the coyote and the buffaloes.

E´githe Mi´kasi ama´ the´ ama´ma. Ki Te-mu´ga du´ba waba´hi moñthiñ´
At length / Coyote / the (mv. sub.) / was going, they say. / And / Buffalo-bull / four / grazing / were walk /

ama´ma. Ki e´di ahi´-biama´. Ki wa´thahoñ´-biama´. Tigoñ´ha witi´goñ me´goñ,
ing, they say. / And / there / he arrived, they say. / And / he prayed to them they say. / O grandfather / my grandfathers / likewise, /

sha´'oñ´githa´ga. Moñshniñ´-mashe´di e´goñxti moñbthiñ´ koñbthe´goñ. Athu´haxti
pity me. / You walk by you who / just so / I walk / I desire. / For the very last time /

i´a-ga, a´-biama´ Te-nu´ga aka´ Oñ´kazhi, tigoñ´githa´-ga. Watha´te
speak / said, they say / Buffalo-bull / the (sub.). / Not so, / grandfather, / still / pity me. / Food /

ke i´kiae´xti shna´te moñshniñ´ iñte e´goñxti moñbthiñ´ koñbthe´goñ ha Wiñ´thak
the / spreading very thick and far / you eat / you walk / it may be / just so / I walk / I desire / . / You tell the truth /

a´xt izhoñ´ tadoñ´, a´-biama´ ha´shi Te-nu´ga iñsh'a´ge aka´. Shoñ´-hnoñ thashtoñ´-
how possible / you do it with / shall? / said, they say / behind / Buffalo-bull / old man / the (sub.). / Yet / he did not /

bazhi´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Ahau´! He´-bacha´ge-ha, thi´e-ga, a´-biama´. Ahau´!
stop talking, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Oho! / Blunt-horns O! / you try it, / said he, they say. / Oho! /

a´-biama´ He´-bacha´ge aka´. Ke´, gu´dugaxthe nazhiñ´-ga, ega´-biama´. Ahau´!
said, they say / Blunt-horns / the (sub.). / Come, / facing the other way / stand / he said that to him, they say. / Beware /

noñ´zhiñ thaoñ´he thiñhe au´, a´-biama´. Ha´ tigoñ, ha´ tigoñ, tigoñ´ ha, a´xtoñ
a little / you flee / (sign of strong prohibition) / said he, they say. / Oh! / grandfather, / Oh! / grandfather, / grandfather / Oh! / how possible /

aoñ´he ta´doñ. Ni´stustu atha´-biama´ Te-nu´ga He´-bacha´ge aka´. Moñnoñ´'u
I flee / shall? / Backing repeatedly / he went, they say / Buffalo-bull / Blunt-horns / the (sub.). / Pawing the ground /

moñthiñ´-biama´, xthazhe´ shti noñthiñ´-biama´. Toñ´de ke´ shti zha´ha-bi-de´
he walked they say, / bellowing / too / he walked they say. / Ground / the (ob.) / too / he poked at, they say, when /

thishpe´xti-hnoñ the´tha-biama´. Ki Mi´kasi aka´ the´dethe doñ´be nazhiñ´-biama´.
broke off pieces invariably / sent off flying, they say. / And / Coyote / the (sub.) / out of the corner of his eye / looking / he stood they say. /

Xe-i´, oñ´thihega u´thishi´xti a´hoñ, ethe´goñ nazhiñ´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Gi´thikoñxti
Whew! / to hurt me a little / altogether impossible / ! / thinking / stood they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Getting altogether out of the way /

ahi´-biama´. Ki e´ditoñ ie´naxitha agi´-biama´ agtha´-b egoñ´ u´soñga thi´e i´tiñ
he arrived, they say. / And / thence / to dash on him / was coming back, they say / went homeward, they say / having / without / side / hit him on /

a´kia´gtha-biama´. Wa´hu'a´! a´-biama´ He´-bacha´ge aka´ Wiñ´thake´goñ e´skoñbshe´goñ
he had gone along, they say. / Really! / said, they say / Blunt-horns / the (sub.). / You told a little of the truth / I thought it might be / \nt e´skoñbthe´goñ

thoñ´shti. Oñ´kazhi, tigoñ´ha, noñ´wigipe´goñ shoñ´ ha. Shoñ´ tigoñ´ha,
heretofore. / Not so, / grandfather, / as I feared you, my relation / so (it was) / . / Yet / grandfather, /

sha´'eoñ´githa´-ga. Moñshniñ´-mashe´di e´goñxti moñbthiñ´ koñbthe´goñ.
pity me. / You walk / by you who / just so / I walk I wish. / (Two others

made attempts, but the Coyote jumped aside each time. At last they

Hau! Te-nu´ga
addressed the fourth, who was a young Buffalo bull.) Ho! / Buffalo-bull /

zhiñ´ga, thi´e-ga. Hau! a´ibiama´ Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga aka´. Gu´dugaxthe nazhiñ´-ga.
young / do you try it. / Ho! / said, they say / Buffalo-bull / young / the (sub.). / Facing the other way / stand /

The thaoñ´he ki t'e´withe ta´ miñke ha, a´-biama´. Hau! tigoñ´, aoñ´ha-ma´zhi ta´
This (time) / you flee / if / I kill you / will / I who / . / he said, they say. / Ho! / grandfather / I flee I not / well /

miñke ha, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. + oñ´ Te-nu´ga ni´stustu atha´-biama´, moñnoñ´'u
Iwho / . / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / And / Buffalo-bull / backing repeatedly / he went, they say / pawing the ground /

moñthiñ´-biama´ xthazhe´ shti moñthiñ´-biama´. Toñ´de de´ shti zha´ha-bi-de´ thishpe´xt--
he walked they say / bellowing / too / he walked they say. / Ground / the (ob.) / too / poked at, they say, when / he broke off pieces /

hnoñ the´tha-biama´. Shi edi´toñ ie´naxitha agi´-biama´. Edi´hi ki oñ´ha-bazhi´-
invariably / sending them flying, they say. / Again / thence / to dash on him / was coming back, they say. / He arrived there / when / fled not /

biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Thi´e i´tiñ a´-ia´tha-bi ki e´kigoñxti Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga zhu´gthe
they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Side / hit on / had gone, they say / when / just like him / Buffalo-bull / young / with him /

a´-ia´tha-biama´. Goñ´ zhu´kigtha´-bi egoñ´ atha´-biama´. Mazhoñ´ wiñ´ ahi´-bi ki
had gone, they say. / And / with one another, they say / being / they went, they say. / Land / one / arrived at, they say / when /

waba´hi-hnoñ´-biama´. Ki Mi´kasi aka´ Pe´zhe ke oñ´shtewoñ thate´ moñthiñ´-biama´.
they continued grazing, they say. / And / Coyote / the (sub.) / grass / the (ob.) / of any sort / eating / walked they say. /

Shoñ´xtiama´ shti ha´shi-ki´gthoñ-hnoñ´-biama´ Wa! tena´! sagi´gi e´goñ-ga ha´,
After moving a great while / too / in the rear he dropped invariably they say. / What! / fie! / do be faster / . /

e´-hnoñ-biama´ Te-nu´ga iñsh'a´ge aka´. Oñ´kazhi, tigoñ´ha, Pe´zhe ke noñ´de-i´moñ
said invariably, they say / Buffalo-bull / old man / the (sub.). / Not so / grandfather / grass / the / I cannot get too much of it /

ha, a´doñ watha´te-hnoñ ua´kigtha´spe ha, e´-hnoñ-biama´ Mi´kasi ama´.
. / therefore / eating it, invariably / I hold myself back / . / said invariably, they say / Coyote / the (mv. sub.). /

Shi atha´-biama´. Ki ha´shi-hnoñ moñthiñ´-biama´. E´githe baxu´ wiñ´ e´thoñbe
Again / they went, they say. / And / behind regularly / he walked they say. / At length / hill-top / one / in sight of /

ahi´-biama´. Ki Te-nu´ga du´ba ama´ kigtha´ha atha´-biama´. Mazhoñ´ wiñ Te-nu´ga
they arrived, they say. / And / Buffalo-bull / four / the (pl. sub.) / to the bottom / went they say. / Land / one / Buffalo-bull /

du´ba ama´ ahi´-biama´ ki itha´Pa-biama´. Ti´azhixti a´hoñ. E´Pe u´doñ ha,
four / the (pl. sub.) / reached, they say / when / waited for him they say. / He has not come at all / ! / To wait for him / is good / . /

a´-biama´. Itha´Pa-biama´ ki ka´thi ahi´-bazhi´-biama´. Hau! Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga,
they said, they say. / They waited for him they say / when / for some time / he arrived not, they say. / Ho! / Buffalo-bull / young /

une´ moñgthiñ´-ga, a´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-b egoñ´ agtha´-biama´ Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga
to seek him / begone, / said (one / , they say. / Oho! / said, they say / having / went back they say / Buffalo-bull / young /

aka´ Edi´toñxti noñ´ge agtha´-biama´. Mazhoñ´ ushkoñ´ thoñ aki´-biama´. Ki e´githe
the (sub.). / Right from that place / running / he went back they say. / Land / deed / the (ob.) / he reached again, they say. / And / behold /

thiñge´xtioñ´-bite´ama Mi´kasi ama´. Agtha´-biama´ Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga. E´githe goñ´
he was not there at all, they say / Coyote / the (mv. sub.). / Went home they say / Buffalo-bull / young. / At length / and /

Mi´kasi ama´ atha´-biama´. Atha´-bi ki e´githe Mi´kasi wiñ´ da´doñ une´goñ-hnoñ
Coyote / the (mv. sub. ) / departed, they say. / Went, they say / when / behold / Coyote / one / what / seeking invariably /

moñthiñ´ thiñ ama´. She´thiñ hau! noñhe´ba-ga hau! a´-biama´ Mi´kasi-Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga
was walking / they say. / That (mv. ob.) / O! / wait / O! / said, they say / Coyote-Buffalo-bull / young /

aka´ The´ moñbthiñ´ te e´goñxti moñshniñ´ shkoñ´shna, a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, zhiñthe´ha,
the (sub.). / This (way) / I walk / the / just so / you walk / you wish, / he said, they say. / Yes, / elder brother, /

e´goñxti moñbthiñ´ koñthe´goñ. Hau! gu´dugaxthe nazhiñ´-ga, a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ,
just so / I walk / I wish. / Ho! / facing the other way / stand / he said, they say. / Yes. /

zhiñthe´ha, a´-biama´. Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga ni´stu moñnoñ´'u moñthiñ´-biama´. Toñ´de
elder brother, / he said, they say. / Buffalo-bull / young / backing / pawing the ground / walked they say. / Ground /

ke´ shti zha´ha-bi thishpe´xti the´tha-biama´. E´githe noñ´zhiñ thaoñ´he thiñhe´ au´!
the (ob.) / too / poked at, they say / broke off pieces / sent forcibly they say. / Beware / a little / you flee / (sign of strong prohibition). /

She´tatoñ ie´naxitha agi´-biama´. U´soñga thi´e i´tiñ a´kia´gtha-bi ki Mi´kasi aka´
From that place / to dash on him / was coming back, they say. / Without / side / hit on / had gone by, they say / when / Coyote / the (sub.) /

uoñ´sixti a´-ia´tha-biama´. Oñ´he thabthiñ´oñ e´goñ-bi ki oñ´he-hnoñ´-biama´
leaping far / had gone, they say. / Fled / three times / so, they say / when / fled invariably they say /

Mi´kasi aka´ We´duboñ´ tedi´hi ki, T'e´withe ta´ miñke ha, a´-biama´ Te-nu´ga
Coyote / the (sub.). / The fourth time / it arrived / when, / I kill you / will / I who / . / said, they say / Buffalo-bull /

zhiñ´ga aka´. She´tatoñ ie´naxitha agi´-biama´. E´githe thi´e i´tiñ a´kia´gtha-biama´
young / the (sub.). / From that place / to dash on him / was coming, they say. / At length / side / hit on / had gone by they say /

ki e´kigoñ´xti Mi´kasi zhu´gthe atha´-biama´. Oñ´shnizhua´zhi i´thanahiñ´i a. Gu´diha
when / just like him / Coyote / with him / went they say. / You have treated me ill / you, indeed / ! / Away /

moñthiñ´-ga, a´-biama´. Shi Te-nu´ga-ma u´gine atha´-biama´. Wa´thixa´-bi egoñ´
walk / he said, they say. / Again / Buffalo-bulls the / to seek them / he went, they say. / Pursued them, they say / having /

u´xtha-bi egoñ´ shi wahoñ´ shi wahoñ´'a-biama´: Tigoñ´ha, sha´'eoñ´githa´i-ga. Ni´kashiñga
he overtook them, they say / having / again / he asked a favor, they say: / Grandfather / pity ye me. / Person /

wiñ´ oñ´thizhua´zhi he´gazhi. Hau! Te-nu´ga zhiñ´ga, thi´e-ga. Hau! ke´, gu´dugaxthe
one / ill-treated me / very much. / Ho! / Buffalo-bull / young, / do you try it. / Ho! / Come, / facing the other way /

nazhiñ´-ga, a´-biama´. E´githe thaoñ´he te. Oñ´kazhi ha, tigoñ´ha, a´xtoñ aoñ´he
stand, / said he, they say. / Beware / you flee / lest. / Not so / . / grandfather, / how possible / I flee /

ta´doñ, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Atha´-b egoñ´ edi´toñ ie´naxitha agi´-biama´. E´di
shall? / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Went, they say / having / thence / to dash on him / was coming, they say. / There /

aki´-bi kizhi Mi´kasi zha´ha-biama´. Moñshia´ha oñ´tha ithe´tha-bi kizhi gat' i´he
reached home, they say / when / Coyote / gored him they say. / On high / throwing him / sent him forcibly, they say / when / lay killed by the fall /

gaxa´-biama´. Shetoñ´.
made him, they say. / So far. /