ictnike, the brothers, and sister.

Uki´kizhi duba´-biama´, itoñ´ge aka´ we´satoñ´-biama´. Waki´de-pi´-xti-
Brethren / four they say, / sister / the (sub.) / the fifth they say. / Very good marksmen /

biama´ uki´kizhi du´ba ama´. Ki itoñ´ge aka´ te´tiwa´xe-hnoñ´-biama´.
they say / brethren / four / the (sub.). / And / sister / the (sub.) / used to make the animals come by calling they say. / And /

te´xiwa´githa´-biama´ wa'u´ aka´. Ke, tinuha´, iñ´gahai´-a he. Goñ´ gia´ha-
she prized them they say / woman / the (sub.). / Come, / elder brother, / comb for me / . / And / he combed for her /

biama´, gia´shnapa´-xchi-biama´. Sade´gthe gia´xa-biama´, ke gaha´ ithoñ´-tha-
they say, / combed very smooth for her they say. / Scaffold / they made for her, they say, / and / on it / they placed her /

biama´. Ki woñ´githe-xti ha´haki´the nazhiñ´-biama´, moñ´de moñ´de e´kina athiñ´-
they say. / And / every one / making himself ready / stood they say, / bows / sufficient / they had /

biama´. Ki wa'u´ aka´ boñ´-biama´, ki shi boñ´-biama´ We´thabthiñ´oñ tedi´hi
they say. / And / woman / the (sub.) / called they say, / and / again / called they say. / The third time / occurred /

ki moñ-noñ´shude wathi´shna-biama´. Tinuha´, washkoñ´ egoñ´-a, sha-i´i he,
when / dust from treading the groung / visible they say. / Elder brother, / make an effort / do / they are coming to you / . /

a´-biama´. We´duboñ´ tedi´hi ki e´thoñbe ati´-biama´. Ki Ishti´nike aka´ edi
she said, they say. / The fourth time / occurred / when / in sight / they had come, they say. / And / Ictinike / the (sub.) / there /

nazhiñ´-biama´. E´githe ati´-biama´ wani´ta ama´ shoñ bthu´ga-xti, Te´ ame´goñ,
stood they say. / At length / had come, they say / animal / the (sub.) / indeed / all / Buffalo / the (sub.) /

Oñ´poñ ame´, Ta´xti ame´, shoñ´ bthu´ga-biama´. Shoñ´-xti-goñ´ t'e´wathe nazhiñ´-
Elk / the (sub.) / Deer / the (sub.) / indeed / all they say. / All at once / killing them / they stood /

biama´. Ki shoñ´gaxa´-biama. Goñ´ washe´-xti gthiñ´-biama´. E´githe umoñ´e
they say. / And / they made an end they say. / And / rich very / they sat they say. / At length / provisions /

te thasniñ´ atha´-biama´. Ki iti´nu aka´ 'a´bae athe´ 'itha´-biama´ woñ´githe. Ki
the (ob.) / swallowed / went they say. / And / her elder brother / the (sub.) / hunting / to go / spoke of, they say / all. / And /

iti´nu noñ´ aka´: Ni´kashiñga wiñ ti´ tate´ thoñ´zha da´doñ-xti ede´ shte´shtewoñ
her elder brother / grown / the one who: / Person / one / come hither / shall / though / what indeed / he says that / notwithstanding /

e´githe´goñ the´shkaxe te ha, a´-biama´. Tinuha´, oñ´ka-ma´zhi ta´ miñke,
beware / you do it for him / lest / . / he said, they say. / O elder brother, / I not so / will / I who, /

a´-biama´. Itoñ´ge thiñke´ umoñ´e gika´xa-bi egoñ´ gioñ´tha atha´-biama´. they
she said, they say. / His sister / the (ob.) / provisions / made for his own, they say / having / leaving her (their own) / they went, they say. /

Atha´-biama´ ki Ishti´nike aka´ ati´-biama, thi´xesa´gi moñ´de ke´de athiñ´-bi,
They went, they say / when / Ictinike / the (sub.) / came they say, / hard willow / bow / the (ob.) / he had, they say, /

thi´xthe-ma moñ´zhiha ke ugi´pi-xti athiñ´-bi. Wihe´, iñda´doñ-xti ede´he
reeds the (ob.) / quiver / the (ob.) / full very / he had, they say. / Second daughter, / what indeed / I say that /

shte´shtewoñ e´goñ iñthe´shkaxe te ha. Tha'eoñ´githa´-ga, tushpa´ha. Oñ´kazhi,
notwithstanding / so / you do for me / will / . / Pity me, your relation, / my grandchild. / Not so /

tigoñha´, ubthi´'age he, a´-biama´ wa'u´ aka´ Oñ´kazhi, tushpa´, tha'eoñ´githa´-ga.
grandfather, / I am unwilling / . / said, they say / woman / the (sub.). / Not so, / grandchild, / pity me, your relation. /

Moñ´ the´te te´ga-xti aki´gthishtoñ´ e´de itha´gigthaskoñ´bthe koñ´btha. Te´ti-
Arrow / this (col.) / new very / I finished for myself / but / I try my own / I wish. / Animals to come /

washka´xe-hnoñ ama´. E´goñ ga´xa-ga. Wa'u´ thiñke´ uthi´'age thoñ´zha shoñ´
you are used to making them / they say. / So / do. / Woman / the (ob.) / unwilling / though / yet /

thashtoñ´-bazhi´-biama´. E´githe shoñ´-aka´ uhe´kitha-biama´ wa'u´ aka´. Iñ´dake´,
he stopped talking not they say. / At length / after standing awhile / she let him have his way they say / woman / the (sub.). / Let us see, /

iñga´he-a he´ a´-biama´ wa'u´ aka´. Ishti´nike aka´ gia´ha-biama´. Ki'oñ´kithe
comb for me / . / said, they say / woman / the (sub.). / Ictinike / the (sub.) / combed for her, they say. / He made her paint herself /

shteoñ´-bi egoñ´ gi´thishtoñ´-biama´. Sade´gthe gia´xai te gaha´ gthiñ´kitha´-biama´.
even, they say / having / he finished for her they say. / Scaffold / that had been made for her / on it / he made her sit they say. /

Ki, Duboñ´ aboñ´ te´di ati´-hnoñi he, a´-biama´ wa'u´ aka´. Iñ´dake´, boñ-ga,
And, / Four times / I call / when / they usually come / . / said, they say / woman / the (sub.). / Let us see, / call, /

a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´ Ki wa'u´ aka´ boñ´-biama´. Thabthiñ´oñ boñ´-bi ki´zhi
said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / And / woman / the (sub.) / called they say. / Three times / called, they say / when /

moñnoñ´-shude te wathi´shna-biama´. Hiñ+! sha-i´i he, tigoñha´, washkoñ´ egoñ´-a
dust from treading the ground / the (ob.) / visible they say. / Oh! / they are coming / . / grandfather, / make an effort / do /

he´. We´duboñ´ tedi´hi ki e´githe e´thoñbe ati´-biama´. Egithe ati´-biama´.
. / The fourth time / occurred / when / it happened / in sight / they came, they say. / At length / they came, they say. /

Waki´da-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Thi´xthe moñ´ ke we´kida´-biama´, uthi´huni
He shot at them, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Reed / arrow / the (ob.) / he shot at them with, they say, / wabbling /

e´goñ ithe´tha-biama´. He-i´! a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Shoñ e´goñ-hnoñ waki´dai
like / sent suddenly, they say. / Why! / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / And / so only / he shot at them /

te mu´washnoñ nazhiñ´-biama´. E´githe noñ´zhiha mu´xthu'a´-biama´. E´githe
when / missing them / he stood they say. / At length / quiver / shot empty they say. / It happened /

ha´shi-xti Oñ´poñ nu´ga wiñ´ zhiñ´gazhi´-xti e´degoñ ati´-biama´. Sade´gthe baxi´atha´-
at the very last / Elk / male / one / not small very / like, was / came, they say. / Scaffold / pushed down /

biama´. Ki wa'u´ thiñke´ he´ uzha´ta ugthoñ´ athiñ´ a´kia´gtha-biama´. Ki e´githe
they say. / And / woman / the (ob.) / horn / fork / in between / having her / he had gone homeward, they say. / And / at length /

iti´nu ama´ aki´-biama´. Itoñ´ge thiñke´ thiñge´ te aki´-biama´. Ugi´ne ku´wiñxa´-
her brother / the (sub.) / reached home, they say. / His sister / the (ob.) / was none / when / reached home, they say. / To seek his own / went about /

bi thoñ´zha i´githa-bazhi´-biama´. E´githe zhiñga´-xchi thiñke´ toñ´de a´thita´-xti
they say / though / he found not his own they say. / It happened / small very / the one who / ground / crossing by a very near way /

ugi´ne atha´-biama´. Pa´he zhiñ´gazhi´-xti e´degoñ e´di ahi´-biama´. Ki e´di
seeking his own / went they say. / Hill / small not very / like, was / there / arrived, they say. / And / there /

gthiñ´-biama´. Shoñ´-xti-aka´ shi e´di zhoñ´-biama´. E´githe wa'u´ wiñ xage´
he sat they say. / After he sat a great while / again / there / he lay they say. / It happened / woman / one / crying /

na'oñ´-biama´. U´thixida´-bi ki´zhi ni´kashiñga shte wa'u´ wathi´shna-bazhi´-biama´.
he heard they say. / Looking around for them, they say / when / person / even / woman / visible not they say. /

Shoñ´ wiñ´oñwa te´doñ ethe´goñ-bi egoñ´ u´thixide-hnoñ´-biama´. Shi zhoñ´-bi ki
Yet / which / is it? / thought, they say / having / he looked around repeatedly they say. / Again / he lay down, they say / when /

shi xage´ na'oñ´-biama´. E´githe itoñ´ge thiñke´ hu´ te i´giPahoñ´-biama´. E´di
again / crying / he heard they say. / It happened / his sister / the (ob.) / voice / the (ob.) / he recognized his own they say. / There /

e´goñ-xti toñ´thiñ agtha´-biama´ uxthe´xchi. Aki´-bi ki izhiñ´the thoñka´ u´wagitha´-
just so / running / he went homeward, they say / very soon. / He reached home, they say / when / his elder brother / the (ob.) / he told them /

biama´. Zhiñthe´ha, witoñ´ge xage´ agi´na'oñ´ ha, itha´githe agthi´ ha. Hau!
they say. / Elder brother, / my sister / crying / I heard my own / . / I found my own / I have returned / . / Ho! /

ke, a´wathoñ´di e´iñte oñga´the tai´, a´-biama´. Goñ´ e´di atha´-biama´. Goñ´
come, / to the place where / she may be / let us go, / he said, they say. / And / there / went they say. / And /

mazhoñ´ thoñki ahi´-biama´. The´thu ha, a´-biama´ isoñ´ga aka´. Ke,
land / at the / arrived, they say. / Here / . / said, they say / his younger brother / the (sub.). / Come, /

a´na'oñ´i-ga, a´-biama´. Goñ´ a´na'oñ´-biama´ woñ´githe. Oñ´hoñ, thitoñ´ge
listen ye to it, / he said, they say. / And / listened to it, they say / all. / Yes, / your sister /

toñ´de moñta´ta athiñ´ aki´i ete´degoñ e'oñ´ oñga´xai adoñ´ oñgthi´ze tai´ edoñ´,
ground / into / having her / he reached home / should have, but / how / we do / therefore / we take our own / may / ? /

a-biama´. Hau! zhiñthe´ha, ke, a´zhoñ e´goñ iñte ke´goñ-ga, a´-biama´ zhiñga´-xchi
he said, they say. / Ho! / elder brother, / come, / you do / so / may / come, do so, / said, they say / small very /

aka´. Ahau´! a´-biama´ noñ´-xchi aka´, witi´goñ the´goñ te´xi a´akipa´ ki´zhi
the (sub.). / Oho! / said, they say. / grown very / the (sub.), / my grandfather / thus / trouble / I meet / if /

the´gimoñ te´ e´ ha, a´-bi egoñ´ zhoñwe´tiñ athiñ´ aka´ma e´degoñ i´tiñ-biama´
I do thus / may / said he / . / he said, they say / having / striking-stick / that / he had had, / they say / he hit with it, they say /

toñ´de ke. Ki noñ´zhiñshke´-xchi uga´kiba zhiñga´-biama´. Hau! ke´goñ-ga,
ground / the (ob.). / And / barely / he made a crack by hitting / small they say. / Ho! / come, do so, /

a´-biama´. Shi e´dua´toñ toñ e´ waka´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´, witi´goñ the´goñ
he said, they say. / Again / next / the(ob.) / him / he meant they say. / Oho! / he said, they say, / my grandfather / thus /

te´xi a´akipa´ ki´zhi the´gimoñ te´ e´ ha, a´-bi egoñ´ zhoñwe´tiñ athiñ´ aka´ma
trouble / I meet / if / I do thus / may / said he / . / he said, they say / having / striking-stick / that / he had /

e´degoñ i´tiñ-biama´ toñ´de ke. Ki noñ´zhiñshke´-xchi uga´kiba´-biama´. Shi
had, they say / he hit with it, they say / ground / the (ob.). / And / barely / made a crack by hitting, they say. / Again /

we´thabthiñ aka´ shi e´goñ-biama´. Zhiñga´-xchi aka´: Witi´goñ the´goñ te´xi a´akipa´
the third / the (sub.) / again / so did they say. / Small very / the (sub.): / My grandfather / thus / trouble / I meet /

ki´zhi the´ginoñ te´ e´ ha, a´-bi egoñ´ zhoñwe´tiñ athiñ´ aka´ma e´degoñ i´tiñ-biama´
if / I do thus / may / said he / . / he said, they say / having / striking-stick / that / he had had, they say / he hit with it, they say /

toñ´de ke. Ki Pahe´ thoñ uga´sne-xti ithe´tha-biama´. E´githe wani´ta da´doñ
ground / the (ob.). / And / hill / the (ob.) / he split altogether by hitting / suddenly they say. / It happened / animal / what /

bthu´ga-xti wae´thoñba´-biama´. E´githe itoñ´ge thiñke´ tizhe´begthoñ´ gaxa´-bi-toñ´-
all / made them appear, they say. / It happened / his sister / the (ob.) / door / she had been made /

ama´, a´ ke agshoñ´koñhoñ koñ´toñ-bi egoñ´ uba´tihe´tha-bi-toñ´-ama´. Thizhiñ´the
they say, / arm / the (ob.) / on each side / tied, they say / having / she had been hung up as she stood they say. / Your elder brother / \nt agthoñ´koñhoñ

me´goñ miñ´ga mu´ga eda´be-thoñ-thoñ u´gashta´i-ga. Goñ´ waki´de mazhiñ´-biama´.
likewise / female / male / also of each king / leave a remainder after hitting. / And / shooting at them / stood they say. /

Goñ´ u´mushtai´-ma goñ´ izha´zhe wa'i´ nazhiñ´-biama´. E´githe shoñ´-xti goñ´
And / those who remained from shooting / so / name / giving to them / they stood, they say. / At length / at will /

she´nakitha´-biama´. Itoñ´ge thiñke´ goñ gthi´za-biama´. Shetoñ´.
they exterminated them, they say. / His sister / the (ob.) / so / he took his own, they say. / So far. /