How the Dakotas fought the Pawnees and avenged the death of Mawadañthiñ's brother

Wa´xe-he´be aka´ Poñ´ka wa'u´ wagthoñ´i. Poñ´ka ama´ u´doñxti athiñ´i.
White man part / the (sub.) / Ponka / woman / married. / Ponkas / the (pl.) / very good / had him. /

Shiñ´gazhiñ´ga wiñ´ t'oñ´-biama´, nu´zhiñga ama´. T'e´ ama´ e´ shiñ´gazhiñ´ga pahoñ´ga
Infant / one / he had they say, / boy / they say. / Died / they say / that / child / before /

t'oñ´i te. Nudoñ´ athe´ 'i´thai te Pa´thiña´ta. Athai´ te. Ti´ koñ´haxchi eshoñ´ gthiñ´i
he had it. / To war / to go / he spoke of / to the Pawnees. / He went. / Lodge / very edge of / near to / he sat /

te Pa´thiñ iñsh'a´ge 'i´the aki´-biama´. Ni´kashiñga a´wate i´gthiñ thiñke´, a´-biama´.
when / Pawnee / old man / to speak of him / reached home, they say. / Person / what thing / is sitting / by it, / said they, they say. /

Ga´thu ati´ gthiñ´ thiñke´, ni´kashiñga wiñ´, a´-biama´. E´di ahi´-bi ki, e´githe ededi´
In that place / he has come / he is sitting, / person / one, / said he, they say / when, / behold, / he was sitting there /

aka´ma. Nazhi´ha ma´sai e´goñ, iñde´ thoñ moñthiñ´ka a´thahaxti ga´xa-biama´. E´di
they say. / Hair / cut off / as, / face / the (ob.) / earth / sticking tightly on / he made it, they say. / There /

ahi´-bi egoñ´, uthoñ´-biama´. Athiñ´ aki´-biama´. I´woñxa´-biama´. Ea´toñ moñhniñ´
arrived, they say / having, / they held him, they say. / They took him home, they say. / They questioned him they say. / Why / you walk /

a, a´-biama´. Nudoñ´ moñbthiñ´, a´-biama´. Eda´doñ uki´t'e hniñ´ a, a´-biama´.
? / said they, they say. / On the war-path / I walk, / said he, they say. / What / nation / you are / ? / said they, they say. /

Shaoñ´ bthiñ´, a´-biama´. Poñ´ka shti he´be bthiñ´, a´-biama´. The´ he´bai uki´gtha-bazhi´-biama´;
Dakota / I am, / said he, they say. / Ponka / too / part / I am, / said he, they say. / This / he was a part / he told not of himself they say; /

Umoñ´hoñ he´bai uki´gtha-bazhi´-biama´; wa´xe he´bai shti uki´gtha-bazhi´-biama´.
Omaha / he was a part / he told not of himself, they say; / white man / he was a part / too / he told not of himself they say. /

E´ ga´te uki´gthai ki, e´ Umoñ´hoñ he´bai shi wa´xe he´bai uki´gthai
That afore-said thing / he told of himself / if, / that / Omaha / he was a part / again / white man / he was a part / he told of himself /

ki, ni´the ta´-bi ethe´goñ ki, uki´gtha-ba´zhii te. T'e´thai te ha; a´noñzhiñ´gthe gia´xa-biama´.
if, / they would let him live / he thought / when, / he did not tell it about himself. / They killed him / ; / an upright frame / they made for him they say. /

Wa'ai uke´toñ goñ´thai e´goñ we´'e i´snathe usa´-biama´ ni´kashiñga toñ.
Farming / to gain / they wished / as / hoe / to grease with / they burnt him, they say / man / the (std.). /

Wat'e´the u´zhu aka´ Pa´thiñ aka´ Iñde´-snede izha´zhe athiñ´-biama´. Shaoñ´ uki´gsha te
Murderer / principal / the (sub.) / Pawnee / the (sub.) / Face long / his name / he had they say. / A Dakota / he confessed himself / \nt uki´gtha

Shaoñ´ na'oñ´-bi t'e´thai te, gi´tha-bazhi´-biama´. Toñ´woñgthoñ uthe´wiñkitha´-biama´.
Dakotas / they heard it, they say / he was killed / when, / they were sad, they say. / Tribe / they assembled themselves, they say. /

Ugi´n 'i´tha-biama´. Toñ´woñgthoñ pe´thoñbaha´-biama´. Uthe´wiñkitha´-biama´.
To seek theirs / they spoke of, they say. / Tribe / in seven places, they say. / They assembled themselves, they say. /

A´gaxthoñxti e´di a-i´-biama´. Koñ´ge ati´i te ha. Wa'u´ shiñ´gazhiñ´ga eda´be
Just as when moving on the hunt / there / they approached, they say. / Near / they came / . / Woman / children / also /

waoñ´tha a-i´i te ha. Goñ´-ke-xchi ahi´i te. Shi wana´she a´kikihi´de moñthiñ´i te,
leaving them / they approached / . / Going for a long time in a line / they arrived. / Again / soldiers / paying attention to those with them / they walked, /

e´gaxe wathi´hi i´kikuhai´ e´goñ. E´di hoñ´-imoñ´thiñ athai´ te, ni´kashiñga ju´ba
round about / to scare them off / they feared for themselves / as. / There / walking by night / they went / when, / person / some /

kimoñ´gthoñi te hoñ´ te. Pa´thiñ koñ´gexchi ahi´i te, the´ ju´ba aka´ oñ´ba e´thoñbexchi
absconded / night / when. / Pawnee / very near / they arrived / when, / this / some / the (sub.) / day / just in sight /

shoñ´ge wa´thizai´ te. Shoñ´ge wa´thin agthai´, a´-biama´ Pa´thiñ ama´. Wa´thiñ
horse / they took them. / Horse / having them / they have gone, / said, they say / Pawnees / the (sub.). / Having them /

atha´-biama´. Na´thuha´xchi u´xthe ama´ma. Wa´thiñ ati´-biama´. Ki Shaoñ´ ama´
they went, they say. / Very nearly / they overtook them, they say. / Having them / they came, they say. / And / Dakotas / the (pl.) /

ga´-biama´: Wuhu´! ju´ba i´kina´xthe a´ia´thai e´iñte, thawa´thiñ ati´. Tha´thuha´xchi
said as follows, they say: / Wuhu! / some / hiding themselves / they may have gone, / there they come chased by the foe. / Very nearly /

u´thoñ ama´. Hau! ke´, the´thai-ga, a´-biama´ Shaoñ´ ama´. Toñ´de ke noñhoñ´hoñ-biama´;
they held them / they say. / Ho! / come, / send ye, / said, they say / Dakotas / the (sub.). / Ground / the (ob.) / they made tremble under their feet they say; /

noñti´dai te, he´gazhi ama´: Gu+! The´ Pa´thiñ ama´ kigthi´soñtha´-biama´;
they made a drumming sound as they ran, / they were many, they say: / Gu+! / This / Pawnees / the (sub.) / turned themselves around, they say; /

oñ´he agtha´-biama´. U´thahaxti e´di athai´ te, shoñ´ge oñ´sagi a´gthiñ-bi egoñ´.
fleeing / they went homeward, they say. / Sticking very close to them / there / they went, / horse / swift / they sat on, they say / because. /

Ga´ama ushte´ ama´ oñ´he agtha´-biama´ Pa´thiñ ama´. Wiña´xchi i´gadize-hnoñ
Those / the rest / the (sub.) / fleeing / went homeward, they say / Pawnees / the (sub.). / One / riding round and round /

gthiñ´-biama´, shoñ´ge uthu´nazhiñ´-bi egoñ´. The´ama oñwoñ´xthe doñ´shteoñ´ ta´ ama´
sat they say, / horse / he depended on, they say / because. / These / they overtake me / (dubitative sign) / they will /

e´iñte, ethe´goñ gthiñ´-biama´. Koñ´gexchi ahi´-biama´. Gthe´ ama´. Moñshoñ´de
it may be, / thinking / he sat they say. / Very near / they arrived, they say. / He went homeward / they say. / Den (hole) /

una´zhiñ gi´'iñ-biama´; edi´xti kinoñ´sa ama´ shoñ´ge toñ. Shaoñ´ ama´ a´noñge
standing in / he carried him, they say; / just there / stumbled they say / horse / the (std.). / Dakotas / the (sub.) / running over him /

noñt'a´-biama´ ni´kashiñga ke. Shoñ´shoñ ti´i thoñ wa´thiñ-biama´ ushte´ ama´. Shoñ´shoñ
trampled him to death, they say / person / the (reclining). / Without stopping / village / the / they had them, they say / the rest / the (sub.). / Without stopping /

ti´i thoñ ie´ginaxi´tha wa´thiñ a-i´-biama´. Ti´i thoñ u´gipa´aza´-biama´.
village / the / rushing on theirs / having them / they approached, they say. / Village / the / they scared them into theirs, they say. /

Pa´thiñ ama´ a´kishuga´-biama´. A´kikitha´-biama´. Pa´thiñ wiñ´ u´doñ a´tashoñ;
Pawnees / the (sub.) / were very close together they say. / They contended together they say. / Pawnee / one / good / exceedingly; /

shoñ´ge shti u´doñ a´gthiñ-biama´; wa´thaha shti u´doñ. Ti´ata kigthe´-shtoñ; wa´thaha
horse / too / good / he sat on, they say; / clothing / too / good. / To the lodge / he continued going back; / clothing /

a´zhi ugi´nazhiñ´-bi-de´, shi shoñ´ge a´zhi a´ginazhiñ´-bi-de´, i´gadize-hnoñ´-biama´.
different / he stood in his, they say while, / again / horse / different / he stood on, they say while, / he rode round and round they say. /

E´githe t'e´tha-biama´, shoñ´ge toñ´ shti thiza´-bi egoñ´. Pa´da-ba´zhi ni´kashiñga u´doñ
At length / they killed him, they say, / horse / the (std.) / too / they took, they say / because. / They did not cut him up / man / good /

thiñke´. A´banoñ-hnoñ´-biama´, thaxu´be-hnoñ´-biama´, Shaoñ´ ama´. Iti´goñ aka´
he who. / They were gazing at him they say, / they were expressing wonder they say, / Dakotas / the (sub.). / His wife's father / the (sub.) /

Sha´thathe´gathi´ke. Shoñ´gaxa´-biama´ Shaoñ´ ama´. Oñ´zithagithe´ te, ai´ a´tha, a´-biama´
Recaru rekarika. / They ceased, they say / Dakotas / the (sub.). / You are to rest, / he says / indeed, / said, they say /

Shaoñ´ ama´. Goñ´ wa´'u´-ma shti ati´-biama´. Shoñ´ nini´ iñ´ gthiñ´-biama´ Shaoñ´
Dakotas / the (sub.). / And / the woman / too / came, they say. / Yet / tobacco / using / sat, they say / Dakotas /

ama´. Pa´thiñ ama´ ga´-biama´. I´i-ga, a´-biama´. Uki´t'e thati´i ha. I´i-ga ha,
the (sub.). / Pawnees / the (sub.) / said as follows, they say: / Come ye, / said they, they say. / Foes / you have come / . / Come ye / . /

a´-biama´. A´bagtha tai´, ethe´goñ e´goñ, i´e ga´te ga´xai Pa´thiñ ama´. Nini´ iñ´
said they, they say. / They will draw back, / they thought / as, / words / that / made / Pawnees / the (sub.). / Tobacco / using /

gthiñ´-ma a´bagtha tai´, ethe´goñ e´goñ, we´boñ-biama´. Shoñ´ge-ma gthu´ba shoñ´geuna´zhiñ
those who sat / they will draw back, / they thought / as, / they called to them, they say. / The horses / all / horse standing in /

te ugi´pixti u´zhi-biama´ Pa´thiñ ama´, moñthiñ´-ti a´ba'e-xtioñ´i te. The´ama
the (col.) / very full / put them in, they say / Pawnees / the (sub.), / earth-lodge / they were very thick upon. / These /

shoñ´gaxa-bi e´skoñ ethe´goñi te, nini´ iñ´ gthiñ´-ma. E´githe Shaoñ´ ama´, Ke´!
they ceased / it might be / they thought / as, / tobacco / using / those who sat. / At length / Dakotas / the (sub.), / Come! /

shoñ´ge-ma ithoñ´oñwoñ´the tai´. Zhu´-hnoñ woñ´gaki´tha tai´, a´-biama´. Wa´kitha-biama´.
the horses / let us place them. / Body only / let us contend against them, / said they, they say. / They fought them they say. /

Ti´ ke u´gipa´aza´-biama´. Mu´wahega-bazhi´-biama´. Ti´ te shti ugi´pi
Lodge / the (line of) / they scared them back into theirs they say. / They shot down a great many they say. / Lodge / the / too / full /

e´goñ, e´gihe u´se-hnoñ´-biama´, moñta´ta na´t'e-oñ´-biama´. Shoñ´ge-ma shti gthu´ba
as, / right into it / they burnt regularly they say, / inside / they burnt to death they say. / The horses / too / all /

we´nasha´-biama´, we´ha-thoñ´thoñ. E´githe wa´bashiba´-biama´. Ti´i ke wa´sha-biama´.
they took from them they say, / each one choosing some. / At length / they abandoned their things to them they say. / Lodges / the (line of) / they forced them to leave they say. /

Ni´ ke´ta u´baaza´-biama´. The´ Sha´thathe´gathi´ke u thiñge´xti, shoñ´
Water / to the / they scared them into they say. / This / Recaru-rekarika / wound / without any, / yet /

gaski´ t'e´ ama´. Ni´ ke u´-ma t'ai´ te, Shaoñ´ wiñ´ shoñ´xti goñ´ u´tiñ-hnoñ-biama´,
he died from exhaustion / they say. / Water / the / those who were wounded / they died / when, / Dakota / one / without any reason / he hit them regularly they say, /

wahe´hazhi´xti goñ´thai te. She´noñ e´goñ u´thoñ-a´doñ gi´-ga, a´-biama´.
very stout-hearted / he wished / as. / Enough times / about / take hold of them and / come back, / said they, they say. /

Pa´thiñ numiñ´ga moñthi´doñ wakoñ´dagi´-biama´, niu´thuoñ´da e´di nazhiñ´-biama´.
Pawnee / boy / to pull the bow / were very forward at, they say, / island / there / they stood, they say. /

Thuti´xtioñ´, moñ´ ukoñ´skaxti u´-biama´; t'e´tha-biama´ ni´ ke´di. Wuhu´! a´na'oñ´zhi
Coming directly to him, / arrow / just in a line with him / wounded him, they say; / it killed him, they say / water / in the. / Strange! / he did not listen to (one) /

a´hoñ, a´-biama´. 'A´gthawa´the, shoñ´ gthu´ba we´nasha´-biama´, ha´ ke, shoñ´ge-ma
! / said they, they say. / They made them suffer, / yet / all / they took from them they say, / hide / the, / the horses /

shti, gthu´ba. Gua´thishoñ´ta Pa´thiñ a´higi watoñ´be e´de, edi´toñdoñ´ Pa´thiñ ama´
too, / all. / On the other side of that / Pawnees / many / I saw them / but / since then / Pawnees / the (pl.) /

Chawi´ dzhu´baxchi umu´shta-biama´.
Tcawi / a very few / remain after the shooting they say. /