how the rabbit killed the black bears.

Mashchiñ´ge ikoñ´ thiñke´ zhu´gigthe ahi´-biama´. Goñ´ki, koñha´, te-zhe´ga
Rabbit / his grandmother / the / he with his own / arrived they say. / And / grandmother / buffalo thigh (upper leg) /

ke 'iñ´-ga, a´-biama´. Tu´shpathoñ+! wakoñ´dakithai´ a´doñ noñ´pewathe´-xchi
the / carry on your back, / said he they say. / O grandchild! / he makes himself a deity / therefore / dangerous very /

zhoñ´i. Oñnoñ´-xixi´xe tai´. Ubthi´'age, a´-biama´. Ke´, koñha´, shoñ te-thi´tiñ
he lies. / Me with his leg crush many times / will. / I am unwilling, / said she they say. / Come, / grandmother, / then / buffalo rib /

'iñ´-ga ha, a´-biama´. Wi´tushpa´! thigthoñthiñ, a´-biama´. Thie´ thoñ oñ´bichichi´zhe
carry on your back / . / said he they say. / My grandchild! / you are silly, / said she they say. / Side / the / me pressing on break in /

tai´; ski´ge he, a´-biama´. Xa-i´! a´-biama´, a´wathoñ tha'iñ´ te, a´-biama´. Goñ,
will; / heavy / . / said she they say. / What! / said he they say, / where-the / you carry on your back / will, / said he they say. / And, /

Pa´ thoñ 'iñ´-ga ha, shi a´-biama´. Tu´shpathoñ! hi´ pai´, e´githe oñ´thaxixi´xe tai´,
head / the / carry on your back / . / again / said he they say. / O grandchild! / teeth / the / sharp, / beware, lest / me they crush by biting / will, /

a´-biama´. Noñ´-ape cha´be, a´-biama´. Ki, Hau´! koñha´, te-moñ´ge ke 'iñ´-ga
said she, they say. / I am afraid of them / very / said she they say. / And, Ho! / grandmother, / buffalo breast / the / carry on your back /

ha, a´-biama´. Tu´shpathoñ´! she´e he, a´-biama´ Goñ´ki zhsha ke utha´ha gaxa´-
. / said he they say. / O grandchild! / that is it / . / said she they say. / And / &membrum &virile / the / joined to it / he made /

biama´. E´ gi´tha-biama´ wa'u´zhiñga. Goñ, ke´, koñha´, moñgthiñ´-ga ha.
they say. / That / she rejoiced they say / old woman. / And, / come, / grandmother, / begone / . /

'Iñ´-adoñ moñgthiñ´-ga ha, a´-biama´ Mashchiñ´ge aka´. [E´githe miñ´doñbe noñba´
Carry it on your back / and / begone / . / said, they say / Rabbit / the. / [At length / hour / two /

te´di] uxthe´ shaki´ ta´ miñke, a´-biama´. Ikoñ´ aka´ 'iñ´ agtha´-biama´. Ki goñ´ki
at the] / quickly / I come home to you / will / I who, / said I who. / His grandmother / the / carrying on her back / went homeward, they say. / And / then /

uxthu´xa Pamu´ e´degoñ gasnu´g ithoñ´ agthai´ goñ´ki zhe´ ke uki´Paha´-xti iñ´zhe thoñ
hollow / going down hill / but / slipped / suddenly / went / and / &membrum &virile / the / pushed its way very far / vagina / the /

2the´the-hnoñ´-biama´. U-u+! e-hnoñ´-biama´. Goñ´ki itu´shpa e´di agtha´-biama´.
went suddenly habitually they say. / Oh! Oh! / said only they say. / And / her grandchild, / there / went homeward, they say. /

E´githe i´githa´-biama´. Gitoñ´ba-biama´. I´betoñ agtha´-biama´. Pi´azhi i´nahiñ
It came to pass / he found his own they say. / He saw his own they say. / Passing around / went homeward they say. / Bad / truly /

wa'u´zhiñga ga´xai, ethe´goñ agtha´-biama´. Goñki ti´ teta aki´-biama´. Ma-
old woman / did, / thinking / went homeward they say. / And / lodge / the--at / reached home, they say / Rab- /

shchiñ´ge-iñ´ ama´. Goñ´ki ikoñ´ ama´ goñ´te-xti aki´-biama´. Goñ Ea´toñ
bit / the. / And / his grandmother / the (mv.) / a while very / reached home, they say. / And / Why /

moñhniñ´, a´-biama´. Tu´shpathoñ+! Pa´thiñ zhiñ´ga ika´gewatha´the ama´ oñ´kipai
you walk, / said he they say. / O grandchild! / Pawnee / young / you have them for friends / the (pl.) / they met me /

egoñ´ zhuoñ´gthe aki´; watha´toñkithai´ egoñ´ agthi´-ma´zhi. Goñ´ki ki´ ama´ ki
having / with me / they reac2qd home; / they caused me to eat / having / I did not come home. / And / reached home / they say / when /

goñ´ki ikoñ´ thiñke´ wake´ga, a´-biama´. Wami´ he´be gi´oñtha the´tha-biama´.
then / his grandmother / the / sick, / she said, they say. / Blood / piece / he threw on her / sent forcibly they say. /

ikoñ´ thiñke´ wami´-a´gthoñ gia´xa-biama´. Koñha´, pi´azhi´-xchi shka´xe. A´shi
His grandmother / the / blood diaper (?) / he made for her they say. / Grandmother, / bad very / you did. / Out of doors /

moñthiñ´-ga. Koñha´, a´shi uhoñ´-ga. She´-thoñ watha´ki'iñ te-moñ´ge a´shi gtha´ta-
walk. / Grandmother, / out of doors / cook. / That (cv. ob.) you carried it on your back / buffalo breast / out of doors / eat your /

ga ha, a´-biama´. Tu´shpashoñ+! t'ea´githe´-xti-moñ´ ena´, a-biama´. E´goñ tate´,
own / . / said they say. / O grandchild! / I kill my own very I do / ! / said they say. / So / it shall be, /

iñgthoñ´+! a´-biama´ Mashchiñ´ge ikoñ´ aka´.
O first son! / said, they say / Rabbit / his grandmother / the. /