ictinike, the coyote, and the colt.

E´githe Shoñ´ge zhiñga´thixthi´ge wiñ´ zhoñt'e´ ke´ ama´ ke Mi´kasi aka´ doñ´be
It happened / Horse / small, two years old / one / was lying asleep, it is said / when (?) / Coyote / the (sub.) / looking at it /

mazhiñ´ aka´ma. Ishti´nike aka´ de´di ahi´-biama´. Hau! kage´ha, the´ke Shoñ´ge
was standing, they say. / Ictinike / the (sub.) / to it / came they say. / Ho! / friend, / this (lg. ob.) / Horse /

wiñ t'e´de-goñ gaxe´ oñthi´snu oñha´thai-de oñtha´te oñgoñ´thai e´de oñthi´'iñ-ba´zhi-hnoñ´i.
one / dead, but / aside / we drag it / we go when / we eat it / we wished / but / we have not succeeded in moving it. /

Ua´wagikoñ´i-ga, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Kage´ha, siñ´de ke noñbe´ te
Help us / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Friend, / tail / the (ob.) / hand / the (ob.) /

i´wikoñtoñ´ te ha´, goñ´ki shni´doñ ki si´hi oñgu´thoñ´ e´de oñthi´snu oñga´the
I tie you with / will / . / and / you pull on / when / legs / we take hold of / but / we drag it / we go /

tai´, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Oñ´hoñ, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Goñ´ki, Ke´,
will, / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Yes, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / And, / Come, /

iñthiñ´koñtoñ´i-ga, a´-biama´. Goñ´ Mi´kasi aka´ Ishti´nike toñ noñbe´ te
tie mine for me, / he said, they say. / And / Coyote / the (sub.) / Ictinike / the (ob.) / hand / the (ob.) /

i´koñtoñ-biama´ Shoñ´ge siñ´de ke, sagi´-xti gaxa´-bi egoñ´. Thishtoñ´-bi ki,
tied with it they say / Horse / tail / the (ob.) / tight very / made it, they say / having. / He finished, they say / when, /

Ke´, kage´ha, thidoñ´-ga ha, a´-biama´. Ki Ishti´nike aka´ thidoñ´-biama´.
Come, / friend, / pull on it / . / he said, they say. / And / Ictinike / the (sub.) / pulled on it, they say. /

Shoñ´ge aka´ i´kitha´-biama´, nazhiñ´ a´tia´tha-biama´, thisnu´ atha´-biama´. Ishti´nike
Horse / the (sub.) / awoke they say, / he stood / suddenly they say, / dragging him / he went they say. / Ictinike /

noñte´shteoñ´-biama´, noñxa´ge athiñ´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Mi´kasi aka´ i´xa
he even kicked him they say, / making him cry from kicking / he had him they say / Ictinike / the (one who.) / Coyote / the (sub.) / laughing /

gaski´ wakoñ´dithe-hnoñ´-biama´. E´githe Ishti´nike noñsta´ki the´tha-biama´,
panted / excessively they say. / At length / Ictinike / he kicked, and sent flying through the air, they say, /

noñshpa´shpaxchioñ´-biama´. Ea´toñ ki e´goñe´'oñ ete´doñ, e´-hnoñ-biama´ Ishti´nike
he kicked off very deep pieces of flesh, they say. / Why / if / I do so to him / apt? / said regularly they say / Ictinike /

aka´. E´githe e´gasa´ni ki Ishti´nike aka´ huhu´ wiñ thate´ aka´ma. Ki Mi´kasi
the (sub.). / It happened / the following day / when / Ictinike / the (sub.) / fish / one / was eating, it is said. / And / Coyote /

aka´ e´di ahi´-biama´. Wuhu´! kage´ha, u´zhawa i´nahiñ a, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi
the (sub.) / there / arrived, they say. / Wuhu+! / friend, / a pleasure / truly / ! / said, they say / Coyote /

aka´. Oñ´hoñ, kage´ha, e´goñ, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Kage´ha, ea´toñ a´zhoñ
the (sub.). / Yes, / friend, / so, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Friend, / how / you did /

ki shni´ze a, huhu´ ke. Kage´ha, nu´xe ke ua´ga'u´de ki siñ´de ke ua´gthe
when / you took it / ? / fish / the (ob.). / Friend, / ice / the (ob.) / I broke a hole in / when / tail / the (ob.) / I put in /

agthiñ´ ni´ ke. Saba´zhi-xti huhu´ wiñ oñ´thahai siñ´de ke, ki bthi´ze ha.
I sat / water / the (ob.). / Very suddenly / fish / one / bit me / tail / the (ob.) / and / I took it / . /

Kage´ha, a´wathoñdi´ a, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Kage´ha, she´thoñdi e´degoñ
Friend, / in what place / ? / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Friend, / in yonder place / but /

Pa´ze usni´ te´di thahe´-hnoñi ha. Pa´ze ki usni´-xti ama´. Ke´, kage´ha,
evening / cold / when / they are used to biting / . / Evening / when / very cold / they say. / Come, / friend, /

oñga´the tai´, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Oñ´hoñ, a´b egoñ´ atha´-biama´. Nu´xe
let us go, / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Yes, / he said, they say / having / they went, they say. / Ice /

ke´di ahi´-bi egoñ´ uga´'uda´-biama´. Ke´, siñ´de ugthe´ gthiñ´-ga, a´-biama´
at the / arrived, they say / having / he broke a hole in it, they say. / Come, / tail / put in / sit thou, / said, they say /

Ishti´nike aka´. Siñ´de ke ugthe´ gthiñ´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´ ni´ ke. Goñte´goñ
Ictinike / the (sub.). / Tail / the (ob.) / put in / sat they say / Coyote / the (sub.) / water / the (ob.) / Awhile /

ki, Kage´ha, oñ´thahai, a´-biama´. Kage´ha, zhiñga´-hnoñi; toñga´ ki´zhi
when, / Friend, / me-bites, / he said, they say. / Friend, / small only; / big / when /

washni´ze te. Shkoñ´azhi gthiñ´-ga, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Goñte´goñ ki ni´xe
you may take them. / Motionless / sit, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Awhile / when / ice /

aka´ da´ athiñ´ atha´-biama´. Kage´ha, shi ga´ama wiñ´ oñ´thahai, a´-biama´
the (sub.) / frozen / having him / it went, they say. / Friend, / again / those / one / me-bites, / said, they say /

Mi´kasi aka´. Kage´ha, shkoñ´azhi gthiñ´-ga. Zhiñga´-hnoñi, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike
Coyote / the (sub.). / Friend, / motionless / sit. / Small only, / said, they say / Ictinike /

aka´. Goñte´goñ ki toñga´ ama´ ati´ ama, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. E´githe
the (sub.). / Awhile / when / big / the (sub.) / come / will, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / At length /

nu´xe aka´ da´-biama´. Iñ´toñ, kage´ha, ga´ama toñga´-xti wiñ´ oñ´thahai ha,
ice / the (sub.) / froze, they say. / Now, / friend, / those / very big / one / me-bites / . /

a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Ahau´! ahau´! thidoñ´-ga! thidoñ´-ga! a´-biama´
said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Come! / come! / pull on it! / pull on it! / said, they say /

Ishti´nike aka´. Mi´kasi aka´ thidoñ´-biama´. Washkoñ´-xti shtewoñ´ nu´xe ke
Ictinike / the (sub.). / Coyote / the (sub.) / pulled on it, they say. / He tried very hard / notwithstanding / ice / the (ob.) /

noñshna´ha-hnoñ´ ama´. Washkoñ´-ga! zhiñga´-ba´zhi, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´.
he slipped in walking only / they say. / Be strong! / small not, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). /

Iñwiñ´koñ-ga, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Noñbe´ te oñwoñ´thoñ-ga, a´-biama´
Help me, / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Hand / the (ob.) / take hold of me, / said, they say /

Ishti´nike aka´. Noñbe´ te uthoñ´-bi egoñ´ washkoñ´-xti thidoñ´-biama´. Kage´ha,
Ictinike / the (sub.). / Hand / the (ob.) / took hold of, it is said / having / making a great effort / they pulled, they say. / Friend, /

washkoñ´-ga ha, huhu´ aka´ zhiñga´-ba´zhi e´degoñ oñwoñ´thi'a tate´ ebthe´goñ. Ahau´!
be strong / . / fish / the (sub.) / small not / but / we fail / shall, / I think. / Oho! /

a´b egoñ´ woñ´ibagiñ´xti thidoñ´-biama´. Ki siñ´de ke thise´-xti the´tha-biama´.
said, they say / having / with a very great effort / they pulled, they say. / And / tail / the (ob.) / was pulled off altogether / suddenly, they say. /

Mi´kasi aka´ siñ´de ke gitoñ´ba-biama´. Kage´ha, oñ´shnizhua´zhi i´thanahiñ´
Coyote / the (sub.) / tail / the (ob.) / looked at his own, they say. / Friend, / you have treated me ill / you truly /

ahoñ´, a´-biama´ Mi´kasi aka´. Kage´ha, thi´ shti e´goñiñthe´'oñ thoñ´shti, a´-biama´
! / said, they say / Coyote / the (sub.). / Friend, / thou / too / treated me so / heretofore, / said, they say /

Ishti´nike aka´. Aki´thaha atha´-biama´. Ki Mi´kasi aka´ xa´de thibthe´bthiñ siñ´de
Ictinike / the (sub.). / Apart / they went, they say. / And / Coyote / the (sub.) / grass / twisted / tail /

ke i´gaxa´-biama´.
the (ob.) / of it made, they say. /