The first battle between the Omahas and the Ponkas after the death of Black Bird

Di´xe e´goñ-biama´. He´gazhi t'a´-biama´. Ga´xthoñ athai´ te ha te´ une´.
Small-pox / they were so, they say. / Not a few / they died, they say. / Migrating / they went / , / buffalo / to hunt. /

Poñ´ka ama´di ahi´-biama´. Te´ wa´thatai te Poñ´ka ama´. Ki the´-ma she´toñ
Ponkas / at the / they arrived, they say. / Buffalo / ate them / Ponkas / the (sub.). / And / these / that far /

di´xe iñ´choñ giniñ´ te noñpe´hii te Umoñ´hoñ ama´; uki´gthi'age e´goñ moñthiñ´i te.
small-pox / now / recovered / when / were hungry / Omahas / the (sub.); / indisposed / somewhat / they walked. /

Oñwoñ´thate tai-e´goñ shoñga´thai, a´-biama´ Umoñ´hoñ ama´. I´-bazhi´i-ga, a´-biama´
We eat / in order that / we go to you, / said, they say / Omahas / the (sub.). / Do not come, / said, they say /

Poñ´ka ama´. Di´xe wa´thaoñ´hne tai´. Na! shoñ´ oñwoñ´thatai´ ki, oñga´gi tai´
Ponkas / the (sub.). / Small-pox / you will leave with us. / Psha! / at any rate / we eat / when, / we will be coming back /

uxthe´, a´-biama´ Umoñ´hoñ ama´. Edi atha´-biama´. I´-bazhi´i-ga ha´, a´-biama´
soon, / said, they say / Omahas / the (sub.). / There / they went, they say. / Do not come / ! / said, they say /

Poñ´ka ama´. Waki´d 'i´tha-biama´. Ki Umoñ´hoñ aka´ dzhu´ba ahi´-biama´.
Ponkas / the (sub.). / To shoot at them / they threatened, they say. / And / Omahas / the (col. sub.) / a few / arrived, they say. /

Di´xe shte wake´ga a´higi wea´t'ai Umoñ´hoñ ama´. Poñ´ka-ma´ wake´ga-ba´zhi
Small-pox / too / sick / many / died to us / Omahas / the (sub.). / The Ponkas / sick not /

u´-t'oñ oñt'e´ tai´, a´-biama´ Poñ´ka ama´. Ke´, maxu´de wape´ agtha´thiñ i´ tai´.
wounds having / we die / will, / said, they say / Ponkas / the (sub.). / Come, / gunpowder / weapons / having there / let them come. /

Utha´ moñgthiñ´i-ga, a´-biama´. U´-t'oñ oñt'e´ gabashe´, a´-biama´ Umoñ´hoñ ama´.
To tell it / begone ye, / said they, they say. / Having wounds / we must die, / said, they say / Omahas / the (sub.). /

Umoñ´hoñ ama´ e´di atha´-biama´ Poñ´ka ti´i thoñ´di. (Ka´shixti-e´goñ iñsh'a´ge aka´
Omahas / the (sub.) / there / went they say / Ponka / village / to the. / (A long time ago / old man / the /

uthai´.) A-i´-bi thoñ´zha wa´kitha´-biama´. Ti´i ke´ shte e´di e´goñ wa´sha-biama´;
told it.) / They approached, they say / though / they attacked them, they say. / Lodges / the (ob.) / even / directly / they deprived them of, they say; /

eda´doñ athiñ´i ge gioñ´tha-biama´, bthu´gaxti. Mu´wahegabazhi´-biama´. Dzhu´baxchi
what / they had / the (pl.) / they abandoned theirs, they say, / everything. / They shot down many of them, they say, / Very few /

umu´shta-biama´ Poñ´ka ama´. Umoñ´hoñ-he´be ame´de gi´ ama´; nini´ba athiñ´
remained from shooting, they say / Ponkas / the (sub.). / Omahas part / he was, but / he was returning; / pipe / having /

ki´baxtha agi´ ama´; mazhoñ´ u´doñ ga´xe athiñ´ gi´ ama´. Bachi´zhe i´ ama´. Itoñ´shkatha´-biama´
face to face / he was coming / they say; / land / good / to make / having it / he was coming / they say. / Forcing his way in / he was coming, they say. / Had him for a nephew, they say /

Umoñ´hoñ aka´. Umoñ´hoñ aka´ ga´-biama´: Toñshka´ha, thagthi´ te,
Omaha / the (sub.). / Omaha / the (sub.) / said as follows, they say: Sister's son, / you have come back / as, /

shoñ´ ha, a´-biama´. Noñbe´ wa´baha the´ ama´ ki, Umoñ´hoñ aka´ nini´ba athiñ´
enough / . / said he, they say. / Hand / motioning / he went / they say / when, / Omaha / the (sub.) / pipe / having /

gi toñ´ moñ´dehi i´zhaha´-bi egoñ´, t'e´tha biama´. Shi shoñ´ a´kiki´tha moñthiñ´-biama´.
he who / spear / thrust at with, they say / having, / he killed him, they say. / Again / still / fighting one another / they walked, they say. /

E´githe Poñ´ka wiñ´ i´ ama´. Ke´, she´nawatha´the shnai´. Shoñ´gaxa´i-ga, a´-biama´.
At length / Ponka / one / was coming / they say. / Come, / you are going to destroy us. / Cease ye, / said he, they say. /

Shoñ´shkaxe te, ai´ atha+! a´-biama´ iñsh'a´ge i´eki´the aka´. Nini´ba ha´shi ti toñ´ e´
You are to cease, / he says / indeed! / said, they say / old man / crier / the (sub.). / Pipe / later / he who came / that /

i´noñshtoñ´-biama´. Shoñ´gaxa´-biama´. Poñ´ka dzhu´baxchi ushta´-biama´.
they stopped for, they say. / They ceased they say. / Ponkas / a very few / remained, they say. /

No Thegiha
(The following is a version of the latter part of the above paper, which was dictated in 1881 by Frank La Fle'*che, who obtained it from Añba-hebe, the general historian of the Omahas, a man who is over eighty years of age, and older than Añpañ-tañga:)

Poñ´ka ama´di Umoñ´hoñ-he´be wiñ´ moñthiñ´i te. Ki Umoñ´hoñ ama´ i´i
Ponkas / by the / Omaha part / one / he walked. / And / Omahas / the (pl.) / were coming /

te wana´'oñ-bi ki, I´wakitha-bazhi´i-ga. Waki´dai-ga, a´-biama´. Ki Umoñ´hoñ
the / he heard them, they say / when, / Cause ye them not to be coming. / Shoot at them, / he said, they say. / And / Omahas /

ama´ gina´'oñi te. Ki wa´kithai´ te´di Poñ´ka-ma´ 'a´gthawa´thai te. Goñ´ki
the (sub.) / heard it of him. / And / they fought them / when / Ponkas the (ob.) / they made them suffer. / And /

Poñ´ka ama´ ki´baxtha nini´ba athiñ´ a-i´i te. Ki Umoñ´hoñ ama´ gai´ te:
Ponkas / the (sub.) / face to face / pipe / having / were coming. / And / Omahas / the (sub.) / said as follows: /

Umoñ´hoñ-he´be thiñke´, izha´zhe thadai´ te, e´ watha´'ii tedi´hi ki, mu´oñthi´shtoñ tai´te,
Omaha part / he who, / his name / they called it, / that / you give to us / it occurs / when, / we finish shooting / shall, /

ai´. Ki uthi´'agai´ te Poñ´ka ama´. Shi pi´xti Umoñ´hoñ ama´ wa´kithai´ te. Ki
they say. / And / refused / Ponkas / the (sub.). / Again / anew / Omahas / the (sub.) / fought them. / And /

wasi´sige-xtioñ´i the´ Umoñ´hoñ-he´be Poñ´ka ama´di u´thixe moñthiñ´ ama´. Ki
active very / this / Omaha part / Ponkas / by the / a refugee / he walked / the one who. / And /

itoñ´shka eta´-xti ama´ a´gikipai´ te. Ki itoñ´shka thiñ noñ´gipa´-biama´. Ki
his sister's son / his real / the (mv. sub.) / he met his. / And / his sister's son / the (mv. ob.) / he feared to see his, they say. / And /

wahoñ´'ai te. Aniñ´ta koñ´btha. Tha´'eoñ´githa´-ga, ai´ te. Thi´-ezha, tha´'eoñ´thatha´doñ,
he prayed to him. / I live / I wish. / Pity me, your relation, / he said. / You, on the other hand, / have you pitied me ? /

ai´ te itoñ´shka aka´. Goñ´ki moñ´dehi i´zhaha´-biama´. Ku´soñde´xti ithoñ´thai te.
said / his sister's son / the (sub.). / And / spear / he pierced him with, they say. / Through and through / he placed him. /

Shi Poñ´ka nini´ uzhi´ athiñ a-i´ ama´ Umoñ´hoñ-ma´di. Ki shoñ´gaxai te.
Again / Ponkas / tobacco / put in / having / were coming / they say / Omahas to them. / And / they ceased. /