the warriors and the three snakes

Ni´ashiñga nudoñ´ ahi´-biama´. Agthi´-zhoñ-hnoñ´-biama´. E´githe mazhoñ´ zhoñ´
Men / to war / arrived, they say. / They slept on the way home regularly, they say. / At length / land / sleep /

tai thoñ´ agthi´-biama´. E´githe zhoñthoñ´xa toñ´ga (ededi´-ke ama´). The´ uzhoñ´ u´doñxtioñ´,
will / the / they came back to, they say. / Behold / log / big / (were lying there, they say). / This / to sleep in / very good, /

zhoñthoñ´xa tha´bthiñ-biama´. E´gaxe zhoñ´-biama´. E´githe oñ´ba ama´ ki
log / three they say. / Around / they lay, they say. / At length / day / they say / when /

tade´sage (ama´). Nudoñ´hoñga aka´ uthi´xida´-biama´. E´githe zhoñthoñ´xa ama´
high wind / (they say). / War-chief / the (sub.) / looked around, they say. / Behold / log / the /

We´s'a toñ´ga aka´ma. Hau, the´'iñ! pi´azhixtioñ´. Pa´hoñi-ga, a´-biama´. Woñ´githe
Snake / big / were, they say. / Ho, / servants! / it is very bad. / Arise, / said he, they say. / All /

ia´thixa zhoñ´ aka´ma. Goñ´ki uki´gthoñ-biama´. Kigthi´diñdiñ´-biama´. Ki tade´sage
with open mouth / were lying, they say. / And / they took hold of one another, they say. / They held firmly to one another, they say. / And / high wind /

gasnu´-hnoñ atha´-biama´. Uhoñ´ge nazhiñ´ aka´ xage´ nazhiñ´-biama´. Goñ´
blowing along regularly / went they say. / The end / stood / he who / crying / stood they say. / And /

ga´-biama´: Hau, the´'iñha´! we´thigthoñ wiñ´ itha´athe ha, a´-biama´. Shoñ´ iñda´doñ
he said as follows, they say: / Ho, / O servants! / plan / one / I have found / . / said he, they say. / In fact / what /

zhiñzhiñ´ga athiñ´-bi ke´ shoñ´ bthu´ga, moñ´ ke, hiñbe´, ma´hiñ, wa'i´-biama´ We´s'a
small things / they had, they say / the / in fact / all, / arrow / the, / moccasins, / knife, / they gave to them, they say / Snake /

thoñka´. Goñ´ki i´ te a´thapu´i te e´shetoñ´ goñ´ a´bthage ke´ ama´. We´s'a ama´
the (ob.). / And / mouth / the / closed / when / that far / so / a calm / (lay) they say. / Snake / the /

e´ thata´desaga´-biama´ ia´thixa zhoñ´i te. Goñ´ the´ gthadiñ´ zhoñ´ ke´ a´oñsi gthe´-hnoñ-biama´.
that / made wind with their mouths, they say / with open mouths / they lay / when. / And / this / across / it lay / the (ob.) / leaping across / they went homeward regularly they say. /

Hau, the´'iñha´! wiñ´ pahoñ´gai-ga, a´-biama´. Goñ´ uthi´'aga-biama´,
Ho, / O servants! / one / go ye before, / said he, they say. / And / they were unwilling, they say, /

noñ´pe-hnoñ´i te. Ahau´! a´-biama´. The´'iñha´! wi´ebthiñ´ te, a´-biama´ nudoñ´hoñga
they feared regularly / as. / Oho! / said he, they say. / O servants! / I am he / will, / said, they say / war-chief /

aka´. Shoñ´ iñda´doñ shtewoñ´ nudoñ´hanga e´ washkoñ´ moñthiñ´ ame´goñ e´
the. / And / what / soever / war-chief / that / makes an effort / walks / that class / that /

ga´xe moñthiñ´ ame´goñ t'e´ te noñ´pa-ba´zhi goñ´ wi´ebthiñ ta´ miñke, a´-biama´
doing / walks / that class / die / will / fears not / so / I am he / will / I who, / said, they say /

nudoñ´hoñga aka´. Goñ´ nudoñ´hoñga thiñke´ e´di gthe´ ama´ ki ia´thixa zhoñ´ ama´
war-chief / the. / And / war-chief / the / there / was going homeward / when / with open mouth / was lying, they say /

uthi´zoñ aka´. Goñ´ a´oñsi a´kia´gtha-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´. Washkoñ´i-ga,
middle / the one. / And / leaping over / he had gone homeward, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / Be strong, /

a´-biama´ nudoñ´hoñga aka´. Goñ´ shi nudoñ´hoñga a´ma aka´ shi e´goñ a´oñsi
said, they say / war-chief / the. / And / again / war-chief / the other / the (sub.) / again / so / leaping over /

a´kia´gtha-biama´. Ahau´, the´'iñ! washkoñ´i-ga, a´-biama´. E´ oñga´gi ki e´goñxti
had gone homeward, they say. / Oho! / servants! / be strong, / said he, they say. / That / we coming homeward / when / just so /

ga´xe goñ´thai-ga, a´-biama´. Shi e´goñ-hnoñ wiñ´thoñshoñ agthe´ nazhiñ´-biama´. Shi
to do / desire ye, / said he, they say. / Again / so regularly / one by one / going homeward / they stood, they say. / Again /

wiñ´ aka´ e´goñ agtha´-biama´. Shi wiñ´ aka´ agthai´ ete´goñ, ni´kashiñga gthe´ba-tha´bthiñ.
one / the / so / went homeward, they say. / Again / one / the (sub.) / went homeward / apt, / man / thirty. /

Shi wiñ´ aka´ a´oñsi agtha´-biama´. Shi wiñ´ aka´ e´dua´toñ. A´na aki´i-ma washkoñ´
Again / one / the (sub.) / leaping over / went homeward, they say. / Again / one / the (sub.) / next to him. / How many / reached there again / to be strong /

a´kigtha´zhi-hnoñ´-biama´. E´de the´deata´xchi nazhiñ´ toñ a´bagtha´-biama´. Ishta´bthi
commanded one another regularly, they say. / But / at the very bottom / stood / the one / hesitated they say. / Tears /

a´snu-biama´. Hau, the´'iñha´! nu´ hniñ. Nu´ oñthiñ´ e´goñ oñgu´gashoñ´i, a´-biama´.
trickled, they say. / Ho, / O servant! / man / you are. / Men / we are / so / we travel, / said (the leader) they say. /

Thaxa´ge, the´'iñ, pi´azhi shka´xe, a´-biama´. E´githe gthe´ ama´ ki We´s'a aka´ noñ´xahi
You cry, / servant, / bad / you do, / said he, they say. / At length / he was going homeward / when / Snake / the (sub.) / backbone /

ke thit'u´xa-bi egoñ´ wa´zhoñ kihe´ ama´. Ki moñ´atha ga´ha kigthe´the ki shoñ´shoñ
the / raised in a hump, they say / having / he lay down again suddenly, / they say. / And / on his back / he knocked him down again / when / without stopping /

thasniñ´ the´tha-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´. Goñ´, the´'iñha´, oñgu´-hnoñ oñmoñ´thiñ.
he swallowed him suddenly they say. / Oho! / said (the leader) they say. / So, / O servants, / we alone / we walk. /

Ni´ashiñga wiña´xchi shtewoñ´ a´gudi t'e´ goñ´thai ki t'ai´, a´-biama´. Goñ´ agtha´-biama´.
Person / one / soever / where / to die / wishes / if / he dies, / said he, they say. / So / they went homeward they say. /

Goñ´ aki´-zhoñ-hnoñ´-biama´. Goñ´ e´goñ-hnoñ zhoñ´-biama´ we´ahide te.
So / they slept on the way home regularly, they say. / So / thus regularly / they slept, they say / at a distance / when. /

E´githe noñ´ba wadoñ´be atha´-biama´. Nu´doñhoñga´! ga´tedi ti´ ju´ba edi´ thoñ,
At length / two / to see / went they say. / O war-chief! / in that place / lodge / some / there / the, /

a´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´. Nu´doñhoñga´! uwa´zhiathai, a´-biama´. Washkoñ´-ga.
said they, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / O war-chief! / we are tired, / said they, they say. / Be strong. /

Shoñ´ge oñwoñ´gagthiñ oñgoñ´thai, a´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´. Goñ´ e´di
Horse / we sit on them / we wish, / said they, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / So / there /

aki´-biama´. Ti-koñ´haxchi ke´di nazhiñ´-biama´. Nudoñ´hoñga aki´wa ti´i thoñ´di
they reached again, they say. / The very edge of the lodges / by the / they stood, they say. / War-chief / both / lodges / to the /

atha´-biama´. E´githe shoñ´ge he´gazhi ke´ ama´. Ki nudoñ´hoñga aki´wa wa´basi´-biama´.
went they say. / Behold / horse / a great many in a line, they say. / And / war-chief / both / drove them before them they say. /

Wa´thiñ agtha´-biama´. Goñ´ama ga´thuadi wa´thiñ aki´-biama´. U´wagitha´
Having them / they went back, they say. / After a while / at that place / having them / they arrived again, they say. / To tell them /

moñgthiñ´-ga, a´-biama´, nudoñ´hoñga a´ma thiñke´ e´ waka´-bi egoñ´. U´wagitha´
begone, / said he, they say, / war-chief / the other / the one who / that / he meant, they say / having. / To tell them /

aki´-biama´. Nudoñ´hoñga thithi´ta u´zhawa ga´xe, a´-biama´. Hau! nu´doñhoñga´,
he arrived again, they say. / War-chief / your / pleasant / has made, / said he, they say. / Ho! / O war-chief, /

a´-biama´ woñ´githexti. Goñ´ edi aki´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´. Shoñ´ge she´-ma
said, they say / all. / And / there / he arrived again, they say. / Oho! / said he, they say. / Horse / those /

wa´koñtoñ´i-ga, a´-biama´, bthu´gaxti. Shoñ´ge wa´koñtoñ´-biama´. Goñ´ wa´basi´-biama´
tie them, / said he, they say, / all. / Horses / they tied them, they say. / And / they drove them before them they say /

bthu´ga. Goñ´ zhoñ´-hnoñi te wa´thiñ agthai´ te. Ti´ oñ´tha a-i´i thoñ´di
all. / And / they slept regularly / when / having them / they went homeward / the. / Lodge / abandoning / they were coming / at the /

aki´-biama´. Goñ´ shoñ´ge wa´thiñ aki´i-ma wa'u´, iñsh'a´ge eda´be wa'i´-biama´,
they arrived home again, they say. / And / horse / those / that they took home / woman, / old man / also / they gave to them, they say. /

bthu´gaxti shoñ´.
all / in fact. /