wahañthicige and the buffalo-woman

Mikasi-nazi's Version

Hiñ´-yu-no+! hiñ´-yu-no+! wi´-toñ-hoñ´ ta xoñ-ye´ she´-wa-ha´-nyi ki+
My elder sister! / my elder sister! / my sister's husband, / deer / big / is bringing it home / (music text)

hiñ´-yu-no+! Hu´-hu-hu´!
my elder sister! / Hu! hu! hu! / (music text)

Wazhiñ´ga watha´te i´i-ga. U´'e the´ke shna´hniñ tai´ ha.
Bird / to eat / be ye coming. / Field / this one / you devour / shall / . /

Oñwoñ´xpani cha´be ha. Wazhiñ´ga-ma´she bthu´ga i´i-ga. Wani´ta da´doñ-mashe´
Me poor / very / . / Bird / ye who / all / be ye coming. / Animal / what ye who /

shti e´gaxe i´i-ga, a´-biama´. Mazhoñ´ a´he bthe´ ta´ miñke, a´-biama´. *** The´ama´
too / around it in a circle / be ye coming, / said, they say. / Land / to pass over the surface / I go / will / I who, / said he, they say. / These ones /

wachi´gaxe zhu´thigth 'i´thai, a´-biama´ (wa'u´ aka´). *** Te´
to dance / they with you / they speak of it, / said, they say / (woman / the). / Buffalo / the (sub.) / sitting, they say / when /

moñ´shi atha´-biama´, gioñ´ atha´-biama´. Moñ´x( ke´ta athe´ taite´, a´-biama´ Te´-
above / went they say, / flying / they went, they say. / Upper world / to the / go / shall / said, they say / Buffalo- /

wa'u´ aka´ Te´-wa'u´ aka´ nisu´da bihu´toñ: T-t-t-t-t-t, a´-biama´. Ni´-toñga´xti
woman / the (sub.). / Buffalo-woman / the (sub.) / horn / blew: / T-t-t-t-t-t, / said, they say. / Water very big

be´di a-i´gthiñ-biama´, koñ´haxti ke pte´ ama´. E´di ahi´-biama´. E´githe ti´ wiñ´
at the / they were coming and sitting, they say, / shore / the (ob.) / Buffalo / the (sub.). / There / he arrived, they say. / It happened / lodge / one /

goñ´-te ama´. *** Hi´dadi ahi´ ta´ ama´. Masa´ni a´gia´gthe ta´ a´ma (a´-biama´
it had stood for a while, they say. / At the bottom / they arrive / will / To the other side / they pass by here / will / (said, they say /

Te´-wa'u´ aka´). *** U´shkoñ ke-hnoñ´ goñ´-ke ama´. Sigthe´ shtewoñ´ we´thazhi´-
Buffalo-woman / the). / Deed / the regularly / (see note). / Trail / in the least / not discovered /

biama´. A-i´gthiñ´-biama´ma *** Hau! shuti´, a´-biama´. Thiga´xthoñ
they say. / They had been coming and sitting, they say. / Why! / he has come directly hither / said they, they say. / Your wife /

ugthi´xida-ga, a´-biama´. *** E´di a-i´-biama´ nu´zhiñga toñ´di. *** Oñthoñ´-
seed for your own, / said they, they say. / There / she was coming, they say / boy / to the. / You /

shpahoñ uthi´shixti-zhoñ´ ki (nita´ a´ma te bthishkoñ´gthe ta´ miñke he, a´-biama´
know me / you unable / when / (ear / the / other / I move suddenly / will / I who / . / said, they say /

Te´-wa'u´aka´). Nita´ ama´ te thishkoñ´gtha-biama´. *** Zha´wahe´gthe-hnoñ´-
Buffalo-woman / the). / Ear / the / other / she moved suddenly, they say. / He stabbed them suddenly regularly /

biama´ Te´-ma *** Thaki´shpathiñ´gextioñ´i. Shoñ´gaxa-ga, a´-biama´. Te´-ma
they say / the Buffaloes. / You push yourselves altogether to nothing / Stop it, / said he, they say. / The Buffaloes /

gashi´zhe gthiñ´ ithoñ´thoñ-biama´. Kigthi´bthaze t'e´kithewa´the moñthiñ´-biama´. ***
falling on the knees / sat / suddenly and repeatedly, they say. / Tearing themselves open / he made them kill themselves / he walked they say. /