Oñzhiñ´ga te´di te´ wana´se u´zhawaxti gthiñ´i te
Umoñ´hoñ ama´. E´githe
Me small / when / buffalo / surrounding them / very
pleasantly / sat / Omahas / the (sub.). / At length /
nudoñ´ atha´-bi, ai awa´na'oñ´, Shaoñ´ toñ´woñgthoñ
pe´thoñbaha, he´gabazhi. Pa´thiñ
to war / went, / they said / I heard them, / Dakotas /
tribe / in seven places, / not a few. / Pawnees /
wa´kitha ahi´i te, uki´t'e i´bthoñxti agi´i te, u'e´tha
agi´i te bate´te ama´. Ki ju´ba
to contend with them / they arrived, / foe / very full
of / they were coming back / gentes / the (sub.). / And /
some /
uhe´ e´awathai´ agthi´ ama´ watha´te goñ´thai, watha´te
'i´tha-biama´. Umoñ´hoñ gaxe´
they passed directly toward us, when on their way / they
who returned to us / food / they desired, / food / they
spoke of, they say. / Omahas / turning aside /
hi´i te tha´bthiñxti-e´goñ. T'e´watha-ba´zhi goñ´thai
te, wana´sh u´tiñ te. Wape´ we´kida-ba´zhi;
arrived / about three. / Not to kill them / they
desired, / they hit them as soldiers. / Weapons / they did
not shoot at them with; /
the´thutoñ-ma e´waki'oñ´i te, Umoñ´hoñ waki´da-biama´.
Wa´kithai te Umoñ´hoñ
those from this place / they brought it on themselves, /
Omahas / shot at them, they say. / Contended with them /
Omahas /
ama´; t'e´kithai te. Shaoñ´ wa´baaze athai´, dzhu´ba-ma
goñ´. Ushte´ ke´ta uki´gtha
the (sub.); / they killed one another. / Dakotas / were
scared / they went, / those who were few / as. / The rest
/ to the / to tell one another /
agtha´-biama´. Ati´-biama´ gthu´baxti. The´
Gahi´ge-zhiñ´ga Shaoñ´ i´e thapi´. Oñwoñ´thate
they went back, they say. / They came, they say / all. /
This / Gahige-jiñga / Dakota / speech / talked well. / We
eat /
tai-e´goñ oñga´gii, e´ i´tha-biama´ Shaoñ´ ama´. Uki´t'e
te wea´bthoñ oñga´gthii,
in order to / we were coming back, / to say / sent
hither, they say / Dakotas / the (sub.). / Foreigners /
the / we are satiated with / we have come back, /
e´ i´tha-biama´. Shoñ´ thigoñ´tha-ba´zhi e´goñi
thoñ´zha, wawa´thaki´hna shkoñ´hnai,
to say / they sent hither, they say. / In fact / not
desiring you / it was so / though, / you contend with us /
you wish, /
a´-biama´. Gahi´ge-zhiñ´ga aka´ ga´-biama´:
Moñshi´ataha´ moñgthiñ´i-ga, a´-biama´.
said they, they say. / Gahige-jiñga / the (sub.) / said
as follows, they say: / Further off / begone ye, / said
he, they say. /
A´kia´gthai ha, ni´kashiñga a´higi. Shaoñ´ ama´,
Umoñ´hoñ dzhu´ba e´goñ, oñ´he wa´thiñ
They had gone back again / , / men / many. / Dakotas /
the (sub.), / Omahas / few / as, / fleeing / they had them
agthai´ we´ahide, wa´shtoñkai e´goñ. Ti´ te we´ahide
gioñ´thai Umoñ´hoñ ama´.
they went back / far away, / tempting them / like. /
Lodge / the / far away / left theirs / Omahas / the
(sub.). /
E´githe a´higi ati´-biama´, Shaoñ´ ama´ toñ´woñgthoñ
sha´pe ama´ e´di ahi´-biama´.
At length / many / came, they say, / Dakotas / the /
tribe / six / the (pl.) / there / arrived, they say. /
We´naxitha´-biama´ Umoñ´hoñ-ma´. Ti´i thoñta´ oñ´ha-bi
thoñ´zha we´kithibthoñ´-biama´,
They attacked them, they say / the Omahas (ob.). /
Village / to the / they fled, they say / though / they
were mixed with one another, they say, /
a´higi a´tashoñ. Goñ´ he´gazhi t'e´watha´-biama´
Umoñ´hoñ-ma´. Shoñga´xe-ba shkoñ´azhi
many / more than. / And / not a few / they killed them,
they say / the Omahas (ob.). / They ceased and /
motionless /
nazhiñ´-biama´. Ti´i thoñ gita´pe wa´thiñ a-i´i te´di
Umoñ´hoñ shoñ´ge-a´gthiñ-ba´zhi-ma´
they stood, they say. / Village / the / (when) near
their / having them / they were coming / when / Omahas /
horse sat on not those who /
a´higi she´nawathai´ te u´thishoñ noñ´ge. Shoñ´
Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ shoñ´ge a´kigtha´ha
many / they destroyed them / around them / running. /
And / the Omahas / horse / one on it with another /
a´gthiñ-hnoñ´-biama´. Gaski´ t'e´ thiñ
gthi´ze-hnoñ´-bia4a´ e´the etai´; noñba´
sat on regularly they say. / Nearly dead from shortness
of breath / the (mv. ob.) / they took theirs regularly
they say / relations / his; / two /
shoñ´ge a´gthiñ ki, shi wiñ´ siñ´de uthoñ´-hnoñ´-biama´,
wa´baaze oñ´hai te. Shoñ´
horse / they sat on / when, / again / one / tail / he
held regularly they say, / they were scared off / they
fled / when. / And /
uki´kizhi-ma wiñ´ t'e´thai ki´zhi, Uthoñ´i ha, the´ta
toñ, na'oñ´-bi egoñ´, noñshtoñ´i te;
those nearly related / one / he was killed / if, / He is
held / . / this one behind / the (std. ob.), / heard it,
they say / having, / he stopped running; /
e´di atha´-biama´, woñ´doñ t'e´wathe-hnoñ´i te.
Iñsh'a´ge wiñ´, Thizhiñ´ge t'e´thai ha,
there / he went, they say, / (the two / together / they
were always killed. / Old man / one, / Your son / is
killed / . /
e´ uthai´ ki, Hau! anoñ´shtoñ ta´ miñke, a´-biama´. E´di
atha´-biama´. A´kishuga
that / they told / when, / Ho! / I stop running / will /
I who, / said he, they say. / There / he went, they say. /
Standing thick /
bazoñ´ e´gih a´ia´tha-biama´. Eda´be t'e´thai te.
E´githe noñshtoñ´-biama´. Shoñ´oñga´xe
pushing in among / right in / he had gone, they say. /
Also / he was killed. / At length / they stopped pursuing,
they say. / Let us cease, /
tai´, a´-biama´. Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ mu´wahega-ba´zhi. Uki´e
said they, they say. / The Omahas / were shot down in
great numbers. / To talk to him / they spoke of, they say,
Gahi´ge-zhiñ´ga. Oñgu´thikie toñ´gatoñ. Du´diha i´-ga,
a´-biama´ Shaoñ´ ama´.
Gahige-jiñga (ob.). / We talk to you / we will. / This
way / come, / said, they say / Dakotas / the. /
Gahi´ge-zhiñ´ga aka´ zhu´-hnoñ eta´ha athai´ te, Shaoñ´
wiñ´ shoñ´ge a´gthiñ uki´e e´di
Gahige-jiñga / the (sub.) / body alone / thither / he
went / when, / Dakota / one / horse / sitting on / to talk
to him / there /
ahi´i te. Uki´kiai te. Shaoñ´ a´zhi wiñ´ na´zata gthiñ´,
a´gata gthiñ´. Wa´gata
arrived. / They talked together. / Dakota / another /
one / at the rear / sat, / aiming at him / he sat. / The
one aiming /
gthiñ´ thiñke´ doñ´bai e´goñ, Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ wiñ´ we´the
the´thai te: She´ a´tata-ma
he who was sitting (ob.) / he saw / as, / the Omahas /
one / detecting the foe / he sent it away (the warning): /
That in sight / those who are beyond /
wiñ´ a´thiga´ta gthiñ´. Noñshtoñ´-ga, a´-biama´. Shaoñ´
aka´ ki´de i´thai te t'e´tha-biama´.
one / aiming at you / he sits. / Stop standing (there),
/ said he, they say. / Dakota / the (sub.) / shooting at
him / he sent it this way / when / he killed him they say.
Gahi´ge-zhiñ´ga a´na'oñzhi a-hoñ, a´-biama´ Umoñ´hoñ
aka´, Thia´shtoñkai´,
Gahige-jiñga / he did not listen to (one) / ! / said,
they say / Omaha / the (sub.), / You are tempted, /
ehe´, ai´ te. Shoñ´gaxai te. E´ i´noñshtoñ´ shoñ´gaxai
te. Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ gthe´batha´bthiñ
I say, / he said. / They ceased. / That / they stopped
pursuing by means of / they ceased. / The Omahas / thirty
a´ta t'e´wathai´ te woñ´githe. Hoñ´ agi´i te shoñ´gaxai
te. Ushte´ ama´
beyond / they killed them / all. / Night / it was coming
/ when / they ceased. / The rest /
ti´i thoñ gita´pe agi´i te.
village / the / (when) near to their / they were coming
home. /