Kage´ha, ni´kashiñga ju´ba ga´teta ededi´ ama´ma. E´ta
bthe´ koñ´btha,
Friend, / person / some / at that place / there / they
are, it is said. / Thither / I go / I wish, /
a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Ahau´, atha´-biama´.
Atha´-biama´ ki e´githe Oñ´poñ
said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Well, / he
went, they say. / He went, they say / when / it happened /
Elk /
nu´ga edi´ thiñke´ ama´ ha. Hau, uki´a-biama´. Kage´ha,
male / there / the (st. ob.) / they say / . / Well, / he
talked with him they say. / Friend, / to question you /
ati´, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Ki eda´doñ oñthoñ´hnaxe
te´ a, a´-biama´ Oñ´poñ
I have come / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). /
And / what / you question me / will / ? / said, they say /
Elk /
nu´ga aka´. Kage´ha, hi´ oñwoñ´zhetha agthiñ´ ha, a´doñ
oñwoñ´wata´shte ua´gashoñ-
male / the (sub.). / Friend, / legs / me tired / I sit /
. / there / whithersoever / I travel /
ma´zhi ha, a´-biama´ Oñ´poñ nu´ga aka´. Kage´ha,
ni´kashiñga-ma u´zhawa´-
I not / . / said, they say / Elk / male / the (sub.). /
Friend, / person the ones who / have much /
xti-oñ-biama´. Ea´toñ a´doñ moñshniñ´-azhi a. Oñ´hoñ,
kage´ha, wa'u´ pahoñ´ga
enjoyment, they say. / Why / therefore / you walk not /
? / Yes, / friend, / woman / before /
agthoñ´ thiñke´ iñ´nashai´ e´goñ, noñ´de i´saoñ
thiñ´gegoñ the´thu agthiñ´, a´-biama
I took to wife / the (ob.) / snatched from me / as, /
heart / as it has nothing to satisfy it / here / I sit, /
said, they say /
Oñ´poñ nu´ga aka´. Kage´ha, e´di oñga´the te´, a´-biama´
Ishti´nike aka´ Kage´ha,
Elk / male / the (sub.). / Friend / there / we go /
will, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Friend,
thi´-hnoñ e´di moñthiñ´-ga, a´-biama´ Oñ´poñ nu´ga aka´.
Kage´ha, a´watedi´i
you alone / there / go thou / said, they say / Elk /
male / the (sub.). / Friend, / in what place are they /
a, a´-biama´. Kage´ha, the´teta´i ha. E´di moñthiñ´-ga,
a´-biama´. Hau, atha´-
? / said he they say. / Friend, / they are at this place
/ . / There / walk, / said he they say. / Well, / went /
biama´ Ishti´nike ama´. E´githe Oñ´poñ ededi´ ama´ma,
a´higi´-biama´. E´di
they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / It happened / Elk /
there they were, it is said / many they say. / There /
ahi´-biama´. Iñsh'a´ge, ea´toñ moñhniñ´ e´iñte,
a´-biama´ Oñ´poñ ama´. Oñ´hoñ,
he arrived, they say. / Venerable man, / why / you walk
/ may / said, they say / Elk / the (sub.). / Yes, /
tushpa´ha, oñ´ba wiñ watha´te btha´te koñ´btha moñbthiñ´
goñ´ adoñ, tushpa´ha,
grandchild, / day / one / food / you eat / I eat / I
wish / I walk / as / therefore, / grandchild, /
ati´ ha, a´-biama´. Xa-i´ iñsh'a´geha, te´xi ha,
watha´te oñgu´tai. Da´doñ p'a´
I have come / . / said he they say. / Why! / O venerable
man! / difficult / . / food / our. / What / bitter /
ge bthu´ga oñtha´te oñmoñ´thiñ usni´ ki´shte
ki´moñhoñ-u´gaxthe´-xti oñgthiñ´i ha,
the (ob.) / all / we eat / we walk / cold / even when /
against the wind facing / we sit / . /
a´-biama´. Hau, iñsh'a´geha, utha´de thithiñ´ge. She´na,
thashtoñ´-ga ha. Oñ´kazhi,
said they, they say. / Ho! / O venerable man! / to talk
of / you have nothing. / Enough, / stop talking / . / Not
so, /
tushpa´ha, thie´doñ she´na thashtoñ´i´-ga ha. Goñ´
moñhniñ´-mashe´di moñbthiñ´
grandchild, / do you / enough / stop (ye) talking / . /
Anyhow / you walk by you who / I walk /
koñ´btha ha, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Hau, wiñ´ke
e´iñte. Ta´shkahi zhiñ´ga
I wish / . / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). /
Ho! / he speaks truly / may be. / Oak tree / small /
he´ gia´xa-biama´. Siñ´de ke zhoñ-koñ´ gia´xa-biama´.
Hau, tushpa´ha, usni´
horn / made for him they say. / Tail / the (ob.) / tree
root / made for him they say. / Tail / the (ob.) / tree
root / made for him they say. / Well, / grandchild, / cold
ki, e´goñ snioñ´t'e te´ ha. Hiñ´ thi´tai e´goñ
iñ´gaxa´i-ga, a´-biama´. Hau, waha´b
when / so / me cold (freeze) / may / . / Hair / your /
like / for me make ye, / said he they say. / Well, /
cat's- /
igaskoñ´the hiñ´ gia´xa-biama´. Hau! ke, zha´pahi the´ge
thata´-ga, a´-biama´. Thata´-
tails / hair / made for him they say. / Ho! / come, /
rosin-weed / there (ob.) / eat / said they, they say. / He
ate /
biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Thata´-bi ki iu´p'a-biama´,
chu´-biama´. Wu! da´doñshte
they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / He ate they say /
when / bitter in mouth they say / he spit they say. / Wu!
/ whatever /
pi´azhiazhi´-xchi thatai´ edue´he a´hoñ a´-biama´. Hau!
iñsh'a´ge, ede´shegoñ-hnoñ´ a,
good-not-not very / they eat / I go with / ! / said he,
they say. / Ho! / venerable man, / what were you saying /
? /
a´-biama´. Iñda´doñ-xti ede´he ta? Watha´te pezhi´-xti
thatai´ edue´he a´hoñ, ehe´,
said they, they say. / What indeed / I say what / shall?
/ Food / bad very / they eat / I go with / ! / I said, /
tushpa´ha, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Ahau´ Hau!
iñsh'a´ge, u´shkoñ wiñ oñgui´thitha
grandchild, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). /
Well. / Ho! / venerable man, / deed / one / we tell to
thee /
toñ´gatoñ. Shiñ´gazhiñ´ga maxi´dewatha´the te a´doñ
u´shkoñ wiñ oñgui´thitha toñ´gatoñ,
we will. / Children / you make them have ears / will /
therefore / deed / one / we tell thee / we will, /
a´-biama´. Hau! iñsh'a´ge, the´ama´ ni´ashiñga we´thai
te´di e´goñ-xti te´di biñze´-
said they, they say. / Ho! / venerable man, / these
(sub.) / persons / they find them / when / just so / when
/ they cry /
hnoñi, a´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´, e´goñ tate´ a´tha,
a´-biama´. Usni´ ama´, tade´-
out, / said they, they say. / Oho! / said he they say, /
so / shall be / indeed / said he they say. / Cold / they
say, / hard /
sage usni´-xti ama´. Oñ´poñ-ma bthu´ga-xti
ki´moñhoñ-u´gaxthe moñthiñ´-biama´.
wind / cold very / they say. / Elk the ones who / all /
facing the wind / walked they say. /
Ishti´nike ama´ ki´moñhoñ gaxe´-xti watha´te
moñthiñ´-biama´. A´gaxthe kigthi´soñtha´-
Ictinike / the (sub.) / against the wind / apart very /
eating / walked they say. / With the wind / turned himself
around /
biama´. Wu! pi´azhiazhi´-xchi, a´-biama´.
they say. / Wu! / good-not-not very, / said he, they
say. /
Hau, e´ goñ´-ama´ ni´kashiñga we´tha-biama´ Ishti´nike
aka´. I-u´! a´-biama´.
Well, / that / after awhile / person / he found them
they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / I-u! / said he they
say. /
Gi´doñba´i-ga, gi´doñba´i-ga, a´-biama´ Oñ´poñ-ma
bthu´ga Pa´gahoñ the´tha-biama´.
Look for him, / look for him, / said he they say. / Elk
the ones who / all / raised their heads / suddenly, they
say. /
E'oñ´ a, a´-biama´ The´aka´ ni´kashiñga wiñ, a´-biama´
Ishti´nike aka´. Doñba´-
What is the matter / ? / said they, they say. / This one
/ person / one, / said he they say / Ictinike / the
(sub.). / They looked at it /
biama´ ki e´githe xad ithoñ´ ama´. E´ wa´thake,
a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, a´-biama´.
they say / when / behold / grass / was suddenly / they
say. / That / you mean, / said they, they say. / Yes, /
said he they say. /
Hau! iñsh'a´ge, e´githe´goñ shka´xe-hnoñ te, a´-biama´
Oñ´poñ-ma. E´goñ-xti ki
Ho! / venerable man / beware lest / you do thus
continually, / said, they say / Elk the ones who. / So
just / when /
e´goñ-hnoñ´i, a´-biama´. Shi waba´hi moñthiñ´-biama´.
E´githe shi ni´ashiñga we´tha-
so regularly, / said he they say. / Again / feeding
together / walked they say. / It happened / again / person
/ he found them /
biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Gi´doñba´i-ga, a´-biama´. Oñ´poñ
ama´ doñba´-bi ki
they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Look for him, / said
he they say. / Elk / the (sub.). / looked, they say / when
e´goñ-xti ama´ ni´ashiñga aka´ma, uga´s'iñ aka´ma. Hau!
e´goñ-xti te, a´-biama´
Just so / they say / they were men, / it is said, / they
were peeping, it is said / Ho! / just so it was, / said,
they say /
Oñ´poñ ama´. Shiñ´gazhiñ´ga uoñ´he u´wagina´-ga,
a´-biama´. Ki, Wi´ebthiñ te ha,
Elk / the (sub.). / Children / flight / hunt for them, /
said they, they say. / And, / I am he / will / . /
a´-biama´ Ishtinike aka´. Wiñ´ke-xti a´hoñ, a´-biama´
Oñ´poñ-ma. Hau! ke´goñ-
said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / He speaks
truly indeed / ! / said, they say / Elk the ones who. /
Ho! / come, do /
ga, a´-biama´. Thie´-ga, a´-biama´. Shiñ´gazhiñ´ga uhe´
u´wagina´-ga, a´-biama´.
it, / said they, they say. / You be first, / said they,
they say. / Children / path / hunt for them, / said they,
they say. /
Ahau´! itha´gaskoñbthe ta´ miñke, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike
aka´. Ishti´nike aka´ atha´-
Oho! / I attempt it / will / I who, / said, they say /
Ictinike / the (sub.). / Ictinike / the (sub.) / went /
biama´. Oñ´poñ bthu´ga-xti uthu´ha-biama´. Goñ´ki
Ishti´nike ame´goñ ni´ashiñga
they say. / Elk / all / followed they say. / And /
Ictinike / as he moved / men /
we´tha-biama´. E´ta atha´-biama´ Ni´ashiñga
we´na'u´-xchi i´ha-biama´. Ni´ashiñga
discovered, they say. / Thither / went they say. / Men /
right alongside of / he passed, they say. / men /
we´thai ki e´ u´wakia´-biama´: Wi´ oñki´da-bazhi´i-ga.
Wi´ebthiñ´ ha, a´-biama´
discovered them / when / that / talked with them they
say: / Me / shoot not at me. / It is I / . / said, they
say /
Ishti´nike aka´. Oñ´poñ-ma wa´kida´-biama´. Oñ´poñ-ma
t'e´watha´-biama´. Oñ´poñ-
Ictinike / the (sub.). / Elk the ones who / they shot at
them they say. / Elk the ones who / they killed them, they
say. / Elk /
ma mu´wathiñge´-xti-oñ´-biama´, she´nawatha´-biama´.
Oñ´poñ nu´ga zhiñ´ga wiñ
the ones who / they shot down all they say, / they
exterminated them they say. / Elk / male / small / one /
Oñ´poñ miñ´ga zhiñ´ga shti wiñ, Ishti´nike aka´ e´
we´thabthiñ ni´ta-biama´. We´ahide´-
Elk / female / small / too / one, / Ictinike / the
(sub.) / that / the third / alive they say. / Far away /
xti oñ´he zhu´wagthe ahi´-biama´ Ahi´-biama´ ki he´ ke
thiza´-bi Ishti´nike aka´,
very / fled / he with them / arrived, they say. /
Arrived, they say / when / horn / the (ob.) / took, they
say / Ictinike / the (sub.), /
oñ´tha the´tha-biama´. Oñ´poñ zhiñ´ga the´ waga´zhi
egoñ´, Ea´toñ oñthoñ´woñthaha´i a.
threw away / suddenly, they say. / Elk / small / to go /
told them / having, / Why / me you follow / ? /
a´-biama´. Shetoñ´.
said he, they say. / So far. /
Tanu´ka he´be aki´Pade´goñ te ha. Gu´diha noñthiñ´i-ga.
Oñ´poñ ethi´ge tai´,
Fresh meat / piece / I cut up for myself / will / . /
Further off / walk ye. / Elk / they will call you, /