The story of Wabaskaha

Toñ´woñ-ni ke´di gthiñ´-biama´ Umoñ´hoñ ama´. E´githe Pa´thiñ nudoñ´ ati´-bi
Village water / by the / sat they say / Omahas / the (sub.). / At length / Pawnees / to war / came, they say /

egoñ´, shoñ´ge ju´ba wa´thiñ agtha´-biama´. Ki ni´ashiñga eta´ aka´ ni´ashiñga tha´bthiñ
having, / horse / some / they took homeward, they say. / And / man / their / he who / man / three /

zhu´wagsha´-bi egoñ´, sigthe´ ke wiu´he atha´-biama´, shoñ´ge wa´thiñ athai´ ke sigthe´ ke.
with them, they say / having, / trail / the (ob.) / following them / he went, they say, / horse / having them / they went / the / trail / the. / \nt zhu´wagtha´-bi

Ni´ashiñga wiu´he athe´ aka´, Wa´baska´ha izha´zhe athiñ´-biama´. Atha´-bi egoñ´,
Man / following them / went / the (sub.), / Wabaskaha / his name / had they say. / Went, they say / having, /

wachi´shka wiñ´, &Republishan izha´zhe-thadai´, ki Pa´thiñ ama´ Ki´thathu´da izha´zhe-thadai´
stream / one, / Republican / his name they call it, / and / Pawnees / the (sub.) / Kithathuda / his name they call it /

ke, e´di ahi´-biama´. E´di Pa´thiñ ama´ e´di toñ´woñ gthiñ´-biama´. E´di wa´thiñ
the (ob.), / there / they arrived, they say. / There / Pawnees / the (pl. sub.) / there / village / sat they say. / There / having them /

aki´-biama´ shoñ´ge-ma. Goñ´ me´doñ ama´. Goñ´ e´di ahi´-bi egoñ´, ti´ upa´-biama´.
they reached home, they say / the horses (ob.). / And / during the spring / they say. / And / there / arrived, they say / having, / lodge / they entered they say. /

Hau. T'e´wathe goñtha´-biama´ Pa´thiñ ama´ Umoñ´hoñ thoñka´. Ki Pa´thiñ
(Paragraph.) / To kill them / wished they say / Pawnees / the (sub.) / Omahas / the (ob.). / And / Pawnees /

ama´ ushte´ ama´ t'e´wathe goñ´tha-bazhi´-biama´. Ki ni´kagahi ti´ upai´ a2a´ i´e
the (sub.) / the rest / to kill them / did not wish they say. / And / chief / lodge / they entered it / the one who / he spoke /

shtewoñ´-bazhi´-biama´. Goñ´, T'e´wathe goñ´thai ki´shte t'e´wathe taite´, ethe´goñ e´goñ,
at all not they say. / And, / To kill them / they wish / even if / they kill them / shall, / he th6ught / as, /

i´a-bazhi´-bia4a´. E´githe ni´kagahi iga´xthoñ aka´ ni´ agi´atha´-biama´. Athiñ´ agthi´-bi
he spoke not they say. / At length / chief / his wife / the (sub.) / water / went for they say. / She brought it back, they say /

ki, Umoñ´hoñ thoñka´ ni´ te wa'i´-biama´. Goñ´ki ta´ he´be thiza´-be egoñ´, iu´gthoñwa´kitha´-biama´,
when, / Omahas / the (ob.) / water / the (ob.) / she gave them, they say. / And / dried meat / pieces / she took, they say / having, / to put in the mouth she caused them, they say, /

niñ´ta we´goñtha´-bi egoñ´, wa'u´ aka´. Hau. Watha´ta-bi ki, ga´-biama´
to live / she desired for them, they say / because, / woman / the (sub.). / (Paragraph.) / They ate, they say / when, / said as follows they say /

ni´kagahi aka´: Ke´! shoñ´gaxa´-ba a´shi moñgthiñ´i-ga. Niñ´ta we´goñthe´goñ
chief / the (sub.): / Come! / cease ye and / out / begone ye. / To live / she wished for them, as /

watha´tewa´kithe, a´-biama´. Bthu´gaxti a´shi agtha´-biama´. Goñ´ we´ku-hnoñ´-biama´
she caused them to eat, / said he, they say. / All / out / went they say. / And / invited them regularly they say /

Pa´thiñ ama´ Umoñ´hoñ thoñka´. Ki ni´ashiñga wiñ´ we´ku-biama´, Pa´thiñ
Pawnees / the (sub.) / Omahas / the (ob.). / And / man / one / invited them, they say, / Pawnee /

wahe´ha-bazhi´xti-bi e´iñte, Umoñ´hoñ thoñka´ we´ku-biama´. Ki uxpe´ te zhiñ´gashtewoñ´zhi
very stout-hearted, they say / it may be, / Omahas / the (ob.) / he invited them, they say. / And / dish / the / far from small /

ame´de hiñbthiñ´ge si´oñthe´xti ugi´pixti we´ku-biama´. Pa´thiñ aka´
they were, but / beans / alone / very full / he invited them, they say. / Pawnee / the (sub.) /

zhoñ-we´tiñ wiñ´ athiñ´ aka´ma. Shna´sniñi ki, ga´ke i´wiga´xthi tai´ miñke´. Shi
club / one / was keeping, they say. / Ye devour it / if, / that (ob.) / I kill you with / will / I who. / Again /

shni´'ai ki´shte, ga´ke i´wiga´xthi tai´ miñke´, a´-biama´. E´githe thasniñ´-biama´;
ye fail to do it / even if, / that (ob.) / I kill you with / will / I who, / said he, they say. / At length / they swallowed it, they say; /

i´noñdextioñ´-bi shoñ´ thasniñ´-biama´. Gaxthi´-bazhi´-biama´. Shoñ´ ha. Shna´sniñ,
they were satiated, they say / yet / they swallowed it, they say. / He did not kill they say. / Enough / . / You have swallowed it, /

a´-biama´. Ki e´gasa´ni ki, u´wakia´-biama´ Pa´thiñ ama´ Umoñ´hoñ thoñka´:
he said, they say. / And / the next day / when, / talked to them, they say / Pawnees / the (sub.) / Omahas / the (ob.): /

Kage´ha, shoñ´ge thoñka´ wa´thagthe thati´i thoñ´zha, wa´thagtha´shniñ thagtha´-ba´zhi taite´,
Friends, / horse / the (ob.) / you have come for them, your own / though, / them you have, your own / you go homeward not / shall, /

a´-biama´. T'oñ´ ki, wa´thagthe thati´ te, a´-bia4a´. Ki t'oñ´ ki, thati´ ki, maxu´de
said they, they say. / Harvest / when, / you come for them, your own / will, / said they, they say. / And / harvest / when, / you come / when, / gunpowder /

ju´ba we´thashniñ thati´ tai´, a´-biama´. Goñ´, Oñ´hoñ, e´gimoñ ta´ miñke, a´-biama´
some / you have for us / you come / will, / said they, they say. / And, / Yes, / I do that / will / I who, / said, they say /

Wa´baska´ha aka´. Agtha´-biama´. Agtha´-bia4a´ ki, xage´-hnoñ shoñshoñ´xtioñ´-biama´
Wabaskaha / the (sub.). / They went homeward, they say. / They went homeward, they say / when, / crying regularly / all the time they say /

Wa´baska´ha a2a´. Wakoñ´da thiñke´ gi´ka xage´-hnoñ-bia4a´. Hau!
Wabaskaha / the (sub.). / Deity / the (ob.) / asking a favor of / he cried regularly they say. / Ho! /

Wakoñ´da, uki´t'e thoñka´ oñ´thizhua´zhi thoñ´zha, iñwiñ´thakoñ koñ´ ebthe´goñ, a´-biama´
Wakanda, / foreigners / they who / ill-treated me / though, / you help me / I hope / I think, / said he, they say /

xage´-shnoñ´-bi thoñ´di. Goñ´ Pa´thiñ-ma wa´kitha goñtha´-biama´ Wa´baska´ha aka´.
crying regularly they say / when (past). / And / the Pawnees / to take vengeance on them / wished the say / Wabaskaha / the (sub.). /

E´githe hoñ´ ki ti´adi aki´-biama´. Xage´ agtha´-biama´, ti´i thoñ´di aki´-bi ki.
At length / night / when / at the lodges / they reached home, they say. / Crying / he went homeward, they say, / village / at the / he reached home, they say / when. /

Ki xage´ gthe´ te i´bahoñ´-biama´, ni´ashiñga bthu´ga na'oñ´-biama´. Ga´thiñ shoñ´ge
And / crying / he went homeward / the / they knew it, they say, / people / all / heard it they say. / That one / horse /

wiu´gihe thiñ gi´ e´de, xage´ gi´ ha, a´-biama´. Xaga´-bi te´di, Wakoñ´da thiñke´
he who was following his / is coming back, / but / crying / he is coming / . / said they, they say. / He cried, they say / when, / Deity the (ob.) /

thahoñ´ xaga´-biama´. Goñ´ki ni´ashiñga i´bahoñ-biama´, nudoñ´ goñ´tha xage´ te.
imploring him / he cried, they say. / And / people / knew it they say, / to war / wishing / crying / the. /

Utha´zhi thoñ´zha, shoñ´ i´bahoñ´-biama´. Goñ´ ni´ashiñga bthu´gaxti e´di ahi´-bi egoñ´,
He told not / though, / yet / they knew it, they say. / And / people / all / there / arrived, they say / having, /

ea´toñ xage´ te na'oñ´ goñtha´-biama´. Goñ´ ugtha´-biama´ Wa´baska´ha aka´. E´di
why / he cried / the / to hear it / they wished, they say. / And / told his they say / Wabaskaha / the (sub.). / There /

pi´ thoñ´zha, shoñ´ge thoñka´ iñ´'i-ba´zhi. Oñ´thina t'e´awa´tha-bathiñ´, a´-biama´. Ki
I arrived / though, / horse / the (ob.) / they did not give me mine. / They came near killing us, / said he, they say. / And /

t'oñ´ ki, maxu´de iñ´nai ha. Maxu´de iñ´thiñ ti´-ga ha, a´-biama´ Pa´thiñ ama´,
harvest / when, / gunpowder / they asked of me / . / Gunpowder / having for me / come thou / . / said, they say / Pawnee / the (sub.), /

a´-biama´. Bthu´gaxti ni´ashiñga ama´ Wa´baska´ha tha'e´tha-bi egoñ´, gi´tha-bazhi´-biama´.
said he, they say. / All people / the (sub.) / Wabaskaha / pitied him, they say / having, / they were sad they say. /

E´gasa´ni ki, ni´ashiñga bthu´gaxti uthe´wiñkitha´-biama´. Ni´kagahi ama´,
The next day / when, / men / all / assembled themselves, they say. / Chief / the, /

wahe´hazhi ama´ shti, shoñ´ bthu´gaxti uthe´wiñkitha´-biama´. Ki nini´ba wiñ´ uzhi´-biama´.
stout-hearted / the (sub.) / too, / in fact / all / assembled themselves, they say. / And / pipe / one / they filled they say. /

Goñ´ Wa´baska´ha aka´ ni´ashiñga bthu´gaxti wa´thistuba´-biama´, ta´xpi
And / Wabaskaha / the (sub.) / men / all / spread his hands before them, crown of head /

ge wa´bit'a´-biama´. Ga´-biama´: Tha´'eoñ´githa´i-ga ha. Eda´doñ iñthiñ´thashni´gshoñ
the (pl. ob.) / he pressed on them, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Pity ye me / . / What / you decide f6r me / \nt iñthiñ´thashni´gthoñ

ki, e´goñxti iñga´xai-ga ha, a´-biama´. Goñ´ ni´kagahi aka´ nini´ba waxu´be
if, / just so / do ye for me / . / said he, they say. / And / chief / the (sub.) / pipe / sacred /

ga´xai ke uzhi´-biama´. Goñ´ ga´-biama´: Nini´ba ga´ke, Pa´thiñ woñ´gaki´tha tai´te
they made it / the (ob.) / filled they say. / And / he said as follows, they say: / Pipe / that (ob.), / Pawnees / we take vengeance on them / shall /

i´thanahiñ´i ki, thana´i-ga ha. Ushni´sh'agai´ ki, thana´-bazhi´i-ga ha, a´-biama´. Goñ´
ye are willing / if, / put ye the pipe to your lips / . / Ye are unwilling / if, / do not put the pipe to your lips / . / said he, they say. / And /

thana´-biama´; ni´ashiñga bthu´gaxti iñ´-biama´. Ga´-biama´ ni´kagahi aka´: Ke´!
they put it to their lips, they say; / men / all / smoked it, they say. / Said as follows, they say / chief / the (sub.): / Come! /

athu´ha, i´thigthoñ´i-ga. Atoñ´ ki woñ´gaki´tha tai´te, i´thigthoñ´i-ga. Ki wiñ´ ga´-biama´:
finally, / decide ye. / How long / when / we take vengeance on them / shall, / decide ye. / And / one / said as follows they say: /

Nu´doñhoñga´, nuge´ the´-shnoñ oñwoñ´thate tai´. Wakoñ´da thiñke´ shti
O war-chief, / summer / this only / we eat / will. / Deity / the (ob.) / too /

oñtha´hoñ tai´, umoñ´thiñka the´-hnoñ. T'oñ´ ki, woñ´gaki´tha tai´, a´-biama´. Goñ´
we pray to / will, / season / this only. / Harvest / when, / we take vengeance on them / will, / said he, they say. / And /

ni´ashiñga du´ba nudoñ´hoñga´-biama´; xage´-hnoñ shoñshoñ´-biama´; oñ´ba te´ shte
man / four / war-chief they say; / they cried regularly / always they say; / day / the (pl.) / even /

hoñ´ ge´ shte xage´-hnoñ shoñshoñ´-biama´. Wakoñ´da, tha´'eoñ´githa´-ga. Awa´zhiñshte´
night / the (pl.) / even / they cried regularly / always they say. / Wakanda, / pity me. / I am in a bad humor /

te iñwiñ´koñ-ga, Wakoñ´da, e´-hnoñ shoñshoñ´xtioñ´-biama´. Goñ´ki nuge´ ki,
the / help me, / Wakanda, / he said regularly / always they say. / And / summer / when, /

gaxthoñ´ atha´-bi ki, xage´-hnoñ shoñshoñ´-biama´. Ni´ashiñga du´ba oñ´ba ge watha´ta-ba´zhi,
migrating / they went, they say / when, / they cried regularly / always they say. / Man / four / day / the (pl.) / they ate not, /

ni´ shti thatoñ´-ba´zhi-hnoñ´-biama´. Hoñ´ ki, ni´ thatoñ´-bi-de´ watha´te-hnoñ´-bia4a´.
water / too / they drank not regularly they say. / Night / when, / water / they drank they say while / they ate usually they say. /

E´githe t'oñ´ ki, agthi´-biama´ toñ´woñ thoñ´di. Hau! ke´, shoñ´ ha. Anga´the
At length / harvest / when, / they came back, they say / village / to the. / Ho! / come, / enough / . / Let us go, /

tai´, a´-biama´. Goñ´ atha´-biama´ gashi´be. Hoñ´egoñche´xchi nudoñ´ atha´-biama´
said they, they say. / And / they went, they say / out of it. / Very early in the morning / to war / they went, they say /

nu´ ama´ bthu´gaxti. Atha´-bi ki, e´githe, Shaoñ´ ju´ba ti´i thoñ´di ahi´-biama´;
males / the (sub.) / all. / They went, they say / when, / behold, / Dakotas / some / village / at the / arrived, they say; /

Umoñ´hoñ ti´i thoñ nini´ athiñ´ ahi´-biama´. Pe´thoñba´-biama´. Nudoñ´ bthu´gaxti
Omaha / village / the / tobacco / they brought to, they say. / Seven they say. / To war / all /

oñ´bathe´ a´ia´thai te thati´, a´-biama´. Shaoñ´ aka´ xa´tha agtha´-ba´zhi, nudoñ´ ama´di
to-day / have gone / when / you have come, / said they, they say. / Dakotas / the (sub.) / back again / did not go home, / to those who went to war /

athe´ 'i´tha-biama´. Ga´-biama´: Ushte´ ama´ ati´ ki, u´watha´gishna´ tai´ ha, a´-biama´,
to go / they spoke of, they say. / They said as follows, they say: / The rest / they come / when, / you tell them / will / . / said they, they say, /

Shaoñ´ e´ wa´waka´-bi egoñ´. Goñ´ Shaoñ´ ama´ pe´thoñba ama´ U4oñ´hoñ-ma´
Dakotas / that / meant them, they say / having. / And / Dakotas / the / seven / the / the Omahas /

wiu´he atha´-biama´ nudoñ´ te. Atha´-bi egoñ´ e´githe Pa´thiñ ti´i thoñ´di ahi´-biama´
following them / went they say / on the war-path / when. / They went, they say / having / at length / Pawnee / village / at the / arrived, they say /

Umoñ´hoñ ama´ nudoñ´ te. Ti´i koñ´ha ke´di ahi´-biama´ oñ´ba koñ´ge ki.
Omahas / the (sub.) / on the war-path / when. / Village / border / by the / they arrived, they say / day / near / when, /

We´naxi´tha goñtha´-bi egoñ´, ti´i koñ´ha ke´di nazhiñ´-biama´. E´githe we´naxitha´-biama´
To attack them / desired, they say / having, / village / border / by the / they stood, they say. / At length / they attacked them they say /

oñ´ba ki, Pa´thiñ-ma´. Ki Pa´thiñ ama´ Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ wadoñ´ba-biama´
day / when, / the Pawnees. / And / Pawnees / the / the Omahas / saw them they say /

we´naxi´thai te. Pa´thiñ ama´, Wu! wea´naxi´thai thoñ´zha, Koñ´zai te ha. Tu´tushi
they attacked them / when. / Pawnees / the (sub.), / Why! / they have attacked us / though, / they are Kansas / . / Frequent explosions /

e´goñi-de´ goñ´ gthe´ ta´ ama´, a´-biama´. E´githe ti´i thoñ´di ahi´-bi egoñ´, e´githe
They make them while / at length / they will go away, / said they, they say. / At length / village / by the / arrived, they say / having, / behold, /

Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ma. We´bahoñ´-biama´ Umoñ´hoñ-ma´. Goñ´ wa´kitha´-biama´.
they were Omahas moving. / They knew them, they say / the Omahas. / And / they contended with them, they say. /

Wa´kitha´-biama´ thoñ´zha, aki´tha t'e´kithe-hnoñ´-biama´: Pa´thiñ-ma´ shti t'e´wathe-hnoñ´-biama´,
they fought them, they say / though, / both / they killed one another, regularly, they say: / the Pawnees / too / they killed them regularly they say, /

Umoñ´hoñ-ma´ shti t'e´wathe-hnoñ´-biama´. E´githe ti´i thoñ ubi´soñde´xchi
the Omahas / too / they killed them regularly, they say. / At length / village / the / pressing very close upon /

ahi´-biama´. E´githe ti´i thoñ´di ahi´-bi egoñ´, e´githe moñ-i´ti ge. Moñ-i´ti ge
they arrived, they say. / At length / village / by the / arrived, they say / having, / behold, / lodges of earth / the (pl.). / Lodges of earth / the (pl.) /

ba'u´-bi-de´ use´-hnoñ´-biama´. Pa´thiñ ti´ wiñ´ ba'u´-bi-de´ Pa´thiñ ama´ moñ´te
they pushed holes in, they say, while / they set afire regularly, they say. / Pawnee / lodge / one / they pushed holes in, they say, while / Pawnees / the (sub.) / inside /

una´zhiñ ama´ a´shi oñ´ha atha´-bi-de´, shi ti´ we´dazhiata´ ahi´-hnoñ´-biama´. Pa´thiñ
stood in / the (sub.) / out / fleeing / they went, they say, while, / again / lodge / elsewhere / they reached regularly, they say. / Pawnees /

a´higi mu´wahe´gabazhi´-biama´. Ki ti´i dzhu´baxchi u´gashta´-biama´, Pa´thiñ she´nawatha´-bi
many / they shot down many of them, they say. / And / lodges / very few / remained they say, / Pawnees / they were exterminated, they say /

egoñ´. Goñ´ shoñ´ge-ma´ shti bthu´gaxti we´nasha´-biama´ Pa´thiñ-ma´.
because. / And / the horses / too / all / they took from them, they say / the Pawnees. /

goñ´ Shaoñ´ pe´thoñba nudoñ´ wiu´he hi´ thoñka´ shti zani´ t'e´watha´-biama´.
And / Dakotas / seven / to war / following them / arrived / the ones who / too / all / they killed them, they say. /

Kaxe´-thoñ´ba iti´goñ shti t'e´tha-biama´.
Crow Two / his grandfather / too / they killed him, they say. /