ictinike, the turkeys, turtle, and elk.

Zizi´ka ju´ba edi´ ama´ma he´gashtewoñ´zhi. Moñ tede´ moñ´shiadi´-xti moñ´sa-
Turkey / some / there / were, they say / by no means a few. / Ground / edge / very high / arrow- /

xti moñ´tadi´-xti waba´hi ama´ma. Ishti´nike ama´ e´di the´ ama´. We´tha-bi egoñ´
weed / altogether within / they were feeding, they say. / Ictinike / the (sub.) / there / went / they say. / Found them, they say / having /

shoñ´-xti bama´maxe xa´tha agi´-biama´. Ea´toñ a´moñ wi btha´t ete´doñ, ethe´goñ-bi
at once / bending his head repeatedly / back again / he was coming, they say. / How / I do / I / I eat / apt? / thought, they say /

egoñ´ we´thigthoñ gaxa´-biama´. Shoñ´-xti mika´-ha waiiñ´ betoñ´toñ-bi egoñ´ i´'iñ
having / decision / he made they say. / At once / raccoon-skin / robe / rolled up several times, they say / having / something for carrying /

gaxa´-biama´. 'Iñ-bi egoñ´ shoñ´-xti tathiñ-biama´. Zizi´ka waba´hi-ma
he made, they say. / Carried, they say / having / at once / he ran they say. / Turkey / feeding the ones /

we´na'u´-xchi toñthiñ´-biama´. Wuhu+! iñsh'a´ge 'oñ´ egoñ. Doñba´i-ga, a´-biama´
passing close by them / he ran they say. / Wuhu+! / old man / something is the matter. / See him, / said, they say /

Zizi´ka ama´. Na! iñsh'a´ge 'oñ´ e´iñte, a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, e´goñ-xti-oñ´, a´-biama´
Turkey / the (sub.). / Why! / venerable man / something may be the matter / said they, they say. / Yes, / it is just so, / said, they say /

Ishti´nike aka´. Toñ´woñgthoñ ju´ba ewe´xuwka te ai´ e´goñ, oñ´gi-ahi´ e´goñ
Ictinike / the (sub.). / Village / some / I sing for them / will / said / having, / come for me / having /

wa'oñ´ te agi´'iñ a´thiñhe´ a´tha, a´-biama´. Uhu´! iñsh'a´ge, oñgu´ shti oñnoñ´t e´goñ
song / the (ob.) / I have been carrying mine / indeed, / said he they say. / Oho! / venerable man. / we / too / we dance / somewhat /

tai´, a´-biama´ Zizi´ka ama´. Oñ´kazhi, awa´naxthiñ´, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike
will, / said, they say / Turkey / the (sub.). / Not so, / I in a great hurry / I walk, / said, they say / Ictinike /

aka´. Oñgu´ shti iñsh'a´ge oñnoñ´t e´goñ ki hne´ te, a´-biama´ Zizi´ka ama´. Wuhu+!
the (sub.). / We / too / venerable man / we dance / somewhat / when / you go / may, / said, they say / Turkey / the (sub.). / Wuhu+!

dadoñ´, awa´naxthiñ cha´be thoñ´shti thanoñ´te shte´shtewoñ zhoñ´ tai, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike
what, / I in a hurry / very much / heretofore / you dance / notwithstanding / you do it / will / said, they say / Ictinike /

aka´. Hau! ke´, iñdake´, uthe´wiñ gi´i-ga, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Uthe´wiñ
the (sub.). / Ho! / come, / let us see, / collecting / come ye hither, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Collecting /

agi´-biama Goñ´ki waiiñ´ uthi´btha-biama´. Baku´wiñxe oñwoñ´thishoñ´i-ga,
they were coming, they say. / And / robe / he pulled open they say. / Bending around / go ye around me, /

a´-biama´. Toñga´-xti tha´thiñshe´, oñthoñ´na'u´-xchi i´he oñwoñ´thishoñ noñta´i-ga,
said he they say. / Big very / ye who move / passing very close to me / passing by / to go around me / dance ye, /

a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Ishta´-thip'iñ´za´i-ga. E´githe ishta´ tha´bthai ki ishta´
said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Eye shut ye / Beware / eye / you open / if / eye /

thizhi´de tai´, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Iñ´be thoñ thimoñ´gtha-ba thi'a´'ani´i-ga,
you red / lest, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Tail / the (ob.) / lift up and / spread ye out repeatedly /

a´-biama´. Hau! ke´, noñta´i-ga, a´-biama´.
said, they say. / Ho! / come, / dance ye, / said he they say. /

He´! wa-doñ´-be thiñ-ke´, ( musish text)
Ho! / looker / the one who / (music text)

i-shta´-zhi-de´, i-shta´-zhi-de´ Hiñ´-be-hnoñ thi-'a´-ni, hiñ´-behnoñ thi-'a´-ni.
eye red, / eye red. / Tail regularly / flirt up, / tail regularly / flirt up. / (music text)

Toñga´-xti-ma Pa´ thoñ u´thoñ-bi egoñ´ Pa´ thoñ wathi´xoñxoñ´-bi egoñ´ u´zhiha uzhi´
Big very the ones / head / the (ob.) / he held them, they say / having / head / the (ob.) / them he pulled off repeatedly, they say / having / bag / filling /

gthiñ´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. U´zhiha gatoñ´ha uzhi´-biama´, uske´-xti uzhi´-biama´.
sat they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Bag / that high / he filled, they say, / full very / he filled, they say. /

Zizi´ka zhiñ´ga snuta´-bi e´de i´bahoñ ta´ ama´ma, ishta´xoñxoñ ga´xe moñthiñ´-biama´.
Turkey / small / half-grown, they say / but / was about to know it as he moved, / the eyes opened a little now and then / he made / he walked they say. /

Toñge´g oñ´gathiñ´ shena´wathe athai´. Da´doñ baski´the. Ishti´nike ake´ ake´degoñ,
Big somewhat / we who / destroying us / he goes. / What / angry. / Ictinike / the (sub.) / it was he standing, but /

a´-biama´. K'u! Oñ´he atha´-biama´. Haha+! goñ´badoñ we´noñdea´kithe, a´-bi-
said he they say. / (Sound of wings.) / Fleeting / they went, they say. / Ha! ha! / how easy / I fill myself to repletion, / said, they /

ama´ Ishti´nike aka´. I´xa gaski´ wakoñ´ditha´-biama´. U´zhiha ke baxta´-biama´.
say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Laughing / panted / excessively they say. / Bag / the / he bound up, they say. /

Goñ´ki zhoñ´zhiñga na´xpe gasa´-biama´. Pe´de te e´gaxe´-xti wa´basnoñ-biama´
And / stick / roasting-stick / he cut they say. / Fire / the / all around / he put them to roast they say. /

Niñ´dewathe´-xti ki zhoñ´ wiñ gakia´hoñ e´goñ, 'Iñ! a´-biama´. Wabtha´te te´ta
Almost done / when / tree / one / raised by the wind / a little, / 'Iñ, / said, they say. / I eat / on account of /

wa´zhea´zhi miñke´. Ea´toñ azhoñ´ oñ´thasta´ge a, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. The-hnoñ´
I am roasting the collection. / Why / you do that / you cluck at me / ? / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / This only /

e´gaizhoñ ki shubthe´ ta´ miñke, uwi´tiñ ta´ miñke, a´-biama´. E´di ahi´-bi ki
you do it / if / I go to you / will / I who, / I hit you / will / I who, / said he they say. / There / he arrived, they say / when /

shoñ´-xti thizhiñ´da´-biama´. Goñ´ki noñbe´ te a´nasoñda´-biama´. Kage´ha,
at once / thrust in his arm repeatedly they say. / And / hand / the (ob.) / it closed on they say. / Friend, /

itha´xa koñ´btha goñ she´-ma. Kage´ha, oñ´thishtoñ´-ga, a´-biama´. Ki thishtoñ´-ba´zhi
I laugh / I wanted / so / those. / Friend, / let me go, / said he, they say. / And / let go not /

shoñshoñ´-biama´. She´-ma hau+! waPi´agi´zhi. Gu´diheha´i-ga hau+! a´-biama´,
continued they say. / Those / halloo! / I put my own pieces there for safety. / Go ye further away / ! / said he, they say, /

Shoñ´toñga e´ waka´-bi egoñ´. Ishti´nike waPi´zhi e´, a´-biama´. Pahoñ´ga hi´
Big wolf / that / he meant, they say / having. / Ictinike / he put pieces away for safety / he says / said they, they say. / Before / reached /

ama´ tehu´xthabe itha´betoñ thate´ 'i´tha-biama´. Ie´naxi´tha atha´-biama´. A´kiba´noñ
the ones who / fat on stomach / wrapped around it / to eat / spoke of it, they say. / Dashing / they went, they say. / Running a race /

the´tha-biama´. E´di ahi´-bi egoñ´ thaxta´-biama´. Thasniñ´-biama´. Thasniñ´-bi
they went suddenly, they say. / There / arrived, they say / having / they bit it they say. / They swallowed it, they say. / They swallowed it, they say /

egoñ´ e´atha´tha atha´-biama´. Goñ´ki a´nasoñ´de te kigthi´shiba´-biama´.
having / in different directions / they went, they say. / And / closed on / the / it opened itself, they say. /

Goñ´ki hi´de ki´ e´goñ shoñ´-xti zhoñ´zhiñga ke´ gisni´be ihe´the gthiñ´
And / bottom / got home / having / at once / stick / the (ob.) / licked his own / putting / was sitting /

aka´ma Ishti´nike aka´. The´ ama´ niu´thishoñ ni´ bu´buta ithoñ´the ke koñ´ha ke
they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / He went / they say / lake / water / several round ones / put / the (line of) / border / the (ob.) /

uha´ moñthiñ´ ama´. E´githe ke´toñga ni´ koñ´ha ke´di ededi´ thiñke´ ama´.
following / he walked / they say. / It happened / big turtle / water / border / by the / there / was sitting, they say. /

Thiza´-biama´ siñ´de uthoñ´-bi egoñ´. Gashi´be athiñ´ ahi´-biama´. We´noñdea´kithe
Took they say / tail / took hold of, they say / having. / Out from / having it / he arrived, they say. / I make myself full /

tate´ a´hoñ goñ´kizhi, a´-biama´. Zhoñ thixoñ´-biama´ shi. Zhoñ a´kasta´-xti u'oñ´-
shall / ! / and then, / said he, they say. / Wood / he broke they say / again. / Wood / piled up high / he put in /

biama´ Pe´de te na´hegazhi gaxa´-biama´. Goñ´ki ke´toñga maxu´de te
they say / Fire / the (ob.) / burning much / he made, they say. / And / big turtle / ashes / the (ob.) /

moñ´te ithe´tha-biama´. Zhe´gthoñ-biama´ Shi thate´ ta´ aka´ma. Niñ´dethe koñ´ge
under / he sent suddenly, they say. / He put in the cv. ob. to roast, they say / Again / he was about to eat it. / Cooked / near /

the´ ki´zhi Ishti´nike aka´ zhoñ´tithiñ´ge ama´. Azhoñ´toñthoñ´thiñge. Niñ´de ki
went / when / Ictinike / the (sub.) / sleepy / they say. / I am sleepy. / Cooked / when /

oñ´hnixi te, izhoñ´xeha, a´-biama. Zhoñt'e´ ama´. Zhoñt'e´ ama´ ki ni´kashiñga
you awaken me / will, / &O &ane, / said he they say. / He was sound asleep / they say. / He was sound asleep / they say / when / person /

wiñ´ e´di ahi´-biama´. Ke´toñga thiza´-bi egoñ´ thata´-biama´ ni´kashiñga aka´.
one / there / arrived, they say. / Big turtle / took, they say / having / ate it, they say / person / the (sub.). /

Thasniñ´-bi ki shoñ´-xti sihi´ ke ke´ha uba´doñdoñ´-biama´. Noñbe´ te
Swallowed, they say / when / at once / feet / the(ob.) / turtle shell / he thrust them against it, one after another, they say. / Hand / the (ob.) /

shniñ´shniñde´-xti gia´xa-biama´, i´ te´ shti shniñ´shniñde´-xti gia´xa-biama´.
greasy (smeared) very / he made for him, they say, / mouth / the (ob.) / too / greasy very / he made for him, they say. /

Ni´kashiñga atha´-biama´. Ishti´nike i´kitha´-biama´. GiPa´hoñ tithe´ ama´.
Person / went they say. / Ictinike / awoke they say. / He arose / suddenly / they say. /

Wazhe´aki´zhi iñ´natube´-xti-oñ te´-ana, a´-biama´. Sihi´ ke thishnu´da-bi egoñ´
I roasted the collection for myself / it has been cooked entirely too much for me / ! / said he they say. / Feet / the / he pulled out, they say / having /

agi´-biama´. Wa´naduge´-xti ke´, a´-biama´. Na! agtha´te ate´, e´ ama´. Na!
he was coming, they say. / (See note.) / said he they say. / Why! / I must have eaten mine, / said he / they say. / Why! /

agtha´sniñ ki azhoñ´ ate´, e´ ama´. Noñbe´ te gitoñ´be egoñ´, Oñ´hoñ, agtha´sniñ
I swallowed mine / when / I must have slept / said he / they say. / Hand / the (ob.) / saw his own / having, / Yes, / I have swallowed /

miñke´, a´-biama´. Ni´xa thoñ gthi´t'oñ ihe´tha-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, itha´noñde´-xti-
my own, / said he they say. / Stomach / the (ob.) / he felt his own / lengthwise, they say. / Yes, / I am very /

moñ´ miñke´, a´-biama´. Atha´-biama´ ki e´githe Oñ´poñ he´gashtewoñ´zhi edi´-
full indeed, / said he they say. / He went, they say / when / it came to pass / Elk / not a few by any means / were there /

ma´ma. Uga´s'iñ-bi egoñ´ we´tha-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Hiñda´! the´-ma
they say. / Peeped, they say / having / found them, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Stop! / these /

awa´shtoñka te´-ana, ethe´goñ-biama´. Oñ´poñ a´ma i´tha-bi egoñ´, The´aka´
I tempt them / will ! (in thought) / he thought they say. / Elk / the (sub.) / found him, they say / having, / This one /

Ishti´nike ake´ aka´, a´-biama´. Ka´ge-soñ´ga, wi´ebthiñ a´thiñhe´ a´tha, a´-biama´.
Ictinike / is / the one / said they, they say. / Friend younger brother, / I am he / I who move / indeed / said he they say. /

Ka´ge-soñ´ga, 'oñ´ moñhbiñ´ te e´goñ-xti zhu´wigi´gthe moñbthiñ´ koñ´btha,
Friend younger brother, / how / you walk / the / just so / I with you my own / I walk / I wish, /

ka´ge-soñ´ga, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Hau! iñsh'a´ge, utha´de thinge´xtthi
friend younger brother, / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / Ho! / venerable man, / cause for complaint / none at all /

a´hoñ, a´-biama´. Xa´de Pe´zhi p'a ge ki´zhi a´thutoñ btha´te moñbthiñ´. A´xtoñ
! / said he they say. / Grass / weeds / bitter / the (ob.) / when / straight along / I eat / I walk. / How possible /

thate´ noñ´de i´thisa taba´doñ, a´-biama´. Oñ´kazhi ha, ka´ge-soñ´ga, moñhniñ´
to eat / heart / thee good / shall / said he they say. / Not so / . / friend younger brother, / you walk /

te e´goñ-xti zhu´wigi´gthe moñbthiñ´ koñ´btha a´tha, a´-biama´. Uthi´he tate´ thoñ´zha
the / just so / I with you my own / I walk / I wish / indeed / said he they say. / You shall have your way / though /

ni´kashiñga uke´thiñ sh2oñ´ we´shpahoñ zhoñ´ goñ shiñ´gazhiñga uhe´ u´wathagihnixi´de
person / common / ways / you understand / so / children / path / you seek for them at our request /

tate´, a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, e´shai te e´ginoñ tate´, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´.
shall / said, he they say. / Yes, / you say / the / I do that / shall / said, they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). /

Hau! He-ga´zaza, thi´e-ga, a´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´. Hau! gu´duga´xthe
Ho! / Split-horns, / you try it, / said he they say. / Oho! / said he they say. / Ho! / facing the other way /

nazhiñ´-ga, a´-biama´. Thie´ ke i´tiñ goñ atha´-bi ki thi'a´-biama´, Ishti´nike
stand, / said he they say. / Side / the (ob.) / to hit on / so / went, they say / when / failed they say, / Ictinike /

oñ´ha-bi egoñ´. Wuhu´+! uga´xe thiñge´ i´nahiñ, iñsh'a´ge, a´-biama´. Oñ´kazhi
fled, they say / having. / Wuhu+! / to be done / nothing / truly, / old man, / said he they say. / Not so /

ha, ka´ge-soñ´ga, oñ´ginoñ´ge itha´kuhe´ goñ aoñ´he ha, a´-biama´. Shi e´goñ
. / friend younger brother, / running over me / I feared / so / I fled / . / said he they say. / Again / so /

duboñ´ gaxa´-biama´. We´duboñ´ tedi´hi, Hau! the´ ki´zhi, shoñ´-Pa´xe ta´ miñke,
four times / he did it, they say. / The fourth time / when it arrived, / Ho! / this / when, / I stop / will / I who, /

1 a´-biama´. Oñ´hoñ, ka´ge-soñ´ga, aoñ´ha-ma´zhi ta´ mi´ñke, a´-biama´ Ishti´nike
said he they say. / Yes, / friend younger brother. / I flee I not / will / I who, / said, they say / Ictinike /

aka´. Thie´ i´tiñ-bi egoñ´ e´kigoñ´-xti zhu´gthe atha´-biama´, Ishti´nike oñ´p ithoñ´
the (sub.). / Side / hit on, they say / having / just like him / with him / he went, they say, / Ictinike / elk / became suddenly /

ama´. I´kizhu´-bi egoñ´ noñsta´stapi moñthiñ´-biama´, mi´kashiñga we´the ga´xe
they say. / Proud, they say / being / stepped lightly, making very little noise / walked they say, / men / discovering / made (pretended) /

moñthiñ´-biama´ 'Iñ´! e´-hnoñ-biama´.
walked they say. / 'Iñ! / said he regularly, they say. /

Wa´spegoñ-ga, iñsh'a´ge, e´githe e´gizhoñ-hnoñ´ te, a´-biama´ Oñ´poñ ama´.
Do behave, / old man, / beware / you do that regularly / lest / said, they say / Elk / the (sub.). /

Oñ´2azhi ha, ka´ge-soñ´ga, itha´izhu´ e´goñ shoñ´ a´tha, ka´ge-soñ´ga, a´-biama´
Not so / . / friend younger brother, / I am proud / as / all right / indeed / friend younger brother, / said, they say /

Ishti´nike a2a´. Koñ´2tha te ka´ge-soñ´ga, e´goñ-xti noñbthiñ´ shkoñ´ te,
Ictinike / the (sub.). / I wish / the / friend younger brother / just so / I walk / deed / the, /

a´-biama´. Shoñ´-xti watha´te moñthiñ´-bi p'a ge tha'i´'i goñ chu´chu-hnoñ´-
said he they say. / All at once / eating / walked they say / bitter / the (ob.) / he spit out large pieces / as / he spit rapidly regularly /

biama´. Wa! watha´te pi´azhiazhi´-xchi thate´ ame´degoñ edue´he, a´-biama´. Wa!
they say. / Wa! / food / bad not very / those / who did eat / I follow, / said he they say. / Wa! /

iñsh'a´ge, ede´shegoñ-hnoñ´ a, a´-biama´. Ede´ha-ma´zhi. Watha´te u´doñ thate´ ame´-
venerable man, / what were you saying / ? / said he they say. / I said what I not. / Food / good / those / who /

degoñ edue´he a´tha, ehe´ athiñhe´ a´tha, a´-biama´. E´githe baxu´-xti a´he a´tha´-bi
did eat / I follow / indeed / I was saying (as I moved) / indeed / said he they say. / It came to pass / flat-top hill very / went over / went, they say /

ki´zhi ni´kashiñga we´th1-biama´ Oñ´poñ ama´. 'Iñ! a´-biama´.
when / person / they discovered them, they say / Elk / the (sub.). / 'Iñ! / said, they say. / Ho! / Ictinike, /

gi´doñba´-ga, a´-biama´. E´di atha´-bi ki e´githe ni´kashiñga aka´ma. E´di ahi´-
look at for him, / said they, they say, / There / went they say / when / it came to pass / men / they were, they say. / There / arrived /

biama´. Wa´thiñ agi´i te eshe´ thaki´ te ha, a´-biama´ zhi´zhi ui´tha-biama´
they say. / Having them / he is coming / the / you say / you reach home / will / . / said he they say / whispering / told him they say /

Ishti´nike aka´ mi´ashiñga thoñka´ Wa! iñsh'a´ge ede´shegoñ a, a´-biama´. 'Oñ
Ictinike / the (sub.) / person / the (pl. ob.). / Wa! / venerable man, / what are you saying / ? / said they, they say. / What is the matter /

ede´he ta´. Ske´woñ-xti mahiñ´ bate´ gthiñ thñ u´shikithai´ ehe´
what I say / shall? / A very long time / weeds / clump / sitting / the (ob.) / gave needless trouble / I was saying as I went / indeed /

a´-biama´. E´githe baxu´ wiñ a´he atha´-bi ki e´githe Oñ´poñ wiñ oñ´he agi´-
said he they say. / At length / flat-top hill / one / passing over / went, they say / when / it happened / Elk / one / fleeing / was coming /

biama´. shi. Hau! Ishti´nike, a´gudi thitu´shpa gi´doñba´-ga, a´-biama´. E´di
they say / again. / Ho! / Ictinike, / where / your grandchild / look at for him / said they, they say. / There /

ahi´-bi egoñ´ e´githe ni´kashiñga aka´ma. Ni´kashiñga we´the te wiñ´ke-xti-oñ´ te,
arrived, they say / having / it came to pass / men / they were, it is said. / Men / found them / the / he told the truth indeed, /

a´-biama´. Shi we´dazhi wiñ we´tha-biama´. Hau! thitu´shpa shi gi´doñba´-ga,
said he they say. / And / elsewhere / one / found them they say / Ho! / your grandchild / again / look at for him, /

a´-biama´. E´di atha´-biama´. Shi ni´kashiñga aka´ma, wagtha´de-hnoñ´ ama´
said they, they say. / There / went they say. / Again / men / they were, it is said / crawling up on them / they say /

Oñ´poñ-ma. Shi wiñ´ke-xti-oñ´, a´-biama´. Hau! Ishti´nike, shiñ´gazhiñga uhe´
Elk the ones who. / Again / he told the truth indeed / said he they say. / Ho! / Ictinike, / children / path /

u´wagithixi´da-ga, a´-biama´. Ahau´! a´-biama´. Ahoñ´ga bthiñ´ thoñ´zha e´githe
look out for them, / said they, they say. / Oho! / said he they say. / Before / I am / though / beware /

u'e´tha hniñ´ tai. 'Oñ´ moñbthiñ´ te oñthoñ´woñthahe´ moñhniñ´ tai, a´-biama´. A´thiñ
scattering / you / will. / How / I walk / the / you follow me / you walk / shall / said he they say. / Ridge /

ke a´+pathage goñ´ uha´-biama´. Ni´kashiñga a´kishu´ga goñ´ we´na'a´xe
the / headland / so / he went along they say. / Men / standing thick / so / passing close to / so / passed along /

atha´-biama´ Wi´ebthiñ, wi´ebthiñ, e´ moñthiñ´-biama´ Ishti´nike aka´. Bthu´ga-xti
went, they say. / It is I, / It is I, / said / walked they say / Ictinike / the (sub.). / All /

t'e´watha´-biama´. Oñ´poñ tha´bthiñ unu´shta-bi ki Ishti´nike i´nitha-hnoñ´-biama´.
they killed them they say. / Elk / three / remained from shooting, they say / when / Ictinike / took refuge with him only they say. /

Shoñ´-xti he´ thoñ thishnu´de the´tha-bi egoñ´ we´tiñ the´tha-biama´. Oñ´poñ ethi´ge
All at once / horn / the / pulled off / suddenly they say / having / hit them with them / sending them off, they say. / Elk / they call you /

tai´. Gu´diha moñthiñi´-ga, a´-biama´.
will. / Further off / walk ye, / said he they say. /