omahas. /
Ushte´ ama´ oñ´he athai´ te uchi´zhe ke´ta. Ushte´ ama´
Those who remained / fleeing / they went / thicket / to
the. / The rest / children /
wagi´'iñ oñ´he-hnoñ´i te, e´ niñ´ta bthu´ga. Goñ´ki wi´
Piza´bahe ke´ta pi´.
carrying them / they fled / as, / that / alive / all. /
And / I / Pizabahe / to the / I went. /
Ni´kashiñga ti´ gthe´ba-xti-e´goñ oñthiñ´. Te´ ama´
he´ga-ba´zhi. He´gazhi te´-ma t'e´oñwoñthai´.
Person / lodge / ten about / we were. / Buffaloes / the
(sub.) / were a great many. / A great many / the buffaloes
/ we killed them. /
Waiiñ´, me´-ha ge´ shti he´gazhi, a´doñ a´shkaxchi
oñti´-hnoñ oñmoñ´thiñi.
Robes, / winter-robes / the (pl.) / too / a great many,
/ therefore / very near / we camped regularly / we walked.
The´thu uzha´ta thoñ´di Pa´thiñ toñ´woñ dua´thishoñ´di
e´xchi oñga´gthii. E´di hoñ´
Here / the fork / at the / Pawnee / town / on this side
of / just that / we came back. / There / night /
oñzhoñ´i, oñti´i. E´githe, hoñ´egoñ´che oñgi´pahoñ´i ki,
shoñ´ge-ma bthu´gaxti we´thiñgai´
we lay down, / we camped. / Behold, / morning / we arose
again / when, / the horses / all / were missing to us /
te ha. Si´gthe oñ´guginai´, shoñ´ bthu´ga. Mazhoñ´
oñwoñ´wata athai´ te
. / Trail / we followed theirs (our own), / in fact /
all. / Land / to which / they went / the /
weoñ´gipahoñ´ oñgoñ´thai te, ma´ thiñge´ te. E´githe
wamoñ´thoñ agthai´ ke; e´githe
we know of ours / we desired, / snow / none / when. /
Behold, / stealing them / they had gone back in a line; /
behold, /
wa´thiñ agthai´ ke. Wioñ´gugihe´ oñga´thai. E´githe
Pa´thiñ wamoñ´thoñ agthai´ ke.
having them / they had gone back in a line. / We sought
them (our own) / we went. / Behold, / Pawnees / stealing
them / had gone homeward. /
She´ Ni-btha´ska ita´xata wana´she toñ´woñ thoñ´di
Pa´thiñ ama´ edi gthiñ´ ama´. E´di
That / Platte River / towards the head / soldiers / town
/ by the / Pawnees / the (sub.) / there / sat. / There /
wa´thiñ aki´ ama´. Ki e´di wioñ´gugihe´ oñga´hii. Ki
hoñ´ ki, Pa´thiñ shoñ´ge
having them / they reached home. / And / there / we
sought our own / we arrived. / And / night / when, /
Pawnees / horse /
eta´-ma e´goñ oñ woñ´moñthoñ´i. Ki wana´she ti´
koñ´gexchi xa´tha agi´i Umoñ´hoñ
their (pl. ob.) / like / we stole them. / And / soldier
/ lodge / very near / back again / were coming / Omaha /
nuzhiñ´ga tha´bthiñ. E´githe Pa´thiñ nudoñ´ gthe-ma´
wa´kipai´ te. Pa´thiñ ama´ a´higi
boys / three. / At length / Pawnees / on the war-path /
those going homeward / they met them. / Pawnees / the
(pl.) / many /
thoñ´zha Umoñ´hoñ nuzhiñ´ga aka´ wiñ´ gaxthi´. Ki oñgu´
oñ´gathiñ shoñ´ge e´goñ
though / Omaha / boys / the / one / killed him. / And /
we / we who moved / horse / so /
oñwoñ´gathiñ oñga´gii. Ti´i thoñ´di oñga´gthii ki, Dzho´
wat'oñ´ bthu´ga gi´nasha´-bi,
we had them / we were coming back. / Village / to the /
we came home / when, / Joe / goods / all / they had taken
from him, /
ai´, ana´'oñ. Shaoñ´ ama´ she´nawatha´-bi Umoñ´hoñ-ma´,
ai´, ana´'oñ.
they said it, / I heard it. / Dakota / the (sub.) / had
destroyed them / the Omahas, / they said it, / I heard it.