wahañthicige and the buffalo-woman

Pathiñ-nañpaji's Version

*** Oñ´ba we´duba zhoñ zhoñ te´di ga´-bia4a´ wa'u´ aka´: Agthe´ ta´ miñke
Day / the fourth / sleep / when / said as follows, they say, / woman / the (sub.): / I go home / will / I who /

thoñ´zha sigthe´ ke oñthoñ´woñthahe´ moñhniñ´ te he, a´-biama´. Ni´ ke masa´ni
though / trail / the (ob.) / you follow ne / you walk / will / . / said she, they say. / Water / the (ob.) / on the other side /

aki´ ki shi´ te he. Ge´she te he: Hau! wi´gaxthoñ´, the´thu eshe´xti thoñ shubthe´
I reach home / when / you come / will / . / You say as follows / will / : / Ho! / my wife / here / just as you said / I go to you /

ta´ a´toñhe´ a´tha, eshe´-doñ ishta´ hni´p'iñze-doñ ni´ ke a´thagazha´de te he, a´-biama´
will / I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye / you close when / water / the (ob.) / you stride over / will / . / said, they say /

wa'u´ aka´. Shi e´dua´toñ wiñ´ moña´ wati´shka uxthu´xaxti ithe´thexti thi´giaxe taite´.
woman / the (sub.). / Again / the next / one / bank / creek / very deep hollow / going down, down / they make for you / will surely. /

E´di shi´ ki, Hau(8 wi´gaxthoñ´, eshe´xti thoñ shubthe´ ta´ a´tñhe´ a´tha, eshe´-doñ ishta´
There / you arrive / when, / Ho! / my wife, / just as you said / I go to you / will / I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye /

hni´p'iñze-doñ uxthu´xa ke a´thagazha´de te e´the, a´-biama´. Shi´ e´dua´toñ waxa´ga
you shut when / deep hollow / the (ob.) / you stride over / will / indeed, / she said, they say. / Again / the next / thorns /

pa-i´ ge mazhoñ´ bthu´gaxti a´he thi´gia´xe taite´. E´di shi´ ki, Hau! wi´gaxthoñ´,
sharp / the scattered / land / over all / on the surface / they make for you / will surely. / There / you arrive / when, / Ho! / my wife, /

the´thu eshe´xti thoñ shubthe´ ta´ a´toñhe´ a´tha, eshe´-doñ ishta´ hni´p'iñze-doñ waxa´ga
here / just as you / said / I go to you / will / I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye / you shut when / thorns /

pa-i´ ge a´thagazha´de te e´the, a´-biama´. Shi e´dua´toñ moñ´xe thoñta´ uzhoñ´ge ga´xe
sharp / the (ob.) / you stride over / will / indeed, / she said, they say. / Again / the next / sky / to the / road / made /

goñ athe´ taite´. E´di di´ ki, Hau! wi´gaxthoñ´, the´thu eshe´xti thoñ shubthe´ ta´
so / they go / will surely. / There / you arrive / when, / Ho! / my wife, / here / just as you / said / I go to you / will /

a´toñhe´ a´tha, eshe´-doñ ishta´ hni´p'iñze-doñ moñ´xe thoñ a´thagazha´de te e´the,
I who stand / indeed, / you say when / eye / you shut when / sky / the (ob.) / you stride over / will / indeed, /

a´-biama´ wa'u´ aka´. Wa'u´ aka´ oñ´tha agtha´-biama´. Te´-ma gazoñ´ aki´-
said they say / woman / the (sub.). / Woman / the (sub.) / left him / went homeward, they say. / The Buffaloes / among them / after /

moñthiñ´-biama´. Ni´ ke masa´ni Te´ ama´ aki´ ama´ma. E´thoñbe ahi´-biama´
reaching home, she walked, they say. / Water / the (ob.) / on the other side / Buffalo / the (pl. sub.) / they were reaching home, they say. / In sight / arrived, they say /

Wahoñ´thishige aka´ shi. Huhu'a´! she´ ati´ ha, Wahoñ´thishige, a´-biama´. Iga´xthoñ
Orphan / the (sub.) / again. / Really! / that one / has come / . / Orphan / said they, they say. / His wife /

shiñ´gazhiñga eda´be wi´ugihe moñthiñ´-biama´. Shi u´shkoñ wiñ´ shi ui´nai-ga,
child / also / seeking them / he walked they say. / Again / deed / one / again / seek ye for him /

a´-biama´. Shi edi ahi´-bi ki e´gazezezhoñ´wakitha´-biama´ Te-miñ´ga du´ba. E´di
said they, they say. / Again / there / he arrived, they say / when / in a row / they made them lie they say / Female-buffalo / four. / There /

ahi´-bi egoñ´, Hau! thiga´xthoñ a´wake, a´-biama´. Nita´ ishnu´ga thoñ thishkoñ´gtha-
arrived, they say / having, / Ho! / your wife / where lying? / said they, they say. / Ear / right / the (ob.) / she moved suddenly /

biama´. Wiga´xthoñ ga´ake´ a´-biama´ Wahoñ´thishige aka´. Huhu'a´! shi u´shkoñ
they say. / My wife / that one lying is she / said he, they say / Orphan / the (sub.). / Really! / again / deed /

wiñ´ shi ui´nai-ga, a´-biama´. Egithe hoñ´egoñ´che ki i´kitha-bi egoñ´, Wahoñ´thishige
one / again / seek ye for him, / said they, they say. / At length / morning / when / awoke they say / having, / Orphan /

aka´ ena´xchi xa´dadi zhoñ´-biama´. Wa'u´ ama´ Te´-ma zhu´wagi´gthe a´ia´tha-
the (sub.) / he only / on the grass / lay they say. / Woman / the (mv. sub.) / the Buffaloes / she with them / had gone, /

bite´ama. E´githe Te´ ama´ moña´ witi´shka uxthu´xaxti ithe´thexti wiñ´ masa´ni
they say. / At length / Buffalo / the (pl.sub.) / cliff / creek / very deep hollow / going down, down / one / on the ohter side /

atha´-biama´. Ki Wahoñ´thishige ama´ edi ahi´-biama´. Ga´-biama´: Hau!
went, they say. / And / Orphan / the (mv. sub.) / there / arrived they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Ho! /

wi´gaxthoñ´, the´thu eshe´xti thoñ shubthe´ ta´ a´toñhe´ a´tha, a´-bi egoñ´, ishta´ thip'iñ´ze-doñ
my wife, / here / just as you said / I go to you / will / I who stand, / indeed, / said he, they say / having, / eye / he shut when /

uxthu´xa ke a´gazhade a´ia´th-biama´. Huhu'a´! she´ ati´ ha,
deep hollow / the (ob.) / striding over / he had gone, they say. / Really! / that / has come / . / Orphan /

a´-biama´. Shi u´shkoñ wiñ´ shi zhi´nai-ga, a´-biama´.
said they, they say. / Again / deed / one / again / hunt ye for him, / said they, they say. /

E´githe e´gasani ki hoñ´egoñche ki i´kitha´-bi egoñ´, ena´xchi xa´dadi zhoñ´-
At length / the day after / when / morning / when / he awoke, they say / having, / he only / on the grass / lay /

biama´ Wahoñ´thishige aka´. Wa'u´ ama´ Te´-ma zhu´wagi´gthe a´ia´tha-bite´ama.
they say / Orphan / the (sub.). / Woman / the (mv. sub.) / the Buffaloes, / she with them / had gone, they say. /

E´githe waxa´ga pa-i´ ge mazhoñ´ bthu´gaxti a´he gia´xa-biama´. E´di ahi´-
At length / thorns / sharp / the (pl. ob.) / land / all over / on the surface / they made for him, they say. / There / arrived /

biama´ Wahoñ´thishige ama´. Ga´-biama´: Hau! wi´gaxthoñ´, the´thu eshe´xti thoñ
they say / Orphan / the (sub.). / He said as follows, they say: / Ho! / my wife, / here / just as you said /

shubthe´ ta´ a´toñhe´ a´tha, a´-bi egoñ´, ishta´ thiz'iñ´z(-doñ a´gazhade a´ia´tha-biama´.
I go to you / will / I who stand / indeed, / said he, they say / having, / eye / he closed when / made a stride / he had gone, they say. /

Huhu'a´! she´ ati´ ha, Wahoñ´thishige, a´-biama´. Shi u´shkoñ wiñ´ shi ui´nai-ga,
Really! / that one / has come / . / Orphan, / said they, they say. / Again / deed / one / seek ye for him, /

a´-biama´. E´githe e´gasani hoñ´egoñche ki i´kitha´-bi egoñ´, ena´xchi xa´dadi
they said, they say. / At length / the next day / morning / when / he awoke, they say / having, / he only / on the grass /

zhoñ´-biama´ Wahoñ´thishige aka´. Wa'u´ ama´ Te´-ma zhuagi´gthe atha´-bite´ama.
lay they say / Orphan / the (sub.). / Woman / the (mv. sub.) / the Buffaloes / she with them / went they say. /

Moñ´xe thoñta´ uzhoñ´ge ga´xe goñ´ atha´-bite´ama Paha´shiata ahi´-bi egoñ´,
Sky / to the / road / made / so / they went, they say. / On high / arrived, they say / having, /

hu´toñ-hnoñ´-biama´ Te´ ama´ Wahoñ´thishige ama´ uzhoñ´ge ui´thoñbe atha´-bi
bellowing repeatedly they say / Buffaloes / the (pl. sub.). / Orphan / the (mv. sub.) / road / up hill / went, they say /

egoñ´, e´di ahi´-biama´. Ga´-biama´: Hau! wi´gaxthoñ´, the´thu eshe´xti thoñ´ shubthe´
having, / there / arrived, they say. / He said as follows, they say: / Ho! / my wife, / here / just as you said / I go to you /

ta´ a´toñhe´ a´tha, a´-bi egoñ´ ishta´ thip'iñ´ze-doñ a´gazhade atha´-biama´. Maxpi´
will / I who stand / indeed, / said he, they say / having / eye / he shut when / made a stride / went they say. / Cloud /

ke a´tata´xti atha´-biama´. Ki masa´ni ahi´-biama´. Huhu'a´! shi she´ ati´ ha,
the (ob.) / very far beyond / he went, they say. / And / on the ohter side / he arrived, they say. / Really! / again / that one / has come / . /

a´-bia4a´. Shoñ´shka´xe tai a´tha, hni´'a ba´she, a´-biama´. Xa´tha thagthe´ tai
said they, they say. / Enough ye do / will / indeed, / ye fail / must, / said they, they say. / Back again / you go hime / will /

a´tha, a´-biama´. E´goñ Pamu´ agi´-biama´. Hi´dadi agthi´-biama´. Hau! u'e´tha
indeed, / said they, they say. / So / down hill / they were coming home, they say. / At the bottom / they reached home, they say. / Ho! / scattering /

hne´ tai a´tha, a-biama´. Ga´-biama´ Wahoñ´thishige aka´: Ke, oñga´gthe tai´
you go / will / indeed, / said they, they say. / Said as follows, they say / Orphan / the (sub.): / Come, / let us go homeward. /

Thishi´koñ agi´toñbe te a´tha, a´-biama´. Agtha´-bi egoñ´ e´githe ti koñ´ha ke
Your husband's siste / I see mine / will / indeed, / said he, they say. / Went homeward, they say / having / at length / lodge / border / the (ob.) /

e´di shiñ gazhiñ´ga wa'u´ thiñke´ eda´be ithoñ´watha´-biama´. E´githe itoñ´ge
there / child / woman / the (ob.) / also / he placed them, they say. / And behold, / his sister /

thiñke´ waxpa´nixtioñ thiñke´ ama´, noñpe´hiñxti-t'e´ ete´goñ thoñka´ ama´.
the (ob.) / very poor / the (one st.) / they say, / very hungry to die / apt / the ones / they say. /

Toñge´ha, wita´hoñ me´goñ, agthi´, a´-biama´. Utha´de thiñge´goñ nu´zhiñga
O sister, / my sister's husband / likewise, / I have come home, / said he, they say. / Cause for complaint / none, as / boy /

oñgu´kizhi moñ´tanaha´ ithe´-goñ oñthoñ´githa-ba´zhi e´goñ uwa´gthaxtioñ´ oñ´gatoñ´
we are related to him / to a lone place / he had gone as / we could not find him / as / we are suffering very much. /

Watha´hide e´zhidoñ ehoñ+, a´-biama´. Na! toñge´ha, wi´ebthiñ ha, a´-biama´
To ridicule us / it is unnecessary / ! / said she, they say. / Indeed! / O sister, / I am he / . / said he, they say. /

E´githe itoñ´ge aka´ ishta´ thoñ giPi´guguda´-bi egoñ´ gitoñ´be goñ´ the´tha-
At length / his sister / the (sub.) / eye / the (ob.) / rubbed holes in repeatedly, they say / having / to see her own / so / sent it (vision) /

biama´. I´giPahoñ´-biama´. He´! wi´soñthoñ+! iñ´gthi he, a´-biama´. Thita´hoñ
they say. / She knew her own, they say. / Heigho! / my dear younger brother! / has come back to me / . / said she, they say. / Your wife's brother /

gthi´ he, a´-biama´, nu´ thiñke´ thispoñ´-bi egoñ´. Toñge´ha, thishi´koñ ga´tedi
has returned / . / said she, they say, / man / the (st. ob) / pulled at, they say / having. / O sister, / your brother's wife / in that place /

gthiñ´. Thitu´shka e´di athiñ´ gthiñ´. E´di agi´4oñthiñ´-ga, a´-biama´ Wahoñ´thishige
sits. / Your brother's child / there / having him / she sits. / There / walk for her, / said, they say / Orphan /

aka´. Athiñ´ aki´-biama´. Athiñ´ aki´-bi egoñ´, wani´ta bthu´gaxti shi xa´tha
the (sub.). / Having her / reached home, they say. / Having her / reached home, they say / having, / animals / every one / again / back again /

agi´-biama´. Shi ita´hoñ aka´ shi i´xtaxti t'e´watha´-biama´. E´githe itoñ´ge aka´
were coming, they say. / Again / his sister's husband / the (sub.) / again / at pleasure / killed them, they say. / At length / his sister / the (sub.) /

iñ´toñ ushku´doñ-biama´ Shetoñ´.
now / kind they say. / So far. /