Mashchiñ´ge aka´ ikoñ thiñke´ zhu´gigthe´ gthiñ´ aka´ma.
Ki uga´shoñ ahi´-
Rabbit / the (sub.) / his grandmother / the (ob.) / he
with his own / was sitting, they say. / And / traveling /
he arrived there /
biama´. Xe´ki we´thixuxu´i shoñ´xti goñ´ a´kishuga´-xti
zhoñ´-hnoñ the´goñ ama´
they say. / Under the bluffs / prickly-ash / just as it
happened / very dense / lay only (habitually) / thus /
they say /
(uchi´zhe e´ wakai´). Goñ ni´ashiñga sigthai´ ke´di si´
ke snedea´xti-hnoñ´i ke,
thicket / that / he meant. / And / person / trail (?) /
at the / foot / the (lg. ob.) / long very habitually was /
the (lg. ob.) /
a´-biama´. E´githe e´gasa´ni ki, Koñha´, watoñ´be bthe´
ta´ miñke, a´-biama´.
said he they say. / It came to pass / the following day
/ when / Grandmother / I see / I go / will / I who / said
he they day. /
E´githe hoñ´egoñ´che atha´-biama´. Atha´-biama´ ki
e´githe agi´ a´tia´gtha-
It came to pass / in the morning / he went, they say. /
He went, they say / when / it came to pass / they were
returning / suddenly /
biama´. The´ mi´ashiñga ga´hitheame´ ama´,
ethe´goñ-biama´. Uhe´ athai´ ukoñ´ska
they say. / This / person / those who moved yonder / are
they / he thought, they say. / Path (course) / he went /
in a straight line with /
itoñ´shiata zhoñ´-biama´. E´githe e´di ahi´-biama´ ki
i´thai-bazhi´-biama´, si´gthe ke
ahead / he lay they say. / It came to pass / there /
arrived they say / when / he was not found they say, /
footprints / the (lg. ob.) /
a´higi ga´xe goñ i´thai-bazhi´-biama´ a´kihoñ a´ia´thai
te. Goñ´ki shi pi´ itoñ´thiata
many / he made / so / he was not found, they say /
beyond / he had gone / the. / And / again / anew / ahead /
athai´ te, itoñ´-thiata i´zhoñ-biama´. She´te wiñ
shuthe´ te hau´, a´-biama´ A´nase
he went, / ahead / of him he lay they say. / That (ob.)
/ one / will come to you / ! / said he they say. / To head
him off /
mazhiñ´-ga hau´, a´-biama´ kia´xpaxpa´gthe. Egithe wiñ´
ama´ uhoñ´gata moñthiñ´
stand thou / ! / said they they say / walking back and
forth among themselves. / It came to pass / one / the (mv.
sub.) / at the end / was walking, /
ama´. Ga´te shuthe´ te hau´, a´-biama´, the a´nase
nazhiñ´ ui´tha the´thai te. Ki
they say. / That (unseen ob.) / will come to you / ! /
said he they say, / this / to head him off / to stand /
telling him / he sent it. / And /
uchi´zhe bazoñ´ atha´-biama´. E´githe goñ´ aka´ma
i´tha-ba´zhi ga´xai te uba´-hata
thicket / pushing among / went they say. / It came to
pass / after standing awhile / he found him not / he
pretended / at the side /
i´nazhiñ ki moñ ke gthi´zai te. Goñ ma´ñde ke goñ
thidoñ´i te. The shuthe´
of it he stood / and / arrow / the (lg. ob.) / he took
his own. / and / bow / the (lg. ob.) / so / he pulled it.
/ This / coming to you /
te uthi´xida-ga, a´-biama´, gashtoñ´ka te. Goñ moñ ke
thishi´bai te Mashchiñge
which / look out for it, / said he they say, / he
tempted him. / And / arrow / the (lg. ob.) / he pulled and
let go / when / Rabbit /
ku´soñde´-xti ithoñ´thai te. Goñ xage´ ama´ Mashchiñ´ge.
Iñ´a'*! iñ´a'*! iñ´a'*!
through and through / he put it (the arrow). / And / he
was crying, they say / Rabbit. / (the rabbit's cry), /
a´-biama´ Mashchiñ´ge aka´. Kage´ha, t'e´thathe,
a´-biama´. Kage´ha, a'iñ´ ta´
said he they say / Rabbit / the. / O friend, / you
killed him, / said he they say. / O friend, / I carry it
on my back / will /
miñke hau´, a´-biama´. Mashchiñ´ge uoñ´si
a´ia´tha-biama´. Ki moñ´ ke thishnu´da-
I who / ! / said he they say. / Rabbit / leaping / he
had gone they say. / And / arrow / the / he pulled out of
biama´. Ki athiñ´ atha´-biama´. Goñ thixa´-biama´.
Mashchiñ´ge wami´ ma´ ke
they say. / And / having it / he went they say. / And /
they chased him they say. / Rabbit / blood / snow / the
(lg. ob. ) /
zhi´-de ke´ ama´ma thixai´ te. Moñshoñ´de
ugi´Paaza´-biama´, i´gat'oñ-biama´.
red / was lying, they say / as they / chased. / Den /
they scared him into his own they say, / he grunted they
say. /
Koñha´, t'e´oñthe´-xchi-oñ´i, a´-biama´. Huñ! hu´ñ*!
a´-biama´. Ikoñ´ i´gaskoñtha´-
Grandmother, / they have altogether killed me, / said he
they say. / Huñ! / huñ! / said, they say. / His
grandmother / tried him (sic) /
biama´. Naxi´de-thithiñ´ge i´thanahiñ ehoñ´+. Thi´-hnoñ
uthi´na-bi, ehe´ ki, thaxa´ga-
they say. / disobedient you are / you-truly / ! / You
only / they sought you, it was reported / I said / when /
you cry /
a´-biama´. Witu´shpa, makoñ´ itha´pahoñ doñ´shte-moñ´
a´thiñhe´, a´-biama´. Koñha´,
said he they say. / My grandchild, / medicine / I know
it / (dubitative sign) / I who move / said she they say. /
Grandmother, /
zhi´-xti goñ´ thagthiñ´ ete´de, a´-biama´. Goñ, Koñha´,
makoñ´ ui´ne noñ thiñ´-ga,
not at all / so / you sit / should have, / said she they
say. / And, / Grandmother, / medicine / to seek it (for
one) / walk /
noñ´pa-hi´ ge-thoñ´ wiñ´ iñ´thiñ gi´-ga, a´-biama´. Koñ´
aka´ athiñ´ aki´-biama´.
chokecherry bush / the (pl.) in the past / one / bring
back for me / said he they say. / His grandmother / the
(sub.) / having it / reached home, they say. /
Goñ thata´-biama´. Goñ i´gini´-biama´.
And / he ate it, they say. / And / he recovered by it,
they say. /