the puma and the coyote.

Iñgthoñ´-siñ-sne´de she´noñba´-biama´ Mi´kasi ethoñ´ba. A´kikipa´-biama´.
Long-tailed cat / only those two, they say / Coyote / he too. / They met each other they say. /

Kage´ha, u´shkoñ wiñ´ ebthe´goñ e´de uthu´wikie ta´ miñke, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi
My friend, / deed / one / I think / but / I speak to you about it / will / I who, / said, they say / Coyote /

aka´. Toñ´woñgthoñ he´gashtewoñ´zhi edi´tha ama´. Kage´ha, u´shkoñ uthu´wikie ta´
the (sub.). / Tribe / a great many (+populous) / there was the, they say. / My friend, / deed / I talk to you about it / will /

miñke e´goñxti shka´xe te ha, a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, a´-biama´. Ni´kagahi izhoñ´ge
I who / just so / you do / please / . / he said, they say. / Yes, / he said, they say. / Chief / his daughter /

wiñ goñ´tha-hnoñ´i e´de thi'a´-hnoñu, ede´ koñ´btha ta´ miñke ha. Kage´, shoñ´ge
one / they desire invariably / but / they fail invariably, / but / I desire her / will / I who / . / Friend, / horse /

shka´xe te, a´-biama´. Goñ´ki a´wigthiñ ta´ miñke. Goñ´ki Iñgthoñ´-siñ-sne´de
you make / please, / he said, they say. / And / I sit on you / will / I who. / And / Long-tailed cat /

moñ´ze-tha´he ke thahe´kitha´-biama´. Goñ´ki a´gthiñ te ha Mi´kasi aka´. Kage´ha,
bridle / the (ob.) / he made him put it in his mouth, they say. / And / sat on him / . / Coyote / the (sub.). / My friend, /

na´doñ hni´pi shkoñ´hna te. Shoñ´ge shkoñ, sigtha´haha, uoñ´si, pama´kide,
to show what you are / you do well / you desire / please. / Horse / action (ways) / prancing, / jumping, / arching the neck, /

ia´thixa´xa, moñthiñ´, uoñ´sixti te shti a´-ia´the-hnoñi moñthiñ´-ga ha. Goñ´ki utoñ´
champing the bit, / walking, / jumping high / the (act) / too / they usually go / walk thou / . / And / leggings /

toñ´ga ua´toñ ta´ miñke ha. Goñ´ki hiñbe´ na´shabethe ua´toñ ta´ miñke ha.
large / I put on leggings / will / I who / . / And / moccasins / blackened / I put on moccasins / will / I who / . /

Goñ´ki me´-ha a´hiñ shi´the miñ´ ta´ miñke ha. Zoñzi´-moñ´de abthiñ´ ta´ miñke
And / spring robe / with hair outside / I wear a robe / will / I who / . / Osage-orange bow / I have / will / I who /

ha. Moñ´de-P te ma´shoñ ska´xti ua´gashke abthiñ´ ta´ miñke, a´-biama´. Goñ´ki
. / Bow head / the (ob.) / feather / very white / I fasten on / I have / will / I who, / said he, they say. / And /

ti´i thoñ koñ´haxchi uthi´shoñ a´wigthiñ ta´ miñke ha. Pa´thiñzha´he oñ´ aka´ edi
village / the (ob.) / at the very border / around it / I sit on you / will / I who / . / Playing Pathiñjahe / the (sub.) / there /

a-i´nazhiñ´ aka´ ha. Shoñ´ge uoñ´si pama´kide a-ia´thatha a´gthiñ moñthiñ´-biama´.
approaching he stood / the (sub.) / . / Horse / jumping / arching its neck / had gone repeatedly / sat on it / it walked they say. /

Hau! kage´ha, shuti´ ni´ashiñga wiñ´. Xa-i´! nia´shiñga oñdoñ´ba-bazhi´xtioñ´i, a´zhixti
the (sub.) / there / arrived, they say. / Wuhu+! / friend, / a pleasure / truly / ! / said, they say / Coyote /

a´hoñ, uthu´koñpi i´nahiñ a, a´-biama´. Shoñge toñ´ shti u´doñ i´nahiñ agthiñ´ ti´
! / well dressed / truly / ! / said they, they say. / Horse / the (std. ob.) / too / good / truly / sitting on / has come /

a´hoñ a´-biama´. Hiñda´! i´bahoñ´i-ga, a´-biama´. Mi´kasi aka´ kigthi´azhi´xtioñ´-
! / said they, they say. / Stop! / know ye him, / said they say. / Coyote / the (sub.) / made himself altogether different /

biama´. Mi´kasi e´ thiñke´ e´skoñ ethe´goñ-bazhi´-biama´. Ega´-biama´ ha, Hau! e'oñ´
they say. / Coyote / he / the one who / they did not think that they say. / They said that to him they say / , / Ho! / how /

moñ-hniñ´ a, a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, e´goñxtioñ´, a´-biama´. Ni´kagahi izhoñ´ge thiñke´
you walk / ? / said they, they say. / Yes, / just so, / said he, they say. / Chief / his daughter / the (ob.) /

koñ´btha ati´, a´-biama´. Ki goñ´ki ui´tha ahi´-biama´. Thizhoñ´ge goñ´tha
I desire / I have come, / said he, they say. / And / then / to tell to him / they arrived, they say. / Your daughter / desiring /

ati´-biama´. Ni´ashiñga u´doñ he´gabazhi a, a´-biama´. Shoñ´ge toñ´ shti u´doñ he´gazhi
he has come, he says. / Persons / good / not a little / ! / said, they say. / Horse / the (std. ob.) / too / good / not a little /

a, a´-biama´. Ke´, izhiñ´ge thoñk e´ wawagika´-biama´, thita´hoñ athiñ´ gi´i-ga
! / said they, they say. / Come, / his son / the (pl. ob.) / that / meaning them, his own they say, / your sister's husband / having him / come back /

ha, a´-biama´ ni´kagahi aka´. Agi´atha´-biama´ ha. Ki, Ke´, tahoñ´ha, awi´Pe
. / said, they say / chief / the (sub.). / They went for him, they say / . / And, / Come, / sister's husband / I ask you to go with me /

ati´ ha. Oñga´thigi-oñga´ti ha. Oñ´hoñ, tahoñ´ha, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Shoñ´ge
I have come / . / We have come for you / . / Yes, / wife's brothers, / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Horse /

toñ a´gigthiñ´-doñ thioñ´sixti uoñ´sixti moñthiñ´-biama´. Ni´kashiñga the´thutoñ
the (std. ob.) / sat on his own when / pulled hard on to make jump / jumped high / walked they say. / People / hence /

doñ´be the´the ama´. Ni´kashiñga thiñ uthu´koñpi i´nahiñ a. Nikashiñga da´doñ e´iñte
gazed at a distance / they say. / Person / the (mv. ob.) / well dressed / truly / ! / Person / what / he may be /

uthu´koñpi i´nahiñ a, a´-biama´. Hau, e´githe athiñ´ aki´-biama´, ni´kagahi u´zhu
well dressed / truly / ! / said they, they say. / Well, / at length / having him / they reached home, they say, / chief / principal /

e´tii te´di. Hau! ke´, thita´hoñ athiñ´ gi´i-ga, a´-biama´. Shoñ´ge toñ´ toñ´ she´gedi
his lodge / at the. / Ho! / come, / your sister's husband / having him / be ye coming / said he, they say. / Horse / the (ob.) / by those things /

uga´shk i´gthoñi-ga. Xa´de 'i´i-ga ha, a´-biama´ ni´kagahi aka´. Tahoñ´ha, witi´goñ
fasten ye it for him. / Hay / give to him / . / said, they say / chief / the (sub.). / My wife's brothers, / my wife's father /

me´goñ, shoñ´ge aka´ xa´de thata´-bazhi, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Tanu´ka-hnoñ
likewise, / horse / the (sub.) / hay / he eats not, / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Fresh meat only /

thate´-hnoñi, a´-biama´. Goñ´ki uba´hoñ athai´ egoñ´ ti´ata ahi´-biama´. Ki
he eats as a rule, / said he, they say. / And / at the door / went / having / in the lodge / arrived, they say. / And /

ti´ te uthi´zoñ te´ta wa'u´ a´thixekithai´ thiñke´ zhu´gthe a-i´gthiñ-biama´. Goñ´ki
lodge / the (ob.) / middle / at the / woman / was caused to marry him / the one who / with her / approaching he sat, they say. / And /

hoñ´ ama´. Winau´, thie´gthoñ´ge thiñke´ umiñ´zhe gia´xa-ga, a´-biama´. Goñ´ki
night / they say. / First daughter, / your husband / the (st. ob.) / couch / make for him, / said they say / chief /

aka´. Chi´ thishtoñ´-bi ki Mi´kasi aka´ ega´-biama´, Ane´zhe bthe´. Goñ´ki a´shi
the (sub.). / &Coire / he finished, they say / when / Coyote / the (sub.) / said to her, they say / &Meio / I go. / And / out of doors /

athai´ Mi´kasi ama´. Iñgthoñ´-siñ-sne´de ahi´-biama´. Kage´ha, bthi´shtoñ. Shkoñ´hna
went / Coyote / the (mv. sub.). / Long-tailed cat / he reached, they say. / My friend, / I have finished. / You wish /

ki chi´-ga ha. E´goñ i´kithi´toñtoñ´ga gaxa´-biama´ Shoñ´xti baoñ´ba-biama´.
if / &coi / . / So / &alternatim / &faciebant they say. / &Valde &et &usque &a &vespera &ad &mane &cum &ea &coibant they say. /

Oñ´ba soñ´ tihe´ ki ni´kagahi e´the shti bthu´gaxti uthe´wiñkitha´-biama´. Eda´doñ
Day / whitish / comes suddenly / when / chief / his relation / too / all / assembled themselves they say. / What /

wat'oñ ge shtewoñ´ bthu´ga uthe´wiñtha´-biama´, wa´thiñ atha´-biama´ ti´ te´ta.
goods / the (ob.) / soever / all / they collected they say, / having / they went, they say / lodge / to the. /

Wahu´toñthiñ tushi´-hnoñi, Ku+! ku+! Mi´kasi na'oñ´i ki ku´ha-biama. Ku+!
Gun / they were firing, / Ku+! / ku+! / Coyote / heard it / when / feared it, they say. / Ku+!

ku+! A´shi uoñ´sixti a´-ia´tha-biama´. Hau! Mi´kasi ake´. Utiñ´-ga! utiñ´-ga!
ku+! / Out / leaped far / had gone, they say. / Ho! / it is the Coyote. / Hit him! / hit him! /

t'e´thai-ga! Mi´kasi aka´ zhe´xti ithe´the-hnoñ´-biama´. Iñgthoñ´-siñ-sne´de kimu´gthoñ
kill him! / Coyote / the (sub.) / &valde &cacavit / sent flying suddenly regularly they say. / Long-tailed cat / stealing himself off /

agtha´-biama´. Mi´kasi t'e´thai-biama´ U´sa-biama´. Wa´thizhua´zhi a´hoñ.
went homeward, they say. / Coyote / they killed him, they say. / They burnt him, they say. / He did wrong / ! /