sithemakañ's adventure as a deer.

Sithe´makoñ iwkoñ´ zhu´gigtha´-biama´ ena´-xchi. E´githe wa'u´ tha´bthiñ
Sithemakañ / his grandmother / dwelt in a lodge / he with his own they say / alone. / It happened / woman / three /

athe´ ama´ma. Sithe´makoñ-e´, wa'e´ oñga´the tai´ he´, a´-biama´. Hiñ+! winoñ´,
were going, they say. / Sithemakañ O! / to hoe / we go / will / . / said they, they say. / Oh! / first daughter /

the´ke wake´g edegoñ´ tha´thuha´-xchi iñ´t'e he´, a´-biama´ ikoñ´ aka´. Thazha´i ki
this (lg. ob.) / sick / but / nearly / dead to me / . / said, they say / his grandmother / the (sub.). / You doubt / if /

doñba´i-a he´, the´ke, a´-biama´. Doñba´-bi ki maxu´de koñ´ha ke´di shoñ´-xti
look at him / . / this the (lg. ob.) / said she they say. / They say him they say / when / ashes / edge / by the / just so /

uki´+patoñ zhoñ´-biama´, xage´ zhoñ´-biama´ Sithemakoñ aka´, Hoñ!
turning himself / he lay they say / crying / he lay they say / Sithemakañ / the (sub.), / Hañ! / hañ! / hañ! /

Doñba´-biama´ wa'u´ tha´bthiñ aka´. Hiñ+! shikoñ´, wiñ´ke-xchi-oñ´ wa'u´zhiñga.
They saw him they say / woman / three / the (sub.). / H! / husband's sister, / she told the exact truth / old woman. /

Tha´thuha-xchi t'e´ ke´, a´-biama´. Atha´-biama´ wa'u´ tha´bthiñ ama´. Oñ´tha-
Nearly very / dead / he lies, / said, they say. / Went they say / woman / three / the (sub.). / They left him /

biama´. Oñ´tha atha´-bi ki Sithe´makoñ aka´ pa´hoñ a´tia´tha-biama´. Koñha´,
they say. / Leaving him / they went they say / when / Sithemakañ / the (sub.) / arose / suddenly they say. / Grandmother. /

she´ke tashniñ´gthishkaha´ u´zhiha iñ´'itha´-ga a´-biama´. Gi´'i the´tha-biama´. Sithe´-
that (lg. ob.) / spotted fawn-skin / bag / hand to me / said he, they say. / Gave him / suddenly they say. / Sithe- /

makoñ bthu´ga ugi´nazhiñ´-biama´, ta´xti gaxa´-biama´. E´goñ thie´ bahoñ´-xti
makañ / the whole / stood in his own they say, / deer / made they say. / So / side / middle of rounded part very /

thoñ moñ´ wiñ uba´xoñ gaxa´-biama´, i wami´ gaxa´-biama´. Noñ´ge goñ
the (ob.) / arrow / one / sticking in / made they say, / mouth / blood / made they say. / Running / so /

atha´-biama´ Wa'u´ tha´bthiñ wa'e´-ma-ta ahi´-biama´. Hoñbthiñ´ge wa'e´ moñthiñ´-
he went, they say. / Woman / three / those hoeing to / arrived they say. / eans / hoeing / walked /

biama´ wa'u´ ama´. Hiñ+! shikoñ´, ta´xti wiñ the
they say / woman / the (sub.). / Oh! / brother's wife / deer / one / this / badly wounded / he is coming / . / said she they say. /

Athiñ´ atha´-biama´. Shoñ´ woñ´githe-xti wa'u´ ama´ thixa´-biama´. Athiñ´ atha´-bi
Having him / they went, they say. / And / all very / woman / the (sub.) / chased it, they say. / Having him / they went they say, /

goñ´ utiñ´ ki gashnoñ´gi goñ´ we´ahide´-xti wa´thiñ ahi´-biama´. Wi´ubeni agi´-
so / they hit / when / missed when it got to him / so / far very / having them / he arrived, they say. / Going round them / coming back /

biama´ Sithe´makoñ ama´. Agi´-bi egoñ´ u´zhiha ginoñ´shnuda´-bi egoñ´ hoñbthiñ´ge
they say / Sithemakañ / the (sub.). / Coming back, they say / having / bag / pulled off they say / having / beans /

ite´githe uzhi´-biama´ u´zhiha ke. 'Iñ´ the´tha-bi egoñ´ agtha´-biama´ ikoñ´ thiñke´
putting together / put in they say / bag / the (ob.). / Carried / suddenly they say / having / he went homeward they say. / his grandmother / the (ob.) /

gita´Pe. Ikoñ´ thiñke´di 'ñ* aki´-biama´. Koñha´, du´aka u´zhiha a´naxth
drew near his own. / His grandmother / to the / carrying / he reached home, they say. / Grandmother, / this one here / sack / hiding /

ihe´tha-ga, a´-biama´. Xa´de noñ´de ke´ta e´gih ithe´tha-biama´, a´nanxth ihe´tha-
put away, / said he they say. / Grass / side of tent / at the / headlong / she sent suddenly they say, / hiding / she put it /

biama´. Ki wa'u´ tha´bthiñ agi´-biama´. Na! wa'u´zhiñga thitu´shpa hoñbthiñ´ge
they say. / And / woman / three / coming back, they say. / Why! / old woman / your grandchild / beans /

oñki´'ai thoñ´shti woñ´gishe´-xti we´'iñ agi´i te he´, a´-biama´. Hiñ+! winoñ´,
we hoed for ourselves / heretofore / all very / carrying for us / was coming back / . / said, she they say. / Oh! / first daughter,

oñ´kazhi´-xti-oñ he´. The´ke wake´ge shtoñ´bai te shoñshoñ´-xti-oñ he´, a´-biama´.
not so very / . / This (lg. ob.) / sick / you saw / as / he continues very / . / said she they say. /

Doñba´-biama´ ki, Hiñ+! shikoñ´, wiñ´ke-xti-oñ he´, na´thuha´-xchi t'e´ ke he´,
They saw they say / when, / Oh! / brother's wife, / she told the exact truth / . / nearly very / dead / he lies / . /

a´-biama´. Agtha´-biama´ wa'u´ ama´. Koñha´, ke´, uhoñ´-ga, a´-biama´.
said she they say. / Went homeward they say / woman / the (sub.). / Grandmother, / come, / cook them, / said he they say. /

Watha´te zhu´gigtha´-biama´ Koñha´, ua´gashoñ bthe´ te, a´-biama´. Moñ´de ke
Eating / he with his own they say. / Grandmother, / I travel / I go / will / said he they say. / Bow / the (ob.) /

gthi´za-bi egoñ´ atha´-biama´. Shoñ´-xti xa´de shku´be sidu´hi shku´be u´doñ-xti
took his own they say / having / he went, they say. / All at once / grass / deep / siduhi / deep / good very /

thoñ e´di ahi´-biama´. Xa´de thibu´t ithoñ´-biama´. Shoñ´-xchi agthe´ ama´. Ki´-
the (ob.) / there / he arrived they say. / Grass / he made / it round they say. / All at once / he went homeward they say. / Reached home /

bi egoñ´ xage´-hnoñ ga´xe gthiñ´-biama´. Ea´toñ thaxa´ge a´, a´-biama´ ikoñ´
they say / having / crying regularly / made / he sat they say. / Why / you cry / ? / said she they say / his grandmother /

aka´. Oñ´hoñ, koñha´, u´shkoñ wiñ oñ´bahi e´de te´xi he´gazhi, a´-biama´. Eda´doñ
the (sub.). / Yes, / grandmother, / deed / one / I am picked out / but / difficult / not a little, / said, he they say. / What /

te´xi ki goñ´ ushne´ te he´, a´-biama´. Koñha´, wachi´gaxe oñ´bahi, a´-biama´.
difficult / if / so / you tell it / will / . / said, she they say. / Grandmother, / to dance / I am picked out, / said, he they say. /

E´de, koñha´, u´thaze zhu´wigi´gthe te i´, a´-biama´. A´wate te´xi te goñ´ e´di
But / grandmother, / to chorus / I with you / will / they said, / he said they say. / Where / difficult / the (ob.) / still / there /

oñga´the te´, a´-biama´ wa'u´zhiñga aka´. E´di ahi´-biama´ ki, Koñha´, the e´de
we go / will, / said, they say / old woman / the (sub.). / There / arrived, they say / when, / Grandmother, / this / but /

noñ´te thishtoñ´ a´kia´gthai ke, a´-biama´. Shoñ´-xti goñ moñ´de zhiñ´ga gthi´za-
dancing / finished / they have gone homeward / said, he they say. / All at once / bow / little / took his own /

bi egoñ´ noñta´-biama´. Ikoñ´ thiñke´ u´thaza´-biama´. Ikoñ´ uthu´gixa´-
they say / having / he danced they say. / His grandmother / the (st. one) / chorused they say. / His grandmother / the (st. one) / he made sport of his own /

they say. /